Chapter 200 Key Training
Popularity nourishes people, which means that once an actor becomes famous, his temperament will change.

In addition to the celebrity filter others put on her, becoming famous itself will also change her mentality.

To give another simple example, Xiao Yanzi was very spiritual when she first appeared in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", but after that, even when she was starring in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge 2", there were obvious changes in people's perception.

And Zhu Yin, it was a little better when she starred in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in 94 and became a small hit. In 95, after co-starring with Xing Ye as the Zixia Fairy in "Journey to the West", her spirituality began to disappear quickly.

It is really rare to be able to maintain spirituality for seven or eight years like Liu Tianxian and Gao Yuanyuan.

Of course, Liu Tianxian's spirituality is concentrated in ancient costumes. If it were changed to modern clothes, it would be almost invisible.

At this moment, Wayne looked at Huang Yi, who was negotiating terms with Huo Wenxi, and couldn't help but reveal a look of enlightenment in his eyes.

This time Huang Yi came to talk about changing jobs. Naturally, she couldn't bring her agent and assistant with her, so she needed to talk about these matters in person.

This was a normal thing, but Wayne secretly shook his head.

After directly signaling to the two of them, he stood up and left.

"Hey, Ms. Liu, I have something I need to talk to you about."

As soon as Wayne left the reception room, he called Liu Xiaoli and asked her to talk.

It’s just that Liu Xiaoli seemed to have misunderstood something. After hearing this, she was both surprised and frightened, because she knew that her daughter had thoughts about Wayne.

She also strongly supports Liu Tianxian in doing this.

At the same time, she also knew that Wayne also had thoughts about Liu Tianxian.

So, if Wayne asked her to play cards, would she accept it or refuse?

"Mom, why are you going?"

"Mr. Wayne made an appointment with me to discuss your upcoming work arrangements."

"Then I'll go too!"

"No, Mr. Wayne didn't ask you to continue practicing your lines. Mr. Wayne already said that if your lines are not up to standard, the filming of the movie will start soon!"

"Okay, okay, stop talking, I understand~"

Seeing Liu Tianxian obediently staying in the room and continuing to practice her lines in front of the mirror, and no longer clamoring to join him, Liu Xiaoli was inexplicably relieved.

Then he glanced at himself in the mirror, subconsciously stretched out his hand to adjust his clothes and hairstyle, then took a deep breath and left the room.

Although Liu Xiaoli is 42 years old this year, because she takes good care of herself, is a senior dancer, and has a good temperament, she looks about the same as about 30 years old.

So she felt that if Wayne really fell in love with her, it was not impossible.

But this time she obviously misunderstood.

"What? You want Sissi to live in the way of the ancients in the next few years, except for individual acting classes, and learn music, chess, calligraphy, painting, and dance?"

After a brief exchange of greetings, Liu Xiaoli, who was becoming more and more anxious and expectant, was stunned when Wayne finally got to the point.

"That's right," Wayne nodded and asked, "Ms. Liu, what do you think of my choice of actors?"

Liu Xiaoli came back to her senses and said without thinking: "Of course they are very powerful. All the actors you personally selected have become famous through the movies they starred in. I feel that even Cameron and Spielberg are not like you." sharp."

This is Liu Xiaoli’s true thoughts.

It’s true that Cameron is awesome, but he’s not to the point where he’s a celebrity.

But basically every one of the actresses selected by Wayne will get a huge boost in popularity by starring in the movie.

If nothing else, let’s just talk about the recently released “Hotel for Dogs”. Camilla Belle and Lily Collins, one is not even an [-]th-rate actor, and the other is a complete newcomer.

As a result, with the release of the movie, the popularity soared to the third-tier level in just a few days, and will continue to rise.

Although it is difficult to be directly promoted to the second tier with one movie, after all, the genres of "Dog Hotel" and "Mean Girls" are different.

But there is no problem in becoming a relatively advanced presence in the third line.

This is undoubtedly very powerful.

"That's good," Wayne said seriously: "I have said that Sissi has a very precious and unique spirituality, which is very suitable for playing costume roles. However, it is like a dancer who has neglected to practice her costume for a long time. Just like the temperament will fade or even disappear, this kind of spirituality will also disappear if not properly protected, and then Sissi will just disappear into the background."

"I think you don't want to see this happen, ma'am?"

When Liu Xiaoli heard this, she shook her head subconsciously. She wanted Liu Tianxian to become a big star more than anyone else. How could she watch Liu Tianxian disappear into the crowd?

"And I want more. I not only hope that Sissi can maintain this spirituality, but I also hope that she can strengthen and improve this spirituality."

"You have also seen the results of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". It is not that martial arts films have no market in Hollywood."

"As long as the script, actors, and director are good enough, it can still achieve jaw-dropping box office results."

"So even Zhang Yimou, who is now recognized as one of the three major directors in China, wants to make martial arts films like "Hero" and enter Hollywood."

"And this quality in Sissi is at least unique among the many actors and students I met yesterday."

"As long as she can maintain and strengthen her spirituality and characteristics, then in this field, she will be the king. As long as it is a role she can play, no one can beat her."

"Madam, don't you want to see Sissi become a big star? As long as we follow this path, Sissi will not only become an international superstar in the future, but also an international superstar with a unique style."

Liu Xiaoli couldn't help but clenched her fists. Her face was flushed and her heart was racing at Wayne's direct words. She could hardly sit still.

"I understand, Mr. Wayne, I will definitely hire the best teacher for Sissi so that she can learn piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, and dance!" Liu Xiaoli said urgently with a trembling voice.

Wayne smiled and shook his head when he heard this and said, "It's up to me to hire the teacher. The expenses will be paid to the company's account."

"In addition, I will buy several properties for Qianqian in Beijing, Qiantang, and Suzhou and decorate them like gardens in the Song Dynasty and Ming Dynasty."

"This will not only make it easier for Sissi to cultivate and improve her own temperament, but she can also change her accommodation when she gets tired of living there."

"And what you have to do is to take good care of Sissi's food, clothing, housing and transportation, and try to prevent her from those messy things in her life."

"In the next few years, there will be several TV series waiting for her including "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Dragon" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Wang Jing is also busy working on She tailors the movie script, so she needs to stay in the country most of the time, and you need to pay attention to guiding and calming her emotions at all times.”

After hearing this, Liu Xiaoli was so shocked and surprised that she was speechless and could only nod her head repeatedly.

Although the rooms in the mainland are not very expensive nowadays, if you buy them according to the size of a garden, one of them would cost over a million dollars, right?
Compared with buying land, the cost of decoration is much more expensive.

If all three cities were to build an antique garden, the total cost would probably be 800 to [-] million US dollars.How could Liu Xiaoli not be excited for such a big investment in dubbing Liu Tianxian?

This made her feel Wayne's sincerity again, and at the same time she couldn't help but sigh secretly.

He is handsome, he loves others, he spends millions of dollars, and he is extremely arrogant. Who wouldn't like such a man?

Originally, she hoped that Liu Tianxian would try his best to win the position of Wayne's real girlfriend or even his wife, but now thinking about it, as long as Wayne can always treat Liu Tianxian well like this, she will be satisfied.

Even when she walked out of the restaurant, Liu Xiaoli was still light and airy.

However, after she left, Wayne immediately took out his cell phone and called Gao Yuanyuan.

"Miss Yuanyuan is particularly beautiful today. This dress suits you very well."

Ten minutes later, Wayne met Gao Yuanyuan, who had just completed the signing.

Today, Gao Yuanyuan is wearing a very ordinary pair of white jeans. They are not very tight, but they are not particularly fat either. They are really ordinary.

Under her feet was a pair of mainly white sneakers of unknown brand.

Wearing a white T-shirt on his upper body.

But there is nothing commendable about her clothes, but she cannot stand up to her peers.

Different from the colorful eye shadows and ion perms that were very popular in this era, Gao Yuanyuan did not wear makeup at this time, and her hairstyle was a refreshing short hair just past the ears. She looked particularly pure and beautiful.

To be honest, if Gao Yuanyuan hadn't admitted it herself, who would have thought that she would have such a rich emotional experience?

"Thank you," Gao Yuanyuan, who was praised happily, showed a sweet smile and summoned up the courage to ask expectantly: "Can I call you Wayne?"

"of course can."

There was an elegant and gentle charming smile on Wayne's lips, which made Gao Yuanyuan feel dizzy, and the fire in his eyes seemed to become hotter.

But it was just as Wayne expected.

Gao Yuanyuan’s requirements are similar to Avril Lavigne’s.

It doesn't matter if he has many women, or even just treating her as a lover temporarily, as long as he doesn't take other women with him when the two of them are together.

To this, Wayne naturally agreed wholeheartedly.

After all, under normal Chinese aesthetics, how many people can refuse a big beauty of this age?
First, they ate, went shopping and watched movies like ordinary couples. Because Gao Yuanyuan is a bit artistic at heart, they also included reading a book together on a wooden bench by the lake in the park.

However, after having dinner together, Gao Yuanyuan, who had already made three plans with Wayne, still looked shy and returned to the hotel with him full of expectations.

After some in-depth exchanges, Gao Yuanyuan has one more reason to like Wayne.

And this one is very important. It ranks third among her many reasons at present, and needless to say, it will definitely continue to rise in the future.

Compared with her, Director Tu Fei Yuan, and Zhang Yadong, who was three years older and more fragile than Director Tu Fei Yuan, were simply weak.

Only then did she finally believe that the fragments of descriptions in the 'art books' she had secretly read before showed that simply playing cards could really be such a joy.

It's just that she is satisfied, but Wayne is still somewhat unsatisfied.

Even though Gao Yuanyuan has exhausted all means, his strength is too strong.

So looking at Gao Yuanyuan who was already sleeping, Wayne decisively put on his clothes and left the room, then picked up his phone and made an appointment with Tang Wei.

Tang Wei doesn't have so many requirements here.

When Wayne proposed to sign her, she was actually prepared. After all, this is the industry, and Hollywood is more "open and transparent". This kind of thing is a clear rule.

The most important thing is that with Wayne's figure and good looks, Tang Wei didn't feel like he was at a disadvantage at all when drinking coffee with him. Instead, he felt like he was making a lot of money.

So the two simply went for a late-night snack and went straight to the topic of drinking coffee.

Although in terms of combat effectiveness, Tang Wei can only be said to be average, a little better than Gao Yuanyuan, and not as good as Zhang Baizhi and Li Bingbing, but Tang Wei is really the kind of woman who becomes more beautiful and tasteful the more she looks at her.

There is an alluring aura all over his body.

So when I sat back to Los Angeles on the afternoon of the [-]th, besides Gao Yuanyuan, there was also Tang Wei on the plane.

Gao Yuanyuan originally didn't have a job until next year when she was filming the movie "Subway to Spring", and Tang Wei only had a supporting role in a TV series with a slightly larger role in 04.

So both of them have a lot of time recently.

As for the academic issues, there is no need to worry, after all, summer vacation will be in less than a month.

What's more, Wayne also arranged for them to be included in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", with Gao Yuanyuan playing Mu Nianci and Tang Wei playing Hua Zheng.

In this way, even if you can't come back when school starts, you can still take a long leave from the school.

"I'll take them to where they live first. You can go back first."

The plane landed more than ten hours later.

After leaving the airport, Wayne first asked Jessica and Amanda to take a car back to the manor, while he personally sent Gao Yuanyuan and Tang Wei to the villa that had been prepared for them.

Originally, because of Gao Yuanyuan's request, he arranged a villa for the two of them.

However, seeing that Wayne didn't come out after waiting for a long time after sending Tang Wei in, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but follow him in because of jealousy, and then she was half pushed and half dragged over to play cards together.

As a result, the "Three Chapters of Agreement" that had been adhered to for less than three days was now invalid.

On the grounds that they could take care of each other when they were away from home, the two naturally lived together.

Although the two together are still far from Wayne's opponent, it is better than one person, right?

After having a sumptuous dinner with the two of them at their new home, Wayne took the car back to the manor.

There was no way, after five days away, Mia and Charlize Theron at home couldn't wait for him to feed them.

With the participation of Lydia and Hannah, Wayne can finally enjoy the card game this time.

However, while writing the script in the middle of the night, Wayne still couldn't hold it back and ordered four more desserts for a late night snack.

So the next morning, the only one left to have breakfast with Wayne was Mia, who had to go to work and had to cheer up and get out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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