Chapter 148 Camilla

Although there were many things he wanted to do, the fact was that he was limited by insufficient funds. He took note of them and became free.

As a result, Monica Bellucci, Catherine Zeta Jones, Rachel Weisz, Keri Russell and Isla Fisher, who also had no work for the time being, were extremely happy. .

With Wayne's full firepower, everyone was fed well, and the whole person looked radiant and a little happy.

Work and so on are not as important as timely pleasure!
It is worth mentioning that, like Liam Neeson, Monica Bellucci has also completed the contract in advance and won the role of the wife of the second female protagonist in "Taken".

And this also made her heart fall into despair, and she became more attentive in serving Wayne.

"Dear, this is the secret pizza I learned from a famous local old woman when I was filming in Sicily. Try it."

Seeing Monica getting up early in the morning with her tired body and working hard for nearly three hours to prepare the steaming pizza, even though Wayne had just finished shooting the scenes of "Thriller Room" yesterday, he could finally After taking a good rest, Nicole Kidman made an appointment to have lunch at her house today, but she still smiled and started eating with big mouthfuls.

“Hey, it tastes very good!”

The mellow cheese combined with the sweet and sour tomatoes and the salty aroma of the ham slices made Wayne's eyes brighten, but he didn't expect that the pizza made by Monica was really so delicious. It was no better than the top-notch Italian pizza he often ordered for takeout. The restaurant is not doing well.

"Really? It would be great if you like it!"

Monica immediately smiled and sat down next to Wayne and started eating with him.

Of course, compared to Wayne's gobbling, Monica's eating appearance is much more elegant.

As a result, looking at her sexy lips, Wayne couldn't hold back anymore and negotiated a big deal worth hundreds of millions with her. As a result, he was late for his date with Nicole Kidman as expected.

"Sorry, honey, I'm late."

"It's okay, I just happen to have guests visiting here."

Wayne raised his eyebrows in surprise, and after hesitating for a moment, he followed her into the living room.

Anyway, Nicole Kidman is divorced now, so even if a friend sees him here, it probably won't matter.

However, the identities of these two guests were somewhat beyond his expectations.

"Ah! You, you are Wayne Anderson!" The girl, who looked fourteen or fifteen years old, had an exotic and delicate face, and a very pleasant smile, looked at Wayne and subconsciously exclaimed.

"Camilla! You can't be so rude!" The girl next to her looked exactly like her, but she was a little older. The dignified woman scolded her first, and then looked at Wayne in surprise, apologetically. said:

"Sorry, Mr. Anderson, I'm Christina Gould, a fashion designer, and this is my daughter, Camilla Belle, who has always been a fan of yours."

"It's really Camilla Belle!" Wayne said it didn't matter, but in his heart he was no less surprised than the mother and daughter in front of him.

After all, this is Camilla Belle. In her previous life, she defeated Emma Watson, Kristen Stewart, Lily Collins and other top buds, and topped the list of the [-] most beautiful faces in the world.Now Camilla Belle is actually his fan. Even now that he has gained so many top beauties, he still can't help but feel happy.

"Hi Camila, I'm glad you're a fan."

After shaking hands, signing autographs, and taking photos, Camilla finally calmed down and sat back next to her mother obediently.

At this time, Nicole Kidman also smiled and explained: "In the movie "Super G" released in 98, Camilla played me as a child."

Wayne suddenly understood, and roughly understood that Nicole Kidman and Christina Gould were probably just friends.

But looking at the eagerness flashing in Christina Gould's eyes when she looked at him from time to time, he knew that next, Christina Gould would try to actively build a relationship with Nicole Kidman.

Of course, after realizing that Wayne was dating Nicole Kidman, Christina Gould wisely declined Nicole's invitation to stay for lunch and took the initiative to say goodbye.

Looking at Camilla who looked back three times and was still reluctant to leave until she got into the car, both Wayne and Nicole Kidman couldn't help but smile.

"This little girl likes you very much!" After closing the door, Nicole looked at Wayne with a half-smile.

"Isn't this normal?" Wayne smiled and shrugged, put his arm around her waist, pulled her into his arms, and said very Versailles: "Even a big star like you is so obsessed with me. It’s abnormal for Camilla not to like me, right?”

Nicole rolled her eyes cutely, then hooked her arms around Wayne's neck and kissed him.

Of course she knew how charming Wayne was and how carefree he was, so she was just teasing him just now.

Anyway, Camilla has reached the age limit. Even if something happens to Wayne, others can't say anything. After all, Wayne is actually only 20 years old at this time.

What's more, based on her understanding of Christina Gould, even if Camilla herself didn't have this intention, Christina Gould would probably try her best to encourage Camilla to hug Wayne's lap.

But when she thought that there would definitely be more and more young and beautiful girls around Wayne in the future, she felt that she had to enjoy herself in time before she got old.

"I changed my mind. Before the main meal, I want to have some dessert~"

Ignoring whether it was reasonable to eat dessert before a meal, Nicole Kidman threw a seductive look at Wayne after speaking, and then took the initiative to squat down.

It has to be said that Nicole Kidman is impeccable in terms of appearance, figure, temperament, and skills. Among the women who have had in-depth exchanges with him, only Charlize Theron and Monica Bay Rucci is comparable.

However, with the addition of Nicole Kidman, his originally abundant time became somewhat insufficient.

Especially on February 2, the crew of "Mean Girls" finally finished filming and moved into post-production after 28 days of filming.

Even the clingiest and craziest Amanda Seyfried still has to go to school and only has time on weekends. Even if his body and energy can still hold on, there are four more women who need to be fed all of a sudden. He couldn't arrange the time either.

(End of this chapter)

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