Chapter 162 Avril’s Luck
To be honest, although everyone's backs are dirty, as upper-class people, they really rarely hold parties like Harvey and pimp others.

Early the next morning, Wayne excitedly ran to find Avril with his newly written music score. With his enhanced brain, he mastered all the theories about composition and arrangement in just one day. With knowledge, I can already copy the songs in my memory into musical scores.

"Huh? Music score? My dear, what are you—" Avril looked at the music score in Wayne's hand and was stunned for a moment as expected.

"This is the song I wrote for you."

Avril, who had just come back to her senses, couldn't help but be stunned again.

"You wrote it yourself?!"

"That's right!" Wayne continued affectionately: "Actually, when I saw you for the first time, I couldn't help but have a melody pop up in my head, and then I deliberately found a composition teacher to learn from it. With my knowledge of composition, I have finally written this song!”

When their eyes met, Avril seemed to have been shot in the heart by Cupid's arrow. An indescribable joy and sweetness turned into warm currents throughout her body, making her unable to help but throw herself on Wayne, dying like an octopus. He clung to Wayne so much that he wished he could become one with Wayne.

With a bang, the door was closed forcefully.

A few seconds later, in the spacious entrance of the villa, Avril was still looking at Wayne with love, as if she wanted to imprint Wayne's entire body on her soul.

However, what she didn't expect was that the surprise was far more than that.

After regaining a little strength, Avril picked up the torn T-shirt, which covered no part of her living area, and looked even more tempting, put it on her body, and then ran to get her guitar. , and started singing according to the score written by Wayne.

Originally, she thought that the songs written by Wayne were just like that. After all, Wayne was not a professional singer or musician, and she only valued Wayne's wishes.

However, what she didn't expect was that the quality of the song was so high.

Before she could finish talking, her eyes widened unconsciously as soon as she reached the chorus.

There was no way, who made Wayne, a shameless person, just come up with Katy Perry's "Firework"? You must know that this song is a diamond single certified by the American Recording Industry Association with sales of over [-] million. , has topped the Billboard Hot [-] singles chart for four consecutive weeks!
You must know that Avril Lavigne's original title song "Complicated" from her first album achieved only the runner-up spot on the Billboard Hot 8 singles chart.As for "Sk[-]er Boi", which is most familiar to Chinese fans, its best result is only tenth on the Billboard Hot [-] Singles Chart.

The first part of this song "Firework" is okay, but when it comes to the chorus, it instantly becomes extremely amazing.

The most important thing is that this song is really suitable for a singer like Avril Lavigne who also has great energy.

"Baby, you're a firework! Come on, let your colors burst"

When she sang the chorus again, Avril couldn't help but jump up on the bed while singing. She didn't even need Wayne's prompting to find the way to sing this song, with powerful high notes, and even specially made sound insulation The bedroom is almost unbearable.

However, Wayne's eyes were completely attracted by Avril's dancing.

Although it's not big, just average, it's really tempting in this situation.

With an exclamation, Avril was directly pulled into Wayne's arms.

"Dear, did you really write this yourself? I'm sorry, it's not that I doubted you, I was just too surprised!" After another in-depth exchange, Avril hugged Wayne's neck and couldn't help but ask.

No way, the quality of this song is much better than the two songs she has written so far. It would be strange if she wasn't surprised.

"Of course I wrote it," Wayne said with a shameless smile, "otherwise, who would easily give such a good song to others? Even if I buy it, I will definitely retain the copyright~"

Avril immediately felt it made sense when she heard it.

America is not India across the sea, and it still attaches great importance to copyright protection.

For such a good song, any musician would retain the copyright even if he sold it, so a song would last a lifetime.

"And this isn't the only melody I have in my head," Wayne said as she massaged her bunnies in hopes they would grow up.

"What else?" Avril suddenly showed an expression of surprise and expectation.

When Wayne saw this, he didn't try to tempt her. He just picked up the pen and wrote down the score of "Complicated".

Anyway, Avril has just arrived in Los Angeles, and she hasn’t even met Cliff Magness yet, let alone collaborated with The Matrix team to write this song.

When Avril saw this song that originally belonged to her, she fell in love with it at first sight.

And this song obviously has a different meaning than the original version.

"How about it?"

"My dear, you are so awesome!" Avril hugged Wayne's neck and said sweetly.The little punk princess at this moment is probably sweeter than Britney Spears.

"That's why I asked you to modify the contract with that Arista Records. Otherwise, it would be too much of a loss for them to make money from such a good deal."

Avril nodded vigorously, she was now completely convinced of Wayne.

"What about the lyrics?"

"I'll leave the lyrics to you, so we can create this song together~"

After Avril heard this and thought about it, her heart felt sweet again.

Just at this moment, her cell phone rang.

Her manager, Sandy Robert, has persuaded the record company to modify the contract. In order to express their optimism about Avril's potential, the other party will fly to Los Angeles this afternoon to re-sign the contract.

"Let them come to my company. It will also be convenient for me to find a lawyer when the time comes." Wayne said.

Although because of this incident, he had to temporarily modify today's itinerary, canceling his afternoon meeting with Annie, as well as Naomi Wo, who had just finished filming "Resident Evil" and was about to join the crew of "Taken" He had an in-depth communication with Ci, but it was good to take a break once in a while, and Avril was more attracted to him at this time than the two of them combined.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Wayne brought Avril, who had finally regained some strength, to the company, and met with the boss of Alista Records who had arrived by plane.

"Hello, Mr. Wayne, nice to meet you!" The boss of Arista Records had obviously done enough homework before coming and knew how big the gap between the two parties was, so he was very enthusiastic and showed a relaxed attitude. Very low.

It's no wonder that his net worth is only 5000 to 1000 million, and Arista Records is actually a small record company with a market value of less than [-] million.

As for Wayne, due to his continuous acquisition of some stocks in Marvel, Industrial Light and Magic, and Pixar Animation, as well as his own performance, his valuation has already exceeded [-] million.

The two sides are not at all on the same order of magnitude.

"Hello there!"

In line with the principle of not hitting the smiling person with his hand, Wayne also smiled, shook hands with him, and exchanged a few words with him.But in business, he would not let the other party go just because he lowered his attitude.

After about 10 minutes of negotiation, the new contract was signed. Avril still signed two albums with Arista Records, but the digital copyright part belonged entirely to Avril herself.

This means that if radio stations and television want to play these songs, all the copyright fees paid will belong to Avril Lavigne herself.

In a few years, when online music listening platforms emerge, those websites that want to buy copyrights will turn to Avril Lavigne herself and have nothing to do with record companies.

At the same time, the share ratio of physical records has also been changed to an exaggerated ratio of 500% for purchases below 20 million copies and 500% for purchases above 30 million copies.

To be honest, even Michael Jackson, Madonna, and Britney Spears cannot get such a high share of physical records.

After all, the sales volume of each of their albums is so high that one point may be worth millions or even tens of millions of dollars. It is obviously impossible for giants in the record industry such as Sony, Universal and PolyGram to let go of such a huge profit. .

Unless Michael Jackson and others follow Avril Lavigne's example and threaten termination, they will re-sign contracts with these record companies.

Unfortunately, the liquidated damages for superstars like them are as high as hundreds of millions of dollars. Even with their wealth, they still cannot afford such huge liquidated damages.

So Avril Lavigne is undoubtedly extremely lucky at this time.

Because he had not yet become famous, the record company he signed with was only a small record company, and the liquidated damages were not very high. With Wayne's help, he got rid of the rules set by those giants from the beginning.

"You really found a good partner!" Sandy Robert, who watched the entire negotiation process like a transparent person, couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

After Wayne impatiently said that Arista Records did not agree with his purchase of a record company, they had lost their bargaining power.

Because both he and his boss knew that Wayne not only had such financial resources, but was also fully capable of doing such a thing.

After all, Wayne is famous throughout Hollywood for his generosity towards his women.

Avril, who was also watching the whole process, raised her chin proudly when she heard this and corrected: "He is my boyfriend! And he is much better than that~!"

Obviously, Avril Lavigne's love for Wayne has basically reached its full potential at this time.

However, although Wayne also liked Avril very much, he still followed the original schedule and first sent the reluctant Avril home, and then drove to Nicole Kidman's place.

It has to be that Nicole Kidman’s little scheme really works.

Because of Camilla and her own charm, Wayne's visits to her place have obviously increased a lot during this period.

In the blink of an eye, time came to March 3th. That afternoon, Wayne had just finished his 18vs1 battle with Sarah Michelle, Isla Fisher, Annie and Martina, and returned to Wayne Manor by car. Meda and two maids took her to try on clothes.

As a qualified noble, you must have strict requirements for clothing.

On weekdays, Meda can't resist Wayne's lazy temperament, but if she attends a relatively high-end party tonight, Meda must seize the opportunity to use the topic to show off.

It just so happened that the handmade suits and dresses she had custom-made for Wayne from London in January were finally ready and delivered today through her connections at the Butler Academy.

As a result, it only took Wayne more than an hour to try out the dozen or so sets of the current season. He was so stunned that he didn't even take a bite of dinner before getting in the car to Lily's house.

"too frightening!"

Wayne couldn't help but complain as soon as he closed the car door.

Mia and Hannah also had the same idea as him, and even Jessica, who usually liked shopping and trying on clothes, had a scared expression on her face.

There was no way, Wayne couldn't stand it after only trying a dozen sets.

They have tried on dozens of suits, and many of their dresses are more complicated and troublesome than men's suits.

They started trying it out after lunch, but they didn't finish it until shortly before getting in the car.

However, custom-made dresses that cost tens of millions, with an average of no less than $[-] per set, do look good on you.

Although it is slightly lacking in fashion, it particularly highlights the figure and temperament. Simply put, it is very noble.

Moreover, fashion is easy to go out of style, but this kind of slightly 'simple' dress will not be out of date even after a few years or even more than ten years.

Moreover, a cumbersome suit consisting of four or five items not counting tie, belt, and shoes can be as comfortable as casual wear or sportswear, and there are no restrictions on activities. This really makes the two of them feel comfortable. It was the first time for Wayne to wear such a high-end suit, and he was amazed.

I have to say that it makes sense for handmade customization to be so expensive.

It is worth mentioning that the cost of these suits and dresses also went to the crew's props expenses.

However, because the amount was too large and the time was too long, it was divided into three parts. "The Bourne Supremacy" was responsible for the deposit, and "The Rescue" and "The Notebook" were each responsible for a portion of the balance.

It has to be said that he is now becoming more and more proficient in the rules of Hollywood.

Ten minutes later, Silver Angel drove the four of them to a luxurious villa covering an area of ​​about [-] square meters on Rexford Avenue. This was Lily's home.

(End of this chapter)

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