Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 147 Not enough money?Increase the pay

Chapter 147 Not enough money?Increase your pay~
"Pixar animation?" Wayne raised his eyebrows in surprise, then showed an expression of realization.

"Yes, George Lucas sold Pixar Animation to Steve Jobs for 1000 million US dollars. This made him ridiculed a lot. It is probably already a knot in his heart."

Wayne couldn't help but curl his lips.

However, George Lucas's worries are indeed unfounded, because he is convinced that even without his intervention, Industrial Light and Magic will get bigger and better, and its final valuation will be higher than that of its parent company, Lucasfilm. The karma is still high.

George Lucas would really lose money if he sold Industrial Light and Magic at this time.

But he was determined to win Industrial Light and Magic, so he had to find a way to convince George Lucas.

"You say, what if we use cash to tie up a part of Pixar Animation's stock? In addition, I can also provide him with an investment of 2 million US dollars for "Star Wars Episode 1500", accounting for only 12% of the preferred box office share."

“What about the total amount of stock plus cash?”

"Try to keep it within 1.15 million!" Wayne quickly calculated the system funds currently on hand and said.

"Okay I'll go talk to George Lucas again."

After determining the direction of negotiations for the next film, Wayne left the company with Jessica and Lily without staying any longer.

However, what he didn't know was that Jessica didn't pay attention to his conversation with Sierra. Instead, Lily wrote it down verbatim, and as soon as she got home, she told her mother, Jill Tavor. Man.

"What? Wayne is actually going to spend $1.1 million to acquire Industrial Light and Magic, a subsidiary of Lucasfilm?" Gil Taverman was shocked when he heard the news.

This is 1.1 million US dollars!It’s not a small amount!

It was obvious that Wayne and Hemera Pictures' financial resources were much greater than she originally thought.

"It seems that Hemera Pictures' strength is still higher than Miramax and Lionsgate Pictures. Looking at all the medium-sized production companies in Hollywood, only DreamWorks and Pixar Animation should be able to stably surpass it, enough Ranked in the top five.”

"Mom, can you help Wayne?" Lily asked Jill Tawerman with her bright eyes wide open.

Although she was only 12 years old at this time, thanks to her mother's words and deeds, she knew more about certain things than the average girl of this age.

Jill Tawerman frowned slightly and started thinking quickly.

George Lucas had already divorced his first wife, who was many years older than him. Although he currently has several lovers, he does not have a new wife.

It is impossible to influence George Lucas through pillow style.

However, the chief operating officer of Lucasfilm is a member of the Beverly Hills Women's Club and has some friendship with her.

If it can be persuaded to agree to the acquisition, it will definitely influence George Lucas's decision.

Thinking of this, Jill Tawarman first asked Lily to practice her lines and body posture, then returned to the room and rummaged through her business card folder.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

I don’t know whether it was Wayne’s new conditions that impressed George Lucas, or whether Gil Tawerman’s efforts had an effect. In short, in these two recent contacts, Serra could clearly feel that George Lucas Lucas' attitude has changed a lot since the beginning.

While Wayne is paying attention to the acquisition of Industrial Light and Magic, other work has not stopped.With the arrival of this large amount of system funds, first of all, the acquisition of the original copyright of "The Notebook", which had been delayed for nearly two months, was finally finalized.

Impressed by the 'sincerity' of Hemera Pictures, the original author, 'King of Pure Love' Nicholas Sparks, finally sold the copyright of "The Notebook" for US$700 million, and with a salary of US$50, he served as the director of "The Notebook". One of the film's two screenwriters.

Then the preliminary preparations for "Taken" were accelerated again, and a contract was signed in advance with Liam Neeson, who had been thinking about signing the contract, and the first part of the film was paid a salary of US$200 million.

In the end, Wayne's 600 million salary in "Mean Girls" was all settled as his role was completed, and then the money was once again used by him to acquire Pixar Animation stock.

As a result, his personal holdings of Pixar Animation stock have reached 1.2%, plus the 3.75% held by Hemera Pictures, the total shareholding ratio has reached 4.95%.

For this reason, Steve Jobs, who had been aware of his actions from the beginning, and who had been waiting quietly to see what happened, also called him specifically.

After more than half an hour of communication, it was confirmed that Wayne was only optimistic about the development of Pixar animation, wanted to obtain some profits from the stock market, and had no intention of acquiring Pixar. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he politely made an appointment to play golf together some time, and then Jobs hung up the phone.

As for whether he was a true believer or a false believer, Wayne didn't know.Anyway, if there is a chance, Wayne will definitely swallow Pixar animation without hesitation.

"Gee, it's really interesting to be able to make the 'Godfather of Apple' so nervous. But the money is too wasteful."

On the lounge chair by the pool, Wayne glanced at Hannah, Jessica and Lily who were playing in the pool, and then opened the system panel to check.

[Remaining film and television investment funds: 15081 million]

[Film and television projects currently in progress:]

[Resident Evil 1 and 2: The production budget was 6500 million, and 3685 million has been invested so far]

[Mean Girls: The production budget is 2000 million, and 1379 has been invested so far]

[Hurricane Rescue: The production budget is 3500 million, and 790 million has been invested so far]

[Arhat Eleven (18%): Estimated investment of 1500 million, currently 700 million has been invested]

[Pirates of the Caribbean (16%): Estimated investment of 2000 million, currently 0 invested]

[Spider-Man 1 (22%): Estimated investment of 3000 million, currently 1000 million has been invested]

[The Notebook: Estimated investment is 3800 million, and 875 million has been invested so far]

Although there is currently 1.5 million remaining investment funds, which seems to be a lot, if you deduct the 1.2 million budget used to acquire Industrial Light and Magic and the 500 million first investment in Pirates of the Caribbean, the remaining money is not enough to complete " The production of "Resident Evil" is completed!

Therefore, in order to obtain more system returns, he had to work hard and increase his salary for "The Notebook" to 1300 million US dollars, thereby increasing the production budget of this film to 3800 million US dollars.

"It seems that we still need to complete the production of Mean Girls as soon as possible. As for the purchase of Transformers, Godzilla and the adaptation rights of "Midnight Ring", we can only continue to postpone it."

(End of this chapter)

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