Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 18 So what about the Oscar winner? It’s not expensive anyway.

Chapter 18 So what about the Oscar winner? It’s not expensive anyway.
It was said to be a discussion, but in fact the entire 'casting meeting' was entirely based on Wayne's words.

"The heroine Terry and the hero Carter will be played by Jessica and me respectively."

"The second female villain, Luo Li, is tentatively named Liv Tyler, the heroine in "The Last Days" released last year."

Liv Tyler's most well-known role is undoubtedly the elf princess Alwen in the Lord of the Rings series, which will only be released next year. However, before The Lord of the Rings was released, she had already appeared in many independent films and won some awards. Nominated.

It's just that her fame is concentrated in the industry, and her traffic and popularity are far inferior to Natalie Portman at this time.

Therefore, the normal salary is around 100 million, which is much lower than Natalie Portman.

However, her image and temperament are quite suitable for this role.

The whole person is like a pool of clear spring water, with the temperament of a typical classical beauty. She does not look like a bad woman in any way, but it is more exciting for such a person to play a villain.

Just like Sinuo played by Zhang Zifeng in Detective Chinatown, until the end, who would have thought that such a sweet and cute little girl would be the evil mastermind behind everything.

Liv Tyler's acting skills are also enough to support this role.

In addition, Natalie Portman is actually quite suitable for this role. She seems innocent and quiet, but is actually very scheming and vicious.

However, Natalie became famous at a young age, had a smooth journey, and was very high-spirited. It was impossible for Natalie to play a villain to match Jessica, a person who was inferior to herself in her eyes.

"The third female lead is Daniel Stephanie, the sorority president who likes fitness, refuses sweets, and shares a dormitory and apartment with the female protagonist. I have tentatively decided on Charlize Theron."

This one doesn't need any special introduction, they already know it by just saying her name, Sera.

Although Charlize Theron has not yet won an Oscar, she has starred in many big-budget movies. Although she has no independent box office experience, her salary as a starring actor has reached 500 million.

Even if it is just a cameo role and the filming is concentrated and can be completed in three or four days, the salary for the supporting role will not be less than 200 million US dollars.

In fact, if Jessica were not his woman, he would actually prefer Charlize Theron to play the heroine Terry.

After all, Jessica's acting skills were really average, and he was a little doubtful whether Jessica could play this role well.

But he definitely had to take care of his woman, so he still didn't replace Jessica.

"In addition to the two roles of medical professor and murderer, I would like to find Willem Dafoe and Anthony Hopkins."

Willem Dafoe is the actor who plays the Green Goblin in Spider-Man. He has been nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, but because he always plays supporting roles, his salary is not very high.

As for Anthony Hopkins, he is a genuine Oscar winner. He won the statuette in 92 for "Silence of the Lambs".

So when they heard this name, everyone present was shocked.

"Well, it's just a supporting role for a few minutes. Is it necessary to hire Anthony Hopkins?" Mike couldn't help but ask.

This is an Oscar winner!Although he hasn't starred in many commercial blockbusters, the quoted price is only 700 to [-] million.

To play a supporting role of a villain with a small role, you can probably get around 300 million, but that’s also an Oscar winner!

It's just a small- to medium-budget horror movie. Is it necessary to be so extravagant? !
Wayne smiled lightly when he heard this: "It's not expensive anyway, isn't it?"

This pretentious remark immediately left everyone speechless.

In the end, Serra was the first to come to his senses: "If all these people can be invited, the production budget will probably reach about 1100 million."

"It doesn't matter. The part exceeding 1000 million will be allocated from another project first."

"That's no problem. But I'm afraid Charlize Theron, Willem Dafoe, and Anthony Hopkins need to use WMA connections to contact them." Serra said.

These three people are too 'big names' and were not accessible to Hemera Pictures in the past.

Wayne turned to look at Mike.

Poor Mike is under a lot of pressure. He is just an ordinary agent with almost the lowest performance, but he should still be able to contact these three agents through the channels of WMA.

"I will contact them as soon as possible!" After a brief hesitation of two seconds, Mike took the task bravely.He couldn't do much to help Wayne in terms of providing resources, so he could only work hard in other areas to make Wayne see his value.

"That's it for the time being. The other characters will be selected through auditions after the complete script is released. Let's start working as soon as possible!"

In fact, according to the normal process, roles such as the female lead and the medical professor have to wait for the complete script to be released before being decided.

It's just that Wayne already has the original version in his head as a reference, and he has the right candidate. As the only investor, of course he can do whatever he says.

At the end of the meeting, James Wan and Mike left in a hurry. The time was short, the tasks were heavy, and they were under great pressure.

Sierra stayed for a while, went to Wayne alone and said:

"I contacted Robert Ludrum this morning as you requested and inquired about the price of the Bourne film rights. He had already given me a reply at noon, saying it was US$200 million, plus a subsequent 3% box office share. Or buy it all out for $500 million."

Wayne simply ignored the previous offer with a 3% share.

Are you kidding me? Although the box office of The Bourne Supremacy is not as good as that of the Mission: Impossible and 007 series, the first three films combined have a global box office of US$10 billion.

3% is 3000 million!
As for the buyout share of 500 million, it is not a small amount.

You must know that Marvel sold Spider-Man, a superhero with a reputation comparable to Superman and Batman, to Sony, and it only sold 700 million.

Although The Bourne Supremacy is a best-selling novel in the espionage genre, its copyright is far inferior to that of Spider-Man.

"It's really a lion's mouth."

Wayne was slightly unhappy, but after asking the system and confirming that the price was not excessive, he agreed.

"Forget it, bargain with them a little bit, and then agree to their one-time buyout offer. After all, we are in a hurry."

Time is sometimes the most valuable thing.

Finish the production of The Bourne Supremacy as soon as possible, and you can get new investment funds even if it is not released.

With the production cost of The Bourne Supremacy being 5000 million U.S. dollars, once the production is completed, the new investment funds will reach an astonishing 1.5 million U.S. dollars. At that time, he can buy all the superheroes in the Avengers.

If you go fast enough, you might even be able to participate in the investment in the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

You must know that Disney was not optimistic about the Pirates of the Caribbean series when it was first proposed, because they felt that pirate movies were already outdated.

Coupled with the fact that the production budget was too high, their actual investment ratio in the first film was not very high, which gave him an opportunity to start.

"Honey, we're done with work, shall we go swimming?"


After sending Sierra away, Jessica wrapped around him passionately and hugged his neck. Wayne only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

As for asking Jessica to hire an acting teacher in advance to give her acting a try
"It's better to talk to her later!"

The spring night is short and the sun is high, and from now on the king will not go to court early.Wayne is still far from being a king now, but he finally experienced the simple happiness of a rich man.

However, in the next few days, Mia would be busy with the preliminary work of two projects with Sierra. Jessica also followed his request and found an acting teacher to learn acting skills unexpectedly.

Among them, Jessica was okay and came back around dinner time. Mia was busy sometimes until one or two o'clock late at night.

So after two days of idleness, Wayne had to find something to do for himself.

"Bang bang bang-!"

In the shooting club that Mike helped introduce, Wayne didn't wear headphones. He just used the standard isosceles triangle shooting method and fired rapidly. It only took less than eight seconds to empty the magazine.

But his results made the beautiful coach beside him show an expression of amazement.

(End of this chapter)

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