Chapter 187 opens a new world!

"don't want--"

"How about calling Lydia and Amanda together?"

Mia wanted to pull Lydia and Amanda over to share the firepower, but it was too late.

As soon as she turned around, she was hugged by Wayne, and soon ended up with the same fate as Charlize Theron.

"Next time, just dress like Cleopatra."

“Vivien Leigh and Elizabeth Taylor’s Cleopatra is quite classic.”

"The 99 version of "Cleopatra" starring Leona Vieira was also very good. At this time, Leona Vieira was still only a third-tier actress, right?"

"It has only been two years, and her appearance should not have declined yet."

"By the way, it seems that Monica Bellucci also played Cleopatra in a comedy movie."

"If you put together all four versions of Cleopatra."

In the quiet night of the study, Wayne, who had finished his business, was sitting alone at the table writing the script, but he couldn't help but have various thoughts popping up in his head.

I have to say that Charlize Theron and the others' operation this time really opened up a whole new world for him.

Not only Cleopatra, but Catwoman, Superwoman, Harley Quinn, Spider-Gwen, Scarlet Witch, etc. can also be cosplayed!
"There are also the looks of Liu Tianxian's Little Dragon Girl and Zhao Ling'er."

"Tsk, tsk, why didn't I think of that before?"

"Sure enough, it's still too simple!"

Wayne couldn't help but think to himself.

At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Dong dong!"

"Come in."

Wayne thought it was the maid who came to deliver coffee, so he didn't pay attention and said casually without raising his head.

However, although the knocker came to deliver coffee, she was not a maid;
"Sir, your coffee."

The sweet tone with a slightly weird accent made Wayne startled, and he raised his head with a surprised expression on his face.

"Erika? Why is it you?"

"I was a little hungry just now, so I couldn't help but get up and look for something to eat. I happened to see the maid preparing coffee for you, so I volunteered to bring it to you for her."

Erika stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, her already sweet face looked particularly cute with such an expression.

She was only wearing a starry sky blue Japanese bathrobe at this time, which highlighted her snow-white and soft skin.

From a high position, you can see the mysterious scenery clearly from the open neckline at a glance.

This made Wayne immediately add a lot of costumes such as yukata, kimono, JK, witch costume, etc. to the list he had just compiled.

"Thank you then. If you are hungry in the future, you can always ask the kitchen to make you something to eat. Now, if you are not sleepy yet, just sit over here."

"Okay, sir!"

Erika's eyes lit up when she heard this. After putting down her coffee, she quickly walked around the large desk and moved a chair over to sit down.

Then it didn't take long to slide under the table.

So the next morning, Erika naturally missed breakfast time.

"It's all your fault, dear, I was so anxious last night that I almost forgot about the real thing." While eating breakfast, Mia suddenly made a move and complained.

"The investment project of "Fatal Turn", after I replied to the other party yesterday with your offer, the other party rejected it."

Wayne was startled, with a surprised expression on his face.



"That young director is really confident in his work."

"No, after receiving our reply, that person turned around and contacted other companies. Using 'the famous Mr. Wayne is willing to invest' as a selling point, he finally signed an investment agreement with a 420 million investment and 75% priority in box office sharing. .”

Mia couldn't help but have a strange look on her face as she spoke.

Same thing with Wayne.

"A bit clever." Wayne chuckled playfully.

With so many movies in a row without missing a beat, his vision has already spread throughout Hollywood.

Some people are being clever and thought of using this method to promote their projects and attract investment. This is not surprising. At the same time, it is a normal business operation and is no big deal.

"Who took it down later?" Wayne asked curiously.

"Paramount," Mia explained, "I heard about this from Shirley Lansing at the party last night. She said that the other party contacted her proactively and asked me not to mind."

Wayne immediately laughed when he heard this.

Does this count as being both responsible and established?

Shaking his head, Wayne commented directly and unceremoniously: "This Shirley Lansing is not only hypocritical, but also has a small scale. It is no wonder that among the seven giants, Paramount is the most active in attacking DreamWorks."

Wayne thought about it and felt that Paramount still had to cut it.

"Originally, after entering the 21st century, Paramount's most important IPs were "Mission: Impossible," "Star Trek," "Transformers," and the Marvel movies before "Iron Man 3."

Yes, before Marvel was acquired by Disney, the "Iron Man" trilogy, the first two "Captain America" ​​films, and "Avengers 1" were all released by Paramount.

"Now Transformers and Marvel have been blocked by me."

"The special effects technology and 3D technology of "Star Trek" are not yet mature, and we need to wait a few more years."

"So just snipe Mission: Impossible."

Wayne thought to himself.

His intention to snipe Paramount actually had little to do with Shirley Lansing's behavior.

However, wouldn't he and Hemera Pictures be able to take over if they don't pull down the top seven?

As for choosing Paramount instead of the weakest MGM.

It's really because MGM is already on the verge of collapse, so there's no need to snipe.

On the other hand, Paramount, which is second to last, can snipe down, which will be of great benefit to the future development of Hemera Pictures.

"Spy and secret agent movies have always been popular themes, but except for the three top IPs of "007", "Mission: Impossible" and "The Bourne Supremacy", the others are all a notch behind."

Recalling the memories of his past life, Wayne quickly filtered out a few names from the huge number of spy movies.

"Extreme Agent", "The Vengeful Man", "Kingsman", and of course, the already completed "Taken" can also be considered this theme.

One characteristic of this type of movie is that it tests the male protagonist's box office appeal.

For example, "Xx: 1" and "Xx: 3", starring Vin Diesel, earned 2.77 million global box office and 3.46 million global box office respectively.As for "Xxx 2", because the producers felt that Vin Diesel was too open-minded and the asking price was too high, the starring role was changed, and the box office plummeted to only 7102 million global box office.

The same is true for the "Mission: Impossible" series. Without Tom Cruise, it would be difficult for the box office to exceed [-] million.

But "Kingsman" is a relatively different one. Although the plot is still the same old routine, the setting and painting style are relatively novel.

Therefore, even though the leading actor is not well-known, the first film also won a global box office of 2.23 million US dollars.

And after the great success of the first part, with the help of the influence brought by the series of movies, the second part even won a global box office of 4.1 million US dollars.

This is already a very high achievement in spy movies.

However, if you want to snipe "Mission: Impossible", it is best to choose "Xx" with a similar style.

It's just that he doesn't really like Vin Diesel.

This guy is a very typical type, the type who becomes arrogant and arrogant as soon as he becomes famous.

Before the release of "Fast and Furious 1", this guy's salary was only a few hundred thousand dollars.

After "Fast and Furious 1" was released, although the response was good, the actual box office was only 2.07 million US dollars, and his popularity and celebrity status were only second-tier.

As a result, when "Extreme Agent" approached him, he immediately asked for a salary of 1500 million yuan.

After some final bargaining, although the price was reduced to 1000 million, it was still much higher than the average salary of second-tier male stars.

After all, this is 2001.

After "Extreme Agent 1" took in 2.77 million at the box office, this guy came to him in the second movie and demanded 2500 million in salary and 10% of the box office share.

This can no longer be regarded as a lion opening its mouth. This is simply a snake swallowing an elephant.

Even if "Extreme Agent" is indeed able to achieve this result because of him, what does he think of himself?Are Tom Cruise and Shi Huang?

You know, "Fast and Furious 2" hadn't even been released yet.

Although it is normal for an actor to strive for a high salary for himself, but sorry, he, Wayne, is now a capitalist.

"But if not Vin Diesel, who should I call?"

"Although "Xx" has a story similar to "Mission: Impossible", the specific style is still different."

"The protagonist of "Mission: Impossible" is a handsome young boy, with a touch of humor and comedy."

"But Xander, the protagonist of "XXX", has a tough guy style."

Not just spy movies, the protagonist of any movie is very important, but spy movies are especially important.

Bond in "007" took the route of an elegant gentleman, Tom Cruise in "Mission: Impossible" took the route of being handsome and humorous, and Bourne in "The Bourne Supremacy" took the route of being taciturn and real. , the protagonist in "Kingsman" takes the impulsive rookie route.

In these successful spy movies, each protagonist's character is very distinct and different.

Therefore, if "Xx" wants to achieve a good box office like its previous life, it still needs to recreate the tough guy style of the protagonist.

Wayne quickly recalled all the tough guy actors.

Because of a previous collaboration, he immediately thought of Jason Statham.

But Jason Statham is already set to star in the "Deadline" series.

In addition, there are movies such as "Suicide Squad" and "Death Race" waiting for him.

First of all, there was no schedule for him, and secondly, he was starring in too many films of the same type. It was easy to get involved in the movie when he saw his face.

So he quickly gave up his plan to find Jason Statham.

Then, he thought of Dwayne Johnson.

Vin Diesel, Jason Guoda, and Dwayne Johnson are the three most famous tough male stars in Hollywood after the 21st century.

And unlike Vin Diesel and Jason Guoda, Dwayne Johnson was very popular before he moved to the film and television industry.

He won the National Football League Championship in college, and later joined WWE and won 8 more WWE Championships.

So he started from a very high starting point after entering Hollywood. His second movie was the Scorpion King in "The Mummy 2", and his third movie directly became the protagonist in "The Scorpion King".

The most important thing is that unlike Vin Diesel, Jason Guoda and Dwayne Johnson have much better characters.

Just counting the time, Dwayne Johnson should have accepted this role now, and filming should start in two months.

It will take at least five months before we really find him to film "Xxx".

"five months"

"If I remember correctly, the script for "Xx" should have been released in September, the project was in preparation in October, and the filming started at the end of November."

"Waiting five months is obviously too late."

“If you want to get ahead of the original version, it’s best to start shooting in mid-June.”

Wayne couldn't help but shook his head.

Obviously this is simply not realistic.

Moreover, apart from Tom Cruise, the biggest selling point of "Mission: Impossible" is the various ultra-difficult and life-threatening real-life stunts.

Even if The Rock's physical fitness is good enough, he still needs to train for a long time in advance.

"However, you can find Dwayne Johnson to play the repairman in "League of Assassins" and Jet Li to play the butcher. Gee, this lineup seems to be more luxurious."

Wayne quickly wrote it down in his little notebook.

As for the "Xxx" project, since there was no time and there were no other suitable candidates for the role, he had no choice but to give up.

There was no way, even if he was in trouble, everything couldn't go as planned.

"Well, let's go to Monica's place today."

Wayne, who was still a little unhappy, decided to learn from Prime Minister Cao today, so after having breakfast and sending Mia to the company, he drove to Monica Bellew who lived at No. [-] Loxbury Street. Strange there.

Then I called Catherine Zeta Jones, Kate Beckinsale, and Téa Leoni one by one.

"Hey, Katherine, are you free today? How about we come out and have some coffee?"

As expected, all three were happy to have a cup of coffee with Wayne.

Then, after a moment of hesitation, Wayne called Nicole Kidman.

Originally, he didn't have high hopes. After all, as a popular first-line female star, Nicole Kidman's popularity and celebrity status are greater than those of Catherine Zeta-Jones combined.

But what surprised him was that Nicole Kidman didn't think much about it at all. She just asked for the address and readily agreed.

Obviously, he still underestimated his attraction to Nicole Kidman and his own fighting ability.

Even if she teams up with Camilla Belle, Nicole Kidman is no match for Wayne.

Not to mention one-on-one.

Rather than being with young people like Anne, Sarah, and Martina, it was obviously easier for her to accept it with Monica Bellucci and others who were similar in age and status.

(End of this chapter)

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