Chapter 163 The Surprise Continues
Mia and Jessica have both been here once, but only Wayne and Hannah are here for the first time.

"Let's go, it's just an ordinary party, you just need to stay with me." Wayne squeezed Hannah's hand and said softly.

In fact, Hannah originally didn't want to come to any party.

Although Jill Tawerman is still far from the top of Hollywood and even Beverly Hills, that is, the level where Rupert Murdoch and Ralph Roberts are all big bosses in the United States, But they also belong to the upper class.

Her daughter's birthday party must be attended by some high-class people.

This made Hannah unhappy about it.

But she had always had a good relationship with Lily. Now it was Lily's birthday and it was really unreasonable for her not to come, so she reluctantly came along.

As soon as the four of them arrived, they quickly attracted the attention of many guests around them.

After all, more than [-]% of the people who came to the party this time were women. Although many of them were couples with children, Wayne and the others were obviously the only ones in this situation with one man and three women.

"Who is he? Are those three women all her female companions?" Someone couldn't help but asked curiously.

Then someone quickly said in an exaggerated tone: "You don't even know him? Wayne Anderson, you haven't heard of this name, right?"

"You mean the boss behind Hemera Pictures, the new Hollywood billionaire 'Mr. Wayne'?"

"Who else but him."

"I didn't expect him to be as handsome as the rumors! No, he seems to be even more handsome than the rumors!"

"But he is a famous playboy. He has three girlfriends and a lot of lovers."

"But I heard that he seems to be very generous to his women, doesn't he?"

"I really want to get to know him."


There were almost 200 guests present at this time, and some of them had higher status than Wayne. For example, the mayor and mayor's wife of Beverly Hills, the granddaughters of the Hearst family, controlled hundreds of people. Anne Hearst, who has a net worth of [-] million, a certain female state congressman from Los Angeles, etc., but the four Waynes still became the focus of discussion among the guests present.

When Wayne glanced around, he quickly discovered many acquaintances, such as Julia Roberts and her niece Emma Roberts.

They say they came here with their parents, but in fact they are the Olsen sisters, the main ones, and O Mei, who is still a little follower.

There was also Catherine Zeta Jones, who had just given him a face of facial cleanser last night and was following 'Dr. Pym', but her eyes were secretly looking towards him.

In addition, he also saw many celebrities such as Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, Angelina Jolie, and Britney Spears who was probably with her parents.

In addition, as the CEO of Hemera Pictures and a new member of the women's club, Sera was naturally invited to the party.

"As expected of Mr. Wayne, he will be the focus of everyone's attention wherever he goes." Soon, Jill Taverman, who learned of his presence, came over with Sierra and two other women.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Jill Tawerman introduced the two women to Wayne.

"Let me introduce, this is Nina Jackson, head of Disney's production department. She has served as the executive producer of "The Sixth Sense" and "Glory Days" and is currently serving as the producer of "Pearl Harbor" and "The Princess Diaries" Producer"

When Wayne heard this, he showed an appropriately surprised expression, and at the same time he recognized the woman in front of him.

In addition to working in production-related jobs at DreamWorks, Universal, and Disney, Nina Jackson later also left her job to become an independent producer. The "Hunger Games" series is her masterpiece, and she is considered a very senior and excellent producer. Filmmaker.

"Hello Ms. Jackson, nice to meet you." Wayne smiled, shook her hand, and then looked at the other person.

"Katherine Bigelow is also a very good director, screenwriter, and producer." Jill Tawerman continued.

But a strange look flashed through Wayne's eyes quickly, because Jill Tawerman has another important identity that has not been introduced, that is, the man in front of him is obviously 50 years old, but he looks only in his 30s. The beautiful woman is also Cameron’s ex-wife.

Yes, that's the King of the World, Cameron.

Of course, these are not the point. The point is that these two women are both senior producers and their abilities are very good.

"Hello Ms. Bigelow" Wayne also shook hands with her, and then looked at Sierra with a hint of inquiry.

"You guessed it right, Nina and Catherine are both willing to join our Hemera Films production department and serve as the company's producers."

Wayne couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this.

He was not surprised that Katherine Bigelowen joined Hemera Pictures, because although this beauty received a large amount of money after her divorce from Cameron, which was enough for her to have enough food and clothing, she was unable to develop her career. Very unsatisfactory.

I don’t know if it’s because of Cameron, but others only regard her as a flower vase, and almost no one is willing to invest in her or make movies with her.

But in fact, Catherine is not only an excellent producer, but also an even more powerful director.In her previous life, she relied on her outstanding abilities to become the first female Best Director in Oscar history, so all she lacked was an opportunity.

But Nina Jackson is currently doing a good job at Disney. The head of the production department is considered a high-level executive in Disney, and her power is not small. There seems to be no need to jump to a small company like Hemera Pictures, right?
Is it for making money?
Wayne's guess was correct. The reason why Nina Jackson wanted to jump to Hemera Pictures was actually to make money.

Although the scale of Hemera Pictures is far smaller than that of Disney, the treatment is good!
She previously jumped from Universal to DreamWorks, and then from DreamWorks to Disney. Wasn't it just for promotion and salary increase?
Now that she has switched to Hemera Pictures, although her position is no longer a supervisor, she can earn much more than before by becoming a producer of a movie.

Her annual salary at Disney is only US$20. Even with performance bonuses, her annual pre-tax income is only about US$45.

But if she can join Hemera Pictures and become a producer, the pre-tax income of a movie will be at least US$50, right?
For example, Sierra and Mia have only served as producers of a few movies, and their salaries have already risen to 200 million.

Being able to get such a high remuneration without having to raise investment yourself is already at the level of a first-tier Hollywood producer.Although a gold medal producer like Jerry Bruckheimer can earn tens of millions of dollars from one movie, he still needs to raise investment himself, right?

For example, for "Pirates of the Caribbean", which officially started filming in September 02, Jerry Bruckheimer started soliciting investment from everywhere two years in advance.

And based on her ability, after two or three movies at most, her salary should be able to rise to more than 100 million US dollars, right?Isn’t this much more money than being a supervisor at Disney?

In addition, there is another reason why she wants to change jobs, and that is that factional fighting within Disney is becoming more and more obvious and fierce.

And according to the original historical trajectory, this fierce factional battle will continue until Robert Iger replaces Michael Eisner and becomes the new helmsman of Disney in 05.

She just wants to make money safely, but she doesn't want to get caught up in this kind of factional fight, and she might become cannon fodder and lose her job.

You know, the consequences of actively changing jobs and taking the blame and passively leaving are completely different.

These two reasons combined were the reasons why she chose to join Hemera Films.

Wayne was naturally very happy about this.

As he produces more and more movies in the future, he will naturally need more and more producers. It would be too troublesome to have to contact the agency to find a producer every time.

"Then welcome to Hemera Films!"

After a brief exchange, Sierra took the initiative to take Kathryn Bigelow and Nina Jackson away.

After all, there are countless pairs of eyes around here staring at this place, wanting to come over and say hello to Wayne.

Not long after they left, three of them, one large, two small, even Jill Tawerman didn't expect to come over to say hello, the woman with the highest status in the room walked over to them.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson, I'm Anne Hurst."

The older, beautiful woman, who looked to be in her 30s and exuded elegance and fashion, smiled and took the initiative to shake Wayne's hand.

And Wayne couldn't help showing a surprised expression after hearing her name.

This time it was a real surprise, not an act.

After all, as the third generation at the helm of the Hearst family, Anne Hearst can already represent the entire Hearst family at some point. Compared with big bosses like Rupert Murdoch, she is only older in age. There is a gap, and they are almost equal in terms of status.

Gil Tawarman was able to invite someone of the level of Anne Hurst to attend Lily's birthday party, which was obviously something he didn't expect.

Of course, what he didn't expect even more was Anne Hurst's intention.

"This is my daughter Amanda Hearst and her cousin Lydia Hearst. They are both your fans."

Anne first introduced her daughter and niece to Wayne, and at the same time praised Wayne a few words. Then she talked about the Hollywood environment and the development of Hemera Pictures, and finally revealed her true purpose. I just want to invest in Hemera Pictures.

As Hemera Pictures continues to grow, sooner or later someone will want to take a stake in Hemera Pictures, hold a controlling stake, or even acquire it entirely. Wayne is not surprised by this.

But what he didn't expect was that the first person to come to his door would be Anne Hester from the Hearst family.

But it’s not surprising if you think about it carefully. It owns 15 daily newspapers, 36 weekly newspapers and more than 300 magazines around the world. It also owns 29 TV stations in America, as well as American cable TV channels such as A+E and ESPN. The Hearst family of the Internet is not inferior to Comcast, Viacom, and News Corporation, which are also media giants. It is the undisputed No. 1 in the fashion industry.

But in the film, television and music industries, the Hearst family lags far behind other major media giants.

Although it has its own film and television production company, it is far behind even compared with Miramax and Lionsgate Pictures, let alone the Big Seven.

If it can acquire Hemera Pictures, which has risen rapidly and is now ranked among the top five among medium-sized Hollywood production companies, it will undoubtedly greatly narrow the gap between Hearst Group and other major media giants and make up for what it currently lacks. an important piece of the puzzle.

After thinking about this, Wayne couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Can I ask, Ms. Hester, is this your own idea, or the Hearst Group's idea?"

"Is there a difference between the two?"

"Of course, and the difference is huge."

Anne Hurst was silent for two seconds, smiled helplessly and shrugged: "Well, this is my own idea. My grandfather is quite old-fashioned, especially after he invested in several production companies and was cheated one after another. , and even the hungry wolves on Wall Street have stumbled into Hollywood more than once. Knowing that it is irreversible, he has now given up on getting involved in Hollywood."

"But you and your Hemera Pictures have given me hope again. From what I've seen, if anyone can shake the status of the Seven Giants and become a new giant in Hollywood, your Hemera Pictures will be better than dreams." The factory hopes for greater success!”

When Wayne heard this, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression again, because he discovered that when Anne Hurst said these words, she actually said them sincerely, and it was not a false compliment.

"I think it will be difficult for me to convince my grandfather. In other words, it is just my personal idea to invest in Hemera Pictures, so do you want to refuse?" Anne Hurst continued to ask.

Wayne, on the other hand, stared into her eyes. After looking at each other for a few seconds, he suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a charming smile that made Anne Hurst's heart flutter, and said, "No, If it’s the Hearst Group’s idea, I will definitely reject it without hesitation, but if it’s your own idea, I can consider it.”

"Why?" Anne Hurst asked curiously.

She didn't think Wayne was interested in her.

Although she took good care of herself, she was almost 40 years old, and her appearance was not as good as the three girlfriends and lovers around Wayne. It was impossible for Wayne to accept her investment for this reason.

"Because you are a visionary and truly smart person. By working with you, we can not only get most of the resources of the Hearst family, but also avoid the trouble caused by the multi-mindedness of the big family." Wayne said calmly. .

"Of course, if you want to invest, you must be able to accept my conditions."

(End of this chapter)

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