Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 188 Kate Beckinsale’s excitement

Chapter 188 Kate Beckinsale’s excitement

But this really benefited Wayne.

Originally, he planned to go back and continue writing the script after lunch.

As a result, the experience was so good that he stayed here until dinner time.

Even if he didn't have to attend the charity auction jointly organized by the Beverly Hills Fire Department and the Police Department tonight, he would have stayed overnight.

It is worth mentioning that Kate Beckinsale, who was not going to divorce her current husband for more than a year, has actually separated from Michael Sheen whether it was because of him.

After learning about it, Wayne didn't hide his thoughts: "In that case, Kate, just move out. If you want a divorce, I can help you."

"That's great! Thank you, honey!"

After hearing this, Kate Beckinsale did not feel angry or dissatisfied, but was very happy. It seems that there is no relationship between her and Michael Sheen for a long time.

In fact, there may have never been any feelings between the two.

"I don't care about property or anything, I just want Lily, the custody of my daughter."

"No problem, I will let the lawyer try his best to help you fight for it."

Wayne agreed happily, and then handed her the key to Villa No. 9.

In this way, it will be more convenient for him to drink coffee with Kate Beckinsale.

On the side, Catherine Zeta Jones and Tia Leoni looked at Kate Beckinsale and couldn't help showing envious expressions.

Most Hollywood-style marriages stem from a combination of interests.

I can’t say that there is no emotion at all, but I can only say that it accounts for no more than 1%, and most of it comes from desire.

At least this is the case for several of their marriages.

Now Kate Beckinsale, like Monica Bellucci, has found Wayne who is better and almost perfect in every aspect. This is extremely lucky no matter how you look at it.

"I should be able to, too?"

Catherine Zeta Jones's eyes sparkled with excitement.

But thinking about Douglas's influence in Hollywood, she was still a little hesitant.

Her husband, Michael Douglas, is not like Kate Beckinsale's husband, Michael Sheen, who has been in Hollywood for eight years and is still just a small star at the bottom of the third tier.

Although they cannot compete with capitalists like Wayne, the Douglas family is not a small player in Hollywood.

The most important thing is that she just married Michael Douglas in November last year. The grand wedding held by the two invited half of the Hollywood stars.

It had only been less than half a year since the divorce, and she was worried that it would anger the Douglas family and cause trouble for Wayne.

And a smart woman will not cause trouble to a man easily.

"It can only be done first."

Catherine Zeta Jones couldn't help but sigh secretly.

On the other side, Tia Leoni also quickly gave up her thoughts.

Because she knew very well that Wayne didn't accept everyone.

Her shelf life is not as amazing as that of Nicole Kidman and Kate Beckinsale. Now that she is almost 35 years old, her appearance has begun to decline.

It is estimated that in two or three years, Wayne will no longer like her.

Thinking of this, Tia Leoni felt a sense of sadness.

But then this sadness and melancholy were shattered to pieces in Wayne's passionate kiss when he parted.

"No matter what, carpe diem is the most important thing! I have worked hard in this damn Hollywood for so many years, and now I have got what I wanted. I have become famous, made money, and can play poker with such a handsome man. , what else can I ask for?"

Tia Leoni thought secretly in her heart, and then looked at Wayne's leaving figure, and couldn't help but take the initiative to say: "Next time, when can we have coffee together?"

"." Wayne couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

First, he made a gesture of making a phone call, then he got into the car gracefully, and left the villa under the reluctant eyes of several people.

The road conditions in Beverly Hills are indeed much better than in downtown Los Angeles.

At about six o'clock, Wayne drove back to the manor.

"Sorry, Meda, I'm a little late."

"I accept your apology, sir, but due to lack of time, you need to choose your dress while eating."

Perhaps she was used to Wayne's casual side in private, or perhaps he was really well-educated. Maida didn't show the slightest anger at Wayne's return so late, or even a little bit helpless.

This actually made Wayne a little embarrassed.

"Well, it's up to you to choose the dress. I can wear whatever I want." Wayne said as he came to the dining table, sat down on the stool pulled out by the maid, and enjoyed his meal.

However, compared to usual times, his eating movements were obviously a little more disciplined.

Upon seeing this, a smile finally flashed across Meda's eyes, and she didn't say anything else. After Wayne had filled his stomach for a while, she took him to change into the dress he had prepared. It was obvious that he had known about Wayne for a long time. It's time to do this.

Half an hour later, Wayne, who had changed into a custom dress and had his hair slightly styled, and Mia, who was in a starry purple evening dress and exquisite makeup, took a car to the Hilton Hotel.

Tonight's charity auction dinner is held here.

"Ah, this Silver Angel——"

"It's Mr. Wayne! Mr. Wayne is here!"


At the entrance of the hotel, there were hundreds of reporters armed with long guns and short cannons, who had been squatting for a long time. Among them, the well-informed ones recognized who was sitting in them as soon as they saw the car and the license plate.

Wayne wasn't surprised.

That's just charity dinners in other places. Most of the attendees at the charity dinner here in Beverly Hills are in the entertainment industry, and most of them, including politicians and celebrities, need exposure.

Even if there are no reporters originally, they will definitely call them over.

But unlike those guys who gave money, Wayne is really hot here.

In addition, Hearst Group, the top three among the five major media groups in North America, has said hello, so few reporters dare to secretly photograph Wayne on weekdays.

Now that such a good opportunity is rare, they will naturally not let it go. From the moment Wayne comes off the field, the frequency of the flashlights lighting up is at least twice as high as before.

Unfortunately, Wayne didn't need this kind of fame and exposure, so he didn't deliberately stop to pose for photos like other celebrities and politicians. After getting off the car, he took Mia into the hotel without stopping, and then walked in the waiter's corner We were guided to the main banquet hall.

It’s no different from the dinner parties often seen in movies and TV shows.

The layout of the entire main hall is roughly divided into three parts. The semicircular stage at the front, tea tables and seats distributed around the stage, and an area near the door for guests to move around freely.The overall decoration of the hall is in the French palace style, which looks magnificent.

He and Mia arrived neither too early nor too late, so there were already many people in the hall at this time.

As expected, Wayne recognized at least a third of them at a glance.

For example, Harvey, Howard Stringer, Spielberg, and for example, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, etc.

At this time, many people would occasionally deliberately pay attention to the identity of the new guests, so when they saw Wayne arriving, many people politely and quickly ended their greetings with others and prepared to walk over and greet Wayne. Hello.

But the fastest among them is Harvey.

"Hey, Wayne, I knew you were going to be at the dinner party tonight."

"There's nothing you can do, you still have to pay the 'protection fee' and so on~"

Wayne joked with him casually, and there was no hint of dislike for him on the surface.

Of course, what he said is actually true. If he hadn't paid enough protection fees, where would Beverly Hills have the best safety index and the lowest crime rate in the United States?
It's not even more than ten years later, here, there are police cars parked and patrolling almost every street at night.

The police station has more than a dozen police cars and [-] to [-] capable police officers on duty.

Even during the day, any passerby who is disheveled and looks wrong will be stared at and interrogated by the police. If they are white, that's fine. But if they are black or other skin colors, they will touch the gun with one hand during the interrogation. If the other person moves slightly, it is American style. Iai, it empties the magazine directly.

It is completely a posture that they would rather kill by mistake than let go. Anyway, they are protecting the lives and property of many rich people. Even if they kill by mistake, they will be easily suppressed.

To give a simple example, in the nearby Los Angeles Police Department, news broke out about police officers wrongly killing black people, triggering demonstrations.

But who has ever seen this happen in Beverly Hills?

So the protection fee is not in vain.

"Hi Wayne, long time no see"

Wayne walked and chatted with Harvey calmly, and came to an uninhabited area.

At this time, DiCaprio, Howard Stringer and others also came over.

It is worth mentioning that among the CEOs of the Big Seven, only Howard Stringer and Disney's Michael Eisner have received invitations to tonight's dinner.

Because these two people actually hold far more power than ordinary presidents in Sony, Columbia and Disney.

As for Paramount's Shirley Lansing, she was really just a jobber.

This is considered to be the highest-level charity dinner in Beverly Hills. Shirley Lansing has no chance to attend.

On the contrary, Spielberg, who is a great director and holds one-third of the equity of DreamWorks, is qualified to receive an invitation to the dinner even though he has been being suppressed by Paramount.

"By the way, I've already asked you about your request." After the simple greetings, Xiao Lizi suddenly came over and said in a low voice.

"Oh? Which company is it from and how much does it cost?" Wayne raised his eyebrows and asked.

The voice was the same as usual, and he didn't deliberately hide anything.

Anyway, it's not a shameful thing for him to buy a modeling agency. Boss Xu can open a song and dance troupe on the other side of the ocean. What's wrong with him setting up a modeling agency in America?
"One is a company in New York. It has a total of 32 models, including three first-line models. All of them have four-year long-term contracts. The external quotation is about US$480 million."

"The other company is a company in Los Angeles, which has 47 models, but there are no first-line models. If you want to buy it, it is estimated that about 300 million will be enough."

When Xiao Lizi saw this, he no longer avoided it and spoke frankly.

In the modeling circle, there is a huge difference in income and fame between first-tier famous models and non-first-tier ordinary models, which also leads to a huge difference in the value of their agency companies.

On the side, Howard Stringer and others who were originally curious about Wayne's big moves suddenly couldn't laugh or cry when they heard this.

They never expected that Wayne would actually buy a modeling agency, but after thinking about Wayne's style, it didn't seem strange.

"Go back and ask the other party to send you photos and information for me to take a look at."

"No problem!" Xiao Lizi understood instantly, and a smile that was a bit wretched but still very handsome and charming appeared on his face.

"But I helped you so much~~~"

"Don't even think about it," Wayne refused unceremoniously for a second. "I'm going to rename the acquired company 'Wayne's Back Garden', so... how about I give you a leading actor?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's hearts were moved and their interest was aroused.

Xiao Lizi raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "You are actually willing to give me a share of the box office?"

Wayne rolled his eyes at him angrily and said calmly: "Stop dreaming, no one can get a penny of box office share from the movies produced by Hemera Pictures."


Xiao Lizi could not help but be speechless for a while.

Others, on the other hand, had already known Wayne's 'hidden rules', and they just twitched the corners of their mouths.

"But I can give you a leading actor in a series of action movies that is comparable to "Mission: Impossible" and "The Bourne Supremacy", or a leading actor in a movie that has both word-of-mouth and box office success and can help you win an Oscar."

"Of course, the salary will not be low, 4000 million U.S. dollars, so you will be the first star in the world to receive 4000 million U.S. dollars in salary for a single movie."


Everyone took a breath when they heard this.

If anyone else said that, they would definitely think it was bragging, even Spielberg.

With Spielberg's ability, it's okay to produce a series of movies with high box office, but he can't guarantee that it will also hit the Oscars at the same time.

Even Cameron can't guarantee it.

But if it is Wayne, everyone feels that the credibility is very high.

No, when Xiao Lizi heard this, his breath suffocated and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Please, do you still have to choose? Of course it is a movie that can help me become the best actor. I am not interested in any series of action movies."

Xiao Lizi didn't hide his thoughts at all and said quickly.

"That's okay, but if you really succeed in winning the prize, you have to give me a film contract and let you play whatever you want."

"No problem! Not to mention one, but three is no problem!" Xiao Lizi said without hesitation.

For him, nothing is more important than using his own strength to win the statuette.

However, he still underestimated Wayne's shamelessness.

"Okay, then three."


(End of this chapter)

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