Chapter 164
"What conditions?" Anne Hurst nodded first, agreeing with Wayne's statement, and then asked curiously.

"First, 5 million US dollars, 3% of the shares, only dividend rights, no voting rights."

Before he finished speaking, Amanda Hester, who was still quiet on the side, couldn't help but exclaimed: "Are you crazy?! With only 5% of the shares for 3 million US dollars, is your Hemera Pictures' market value higher than that of the Seven Giants? Still high?!”

Unfortunately, neither Wayne nor Anne Hurst paid attention to her speech, and even the smile on Anne Hurst's face did not change at all.

"Sorry, my daughter is rude, please continue."

"Second, you have to use your influence to protect Hemera Pictures when I need it. The point is, if I think you can do it but you don't, I have the right to use 5 million Using U.S. dollars to repurchase these 3% stocks means that I can retake my shares at any time and unconditionally."

A gleam flashed in Anne Hurst's eyes, and she praised with a smile: "It seems that Mr. Wayne is really very confident in himself and Hemera Pictures!"

"Isn't this of course?" Wayne glanced at Amanda Hearst next to him and continued: "Third, I want her to be my lover, and publicly."

As soon as these words came out, Anne Hurst was not furious. She was just stunned for a moment and then returned to her smile.

Amanda Hurst, on the other hand, was stunned at first, and then her eyes widened with an angry look on her face. However, after taking a closer look at Wayne's handsome appearance, tall figure, and noble temperament, the angry look on her face also disappeared. Then it faded away, and soon it was replaced by a tangled expression. The expression changed so much that it was almost like a face change.

"So what can I get?" Anne Hurst thought for a moment and then asked.

"Wealth, within ten years, even if we are separated from the Hearst family, we will still have the same status and influence as now."

"Ten years?" An expression of surprise finally appeared on Anne Hurst's face. This time was not very long, but rather too short.

In this day and age, it would take ten years to develop Hemera Pictures to the level of the Hearst family, which she thought was simply impossible.

But looking at Wayne's confident and domineering eyes, I think about how Hemera Pictures has grown step by step from a small company on the verge of bankruptcy to what it is today in just half a year, at an extremely fast speed and with an extremely steady pace. With a market value of [-] million, she suddenly believed it again.

Because she has studied it carefully, as long as Wayne's vision is correct, the development speed of Hemera Pictures will not slow down, but will continue to accelerate exponentially.

It was precisely because she saw this that she took the initiative to approach Wayne and wanted to invest in Hemera Pictures.

She valued Wayne as a person, not just a company.Because all legends are ultimately created by an equally legendary person.

Just like her grandfather, William Randolph Hearst, the founder of the Hearst family.

After carefully studying Hemera Pictures and Wayne's experience over the past six months, she saw this potential in Wayne.

"3% of the shares is too small," Anne Hurst thought quickly for a moment and said, "8 million US dollars, 5% of the shares."

"In addition, I need voting rights. Anyway, you can buy back these shares at the original price at any time. If you are really confident, it doesn't matter even if you give voting rights, right?"

5% of the voting rights may not seem to mean much now, but as more new shareholders join, this part of the voting rights will become very important.

"No problem, but after I start the repurchase process, your voting rights for this part of the shares will immediately become invalid." After thinking for a while, Wayne gave his conditions.

"Deal." Anne Hester said happily, and then turned her beautiful eyes to look at her daughter: "The last condition, since you want her to be your woman, then take her back to your Wayne Manor. Yes. Of course, I guarantee that she will definitely listen to you, otherwise I will cut off all her expenses in the future and cancel her inheritance rights."


On the side, Amanda Hurst was dumbfounded before she could even be happy.

Just cut off all expenses. There were times when she was disobedient. In the worst case, she could just run back to her family, or hang out with her friends for a while.

Is disinheritance a bit too much?
It seems like she is Anne Hearst's only daughter, right?Is this still my mother?
Wayne also had a surprised expression on his face.

But Anne Hurst wasn't done yet.

"Also, you can take Lidya back with you. After tonight, both of them will be your women~"


Now it was Lydia Hearst's turn to be dumbfounded.

Didn't she just eat a piece of melon? Why did she eat it on her own head so quickly?

However, although she is a direct member of the Hearst family, for some reasons, she basically has no status in the family. If Anne Hester hadn't protected her, she would have been ostracized and kicked out of the family long ago. , so there was no way she could refuse Anne Hurst’s order.

At the same time, she was smart and quickly thought of Anne Hurst's purpose of doing this, which was to use her relatively smart mind to help the somewhat willful and somewhat not-so-smart Amanda Hurst stay with Wayne. Stand firm.

Obviously, Anne Hurst took a fancy to the position of Wayne's wife, and this was also her insurance for this important investment.

I have to say that her calculations were indeed sound, and she was really optimistic about Wayne.

On the other side, although Wayne also guessed her intention, he was confident that he would not be affected by the woman, so he happily agreed.

"Then the two of them will be left to you. A driver will take their luggage to your manor later. In addition, I will also help Amanda and Lydia transfer their studies to the University of Southern California."

After saying that, Anne Hurst smiled and nodded to Jill Towerman and Mia, then left the dumbfounded cousins ​​and walked away with elegant and charming steps. .

".Do we have two more sisters?" Mia and the three of them looked at each other in confusion after coming back to their senses.

But they couldn't say anything. They invested US$8 million and only held 5% of the shares. Except for Wayne and Anne Hurst who were the parties involved, even they thought this was too crazy.

After this conversion, wouldn't Wayne's wealth be more than 100 billion?

What's more, if you accept it, you can get the protection of the Hearst family. If it were Wayne, they would definitely agree without hesitation.

In addition, out of instinctive awe of capital, not only did they not dare to treat Anne Hearst, the third generation head of the Hearst family, but also Amanda Hearst, the little princess of the Hearst family. They were not dissatisfied, but on the contrary, they felt lucky that the other party did not dislike their existence in turn.

"Hello, Amanda, can I call you that? I am Mia Hemera. I hope we can get along well in the future." Mia took a deep breath and reached out to Amanda Hester. The hand of friendship.

Amanda Hurst finally came to her senses after hearing this.

Although she came from a top wealthy family, she was a little willful, but under the guidance of her mother, she was not as arrogant as the descendants of ordinary wealthy families. Instead, she quickly recognized the reality and extended her hand politely.

"Hello, Mia"

Seeing this scene, Wayne just smiled and took a sip of the champagne in his hand. On the other hand, Lydia Hester secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she saw this, and then walked over to join their chat.

For a while, except for Hannah who was a little out of place, the other four people were all communicating very happily, at least on the surface.

Soon, someone else came over to Wayne.

"Hello Mr. Wayne, I'm Ernie Lively and this is my wife and daughter."

"Hello, Mr. Lively." Wayne smiled politely back.

He had heard of Ernie Lively, an actor active in the 80s and [-]s.When he was most famous, he was almost a second-tier star. Later, when he got older, he switched careers and became a producer. Unfortunately, he didn't produce any particularly outstanding works.

On the contrary, his daughter Blake Lively has become one of the most popular flowers in Hollywood with her pretty appearance and sexy figure that she dares to show off. In fact, she is much more famous than him.

But Blake Lively was only 14 years old at this time, so Wayne just nodded politely and looked away.

After Ernie Lively and his family, the next people who came to greet him were basically people from the entertainment industry, except for the congresswoman.

In addition to already-famous stars such as Brad Pitt and his wife, Angelina Jolie, there are also many little stars who will debut in the future, or who have already debuted but are not well-known.

For example, Shailene Woodley, who was still starring in children's TV series as a child star at this time.Evan Rachel Wood, the heroine of "Westworld" who is also only 14 years old and has not yet started to grow cheeks.There is also Kate Dennings, who has made her debut now, but did not finally become popular until she starred in "Broke Sisters" ten years later, and so on.

Of course, Omei and Emma Roberts also came over with their respective adults to say hello.

But unlike Omei, who looked excited, Emma Roberts' mouth was so high when she saw Wayne that she could almost hang a bottle.

Obviously, Wayne has not contacted her after such a long time, but instead found other young actors to cooperate, which made her very unhappy.

It's a pity that not only Wayne doesn't care whether a little girl like her is happy or not, but even her aunt Julia Roberts doesn't care about her at all.

After a brief greeting and a vague suggestion that they could have a cup of coffee and communicate with each other some time, Julia Roberts took her away.

Poor Emma Roberts first looked at her aunt, then turned to look at Wayne who was joking with Lily Collins who had just finished changing clothes and sneaked out of the house. She almost cried.

But she should actually be lucky that Julia Roberts took her away early, otherwise when she knew the gift Wayne gave Lily, she would not almost cry, but actually cry.

"where's my gift?"

Lily stretched out her little hand and looked at Wayne expectantly with her big eyes.

I don’t know if it’s because she knew everyone would give in to her on her birthday, but today Lily was wearing a small Snow White dress, and she was a little bolder than usual.

"Here, this is your gift." Wayne took the wrapped script from Hannah and put it in her hand with a smile.

"What is this? Can I open it now?" Lily asked curiously.

"Of course, this is a script I wrote specifically for you. You will be auditioned the day after tomorrow, and you will be the heroine in it." Lily opened the gift after hearing this, and a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on her delicate little face.

"A script written just for me?! I'm the heroine in it?! Oh my God! Thank you Wayne! I love you so much!"

Excited, Lily gave Wayne a big hug. If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't reach Wayne's face even when she tiptoed, she might have hugged Wayne's neck and kissed him.

In fact, let alone her, even Jill Towerman couldn't help showing a look of surprise when she learned that the gift was actually a script with Lily as the heroine, and that filming would start soon.

The reason why she made good friends with Wayne was to help him acquire Industrial Light and Magic, and to help connect Sera with Kathryn Bigelow and others. She wanted to enable Wayne to take care of Lily and provide Lily with some resources. .

Now the gift given by Wayne was much more valuable than she originally expected.

After all, the last script written by Wayne himself, with a little girl as the first protagonist, was the one that made Dakota Fanning, who was not well-known, an overnight sensation and became the most popular child star in Hollywood. .

In her opinion, even if this script is not as good as "Girl Genius", it can't be any worse, right?

"Thank you! Wayne!"

"You're welcome, you helped me a lot, didn't you? And I'm very optimistic about Lily's potential. She will definitely become a big star in the future~"

Wayne smiled and touched Lily's head.

Lily immediately beamed after receiving the compliment, leaned against Wayne happily, and continued to open the gifts in her hands.

She couldn't wait to see what story was written in the script.

Unfortunately, as soon as she opened it and looked at the title of the script, Jill Tawerman stopped her because it was almost time to cut the cake.

The huge cake, which was more than one meter high, was pushed out on the dining cart. Coupled with the height of the dining cart itself, it looked really shocking, but Lily had long been accustomed to this.

After making wishes, blowing out candles, and everyone singing happy birthday to her, Lily immediately ran towards Wayne with the script in hand.

(End of this chapter)

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