Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 19 The Assistant Delivered to Your Door

Chapter 19 The Assistant Delivered to Your Door
"All ten rings!"

The target reporter's voice rang out from the intercom. At a distance of 25 meters, there were ten human-shaped targets moving back and forth, ten rounds of bullets, all ten rings!
With such results, even Thomas, the club's gold-medal coach and winner of many California shooting events, could only try his luck.

But Wayne was able to achieve such results very stably.

"You're awesome, Wayne!" Hannah couldn't help but praise, and at the same time enthusiastically handed him the sports drink in her hand.

"Thank you!" Wayne smiled at her, which immediately made Hannah's breath stagnate uncontrollably, and a fiery light ignited in his eyes.

This is the most famous shooting club in Los Angeles. Although the internal customers are divided into various levels, there are no special services.

But who makes Wayne so handsome?

So on the second day after he came to the club, the strong and bald male coach who was responsible for coaching him had diarrhea. Then his coaching coach was replaced by the most beautiful beauty in the club. coach.

"The only thing you lack now is actual combat." Hannah said.

The enhancement of the gene enhancement potion is all-round. After Wayne used the gene enhancement potion, not only his body was greatly strengthened, but his brain was also strengthened. This made him learn everything very quickly now, and his memory was even more amazing.

Therefore, shooting is a very simple sport for him.

He can quickly master pistols, automatic rifles, and sniper rifles, and quickly improve them to the top level.

For example, it took only two hours for a big guy like Barrett, who was difficult for ordinary people to control, to accurately explode a Coke can that was hanging on a rope from 500 meters away. .

However, he had never deliberately learned shooting calculations at all. He was able to achieve this level just by relying on his gun sense. This convinced the male coaches who were still betting and wanted to see him make a fool of himself.

In addition, although he looks a little slender, he is very powerful. Even a pistol with astonishing recoil like the Magnum Eagle is like a toy in his hand. One-handed rapid fire is almost invisible. What kind of shaking made everyone who saw this scene call them abnormal.

Later, those male coaches didn't believe in evil, so they pushed out a few of the strongest players to compete with him in an arm wrestling match.

The result was an easy win for Wayne.

"Damn it! This guy obviously doesn't look strong at all, why is he so strong?!"

All the male coaches cursed secretly.

But the female coaches in the club are different. Not only are they handsome, but they are also so strong. These are even more attractive to them than Wayne's status as a rich man.

For a moment, these female coaches looked at Wayne as if a she-wolf who had been hungry for three days had seen a piece of plump and delicious meat and wanted to throw him to the ground.

Fortunately, Hannah is not only good-looking, but also the most powerful among the female coaches in the club.

Most of the coaches in the club, regardless of gender, have retired from elite troops who have been on the battlefield. Since their family conditions are not bad, they did not choose to become mercenaries or join private military companies after retirement.

Hannah is one of the best.

He didn't know if it was true or not. Anyway, he heard from several other female coaches that Hannah killed more than 30 terrorists in the Middle East with her own hands. In the end, they kicked three QBs in a one-on-one fight. Her superior's balls caused her to be kicked out of the army before she could retire.

In this regard, Wayne didn't feel any chill in his lower body after hearing this, but he just felt a little strange.

Hannah, who has experienced this kind of thing, is still interested in men. Shouldn't she hate men and become a lesbian?
And what Hannah said seemed to mean something?

"Did I hear wrongly, Hannah? I don't want to go to the Middle East or Africa to participate in any actual combat. It's too dangerous!" Wayne said exaggeratedly.

"You heard it right," Hannah said with a provocative smile, taking the initiative to move closer to him, "Damn places like Africa and the Middle East are indeed dangerous, but I'm different~"

After a pause, Hannah continued: "I don't know what those bitches said to you behind my back. Anyway, if it's you Wayne, as long as it satisfies me, I won't kick your balls out." , it will make you happy~"

"How's it going, baby, are you confident?" Hannah said as she stretched out her fingers and hooked his chin. The pair of car lights that almost burst the dark green vest were completely pressed against him. heavy on my body.

Wayne couldn't help but be speechless. Hannah had said this, could he still bear it?
I can't stand it for sure!

This is America!
Putting the gun aside casually, Wayne took Hannah directly to the single shower room for high-end customers.

"Fake! You're lying, right?!"

"Is that guy really a human?!"

"Damn it! I was beaten by that Bi Chi from Hannah! He's so handsome, I miss him so much!"

In the end, Hannah predictably broke her promise.This is Millikin!It’s rare to find something like this across the ocean!
But this is the truth.

Later, after he returned to the lounge with Hannah, who was already weak, he learned the reason from Hannah.

Those female coaches were indeed right. She did kill a lot of terrorists in the Middle East, and she did kick those bosses in the balls.

It is precisely because of this that she has always hated men, let alone sleeping with men.

Of course, she doesn't like women, nor does she like sleeping with women.

In short, after that incident, she hated that kind of thing.

She has seen many psychiatrists in the past few years but has not gotten better. However, her family is still relatively traditional. I hope she, an old girl, will find someone to marry quickly.

This made her very upset and she was forced to move out of the house.

Originally she thought she was destined to be alone, but after she saw Wayne in the club that day, she actually felt that impulse that she hadn't seen in a long time.

Whether it was Wayne who was handsome and handsome in a tailor-made suit when he first arrived, or Wayne who had put on military boots, camouflage pants, and a combat vest and had a body as muscular as a cheetah, they all made her heart beat.

So she 'helped' the bald male coach take a leave of absence, just to be able to get close to Wayne.

After hearing this, Wayne couldn't help but frown.

"I'm sorry, Hannah, I already have a girlfriend, and I have no plans to break up with her yet," Wayne said.

It doesn't matter if you go to bed, but if you want to formalize the relationship, that's a completely different matter.

Hannah's eyes darkened when she heard this, but then she showed a somewhat forced smile again, obviously she had expected this.

"It doesn't matter, I know, I don't want to be your girlfriend, I just want you to help me cure my disease."

Don't seek girlfriend status, just a simple sex buddy.

Wayne understood what Hannah meant.

"But I'm afraid I won't come to the club very often in the future." Wayne said frankly: "I came here to learn shooting in preparation for my next movie, in which I will star as an agent, so Next I have to learn fighting."

This was obviously beyond Hannah's expectations.

Wayne's information form was filled in as the boss of a production company, not an actor, so she thought that Wayne only came to the club frequently out of pure interest.

If Wayne didn't come to the club often, how could she come to him so often for treatment?

"My fighting performance in the army is very good. I can be your fighting coach! Or I can be a sparring partner!" Hannah said anxiously.

But even without Wayne opening his mouth, she realized that even if she became Wayne's fighting coach, she might not be able to stay with him for long.

After all, Wayne's learning ability is really excellent, and his physical fitness is also abnormally strong.

With such a body and learning ability, if you just learn those cool routines in movies, you probably won’t be able to use them for three days.

"That's right! How about I be your assistant!" Hannah suddenly had an idea in her head and said excitedly.


"Yes! Personal assistant, if you have something to do, I'll do it. If it's okay, you can fuck me. How about it?"


Wayne was almost amused by her. Only then did he suddenly realize that the woman in front of him, who usually acted carelessly and even a bit rude, turned out to have such a cute side.

"Why not a bodyguard?" Wayne asked curiously.

"Because the job of a bodyguard is very important and there is no way to fish for it."

Wayne looked at Hannah's confident look and suddenly felt speechless.

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(End of this chapter)

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