Chapter 201
"My dear, if you are too tired, please take a day off to rest today. You can't finish work anyway." Wayne looked at Mia, who looked a little haggard, and couldn't help but persuade her with distress.

Mia was a little moved when she heard this, but finally sighed and shook her head.

Although she didn't say it, in fact, with the arrival of Amanda and Lydia, she unconsciously felt more pressure and urgency.

Although she believed that Wayne's promise to leave Hemera Pictures to her would not change.

But she still hopes that her abilities are worthy of this position.

Wayne understood her thoughts and couldn't persuade her any more, so he could only drive her to the company himself after breakfast.

Then leaving the brand new 'prop car' McLaren F1 worth hundreds of thousands of dollars newly purchased by the "Wedding Crashers" crew to Mia, Wayne turned around and got into the Silver Angel driven by the bodyguard behind him, and went to " The filming set of "Wedding Crashers".

"Hey Wayne, how are you doing in China these days?"

"It's not bad. Your shooting progress has not been affected, right?"

"Not at all, just don't worry."

After a brief chat with director Peter Farrelly and producer Nina Jackson to learn about the current shooting progress, Wayne walked into the dressing room to prepare for styling.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they entered, they were attacked by Sarah Michelle Gellar and Isla Fisher who were already waiting behind the door.

If he hadn't been strong enough, today's shooting plan might have been cancelled.

"I'll take care of you two after we finish the work."

Wayne squeezed the two of them hard, and then changed his clothes under the gaze of the two of them drooling.

In the following period, his life returned to its usual rhythm.

I shoot during the day, and after finishing work, I go to have coffee with Nicole Kidman and Scarlett. If it’s time to finish, I go home early. If it’s late, I just stay overnight with them.

Everything is so plain and unpretentious.

The only thing worth mentioning is that during the interviews this month at 'Wayne's Back Garden', which had only about 20 people left after streamlining, he discovered two more good prospects.

Same as Lighthouse Entertainment.

'Wayne's Back Garden' also has two unified interviews every month, and he, the interviewer, must be present.

As a result, during the interview on the 15th of this month, he unexpectedly saw two familiar faces.

One of them is from Ukraine. She used to be a rhythmic gymnast and won the Ukrainian national rhythmic gymnastics competition eight times in a row. After retiring due to injury this year, she was supposed to become a model and later moved to the entertainment industry. baby.

Although she has never made a name for herself in either the modeling or entertainment circles, her figure and appearance are really good.

Almost reaching the level of Anne and Jessica.

The only thing that is not as good as the two may be that her beauty has no special characteristics. She is not as recognizable as Anne and Jessica, and everyone can remember her at a glance.

After a straightforward exchange, she moved directly into Villa No. 11 where Adriana Lima lived.

Another familiar face is Clara, who is considered by many to be the most beautiful woman in Asia, and even the most beautiful woman in the world.

Raisa Bakulova came to Los Angeles to interview models at his agency, and he was easy to understand.After all, it is normal for people to change their minds and try to enter a higher level of modeling circles because they themselves are white.

But Clara is a stick person, doesn’t work as a model in the country of sticks, and comes to Los Angeles. Isn’t this too courageous?

However, after carefully checking Clara's information, he discovered that there was nothing wrong with Clara coming to Los Angeles to interview as a model.

Unlike many good girls who enter this industry to transcend class and make money, Clara's background is actually not bad.

She was born in Switzerland, has British citizenship, and came to Millikin to go to school at a young age.

Such family conditions are not comparable to the middle managers of ordinary chaebol companies in today's Bangzi country.

It's just that she originally failed to be spotted by the model agency in Millikin, so she went to Bangzi Country again and entered the industry as a graphic model. Later, because she was so beautiful, she started to star in movies and TV series. Vase type character.

In the end, with her figure and beauty, she gained quite a reputation in Bangzi Country and the mainland.

Needless to say, Clara's figure and appearance are indeed in line with the aesthetics of East Asians, but in the eyes of Westerners, they are very average.

In addition, he is only 168 centimeters tall. It would be strange if he could be noticed by ordinary American modeling agencies.

However, Wayne still had the same aesthetic as before, so he naturally signed her.

Moreover, the reason why Clara came to 'Wayne's Back Garden' for an interview was because of Wayne, so Wayne only mentioned it briefly. As if she was afraid that Wayne would regret it, Clara quickly agreed and moved in. Villa No. 10 where Son Ye-jin and the others live.

While he was busy with business, he did not forget to agree to the scripts of DiCaprio and Jet Li, and even the script of "The King's Speech" has been written.

However, he is still considering Jet Li's script.

The current alternatives are "Xx" starring Vin Diesel, one of Jason Statham's masterpieces "The Machinist", and while scoring 7.9 points on Douban, it also scored 7.9 points on IMDB. The classic fighting movie "The Ultimate Fighter 3: Atonement" also scored a high score of [-].

You know, even "Lord of the Rings 1" has a rating of only 8.8 on IMDB.

"The Ultimate Fighter 3: Atonement", as an action movie with a thin plot, scored 7.9 points, which is really very high.

Of the three options, "XX" had the highest box office, but that was mainly due to Vin Diesel's popularity.

In terms of ratings alone, it's the lowest of the three options.

"The Machinist" ranked second in both ratings and box office, while "The Ultimate Fighter 3: Atonement", which had the highest rating, had the lowest box office.

It can also be seen from this that the fame of the leading actor has a really great impact on the box office of the film.

In addition, if you want to film "Xxx", you need to register the script now and start filming as soon as possible.

Considering that the filming of "Hero" will not be completed until at least next year, and it will be directed by Yuan Baye, when he thought of a new choice, he decisively excluded "Xxx" and "The Mechanic".

This new option is "Sha Po Lang 2".

Not to mention the plot, just the last fight scene between Wu Jing, Zhang Jin, and Tony Jaa was enough for Wayne to choose it.

Of course, if you want to enter Hollywood, you still need to make some magic changes.

The protagonist Wu Jing will naturally be replaced by Jet Li.

For the sake of box office, it would be best to replace the role of Tony Jaa with Michael Jai White, an action actor who ranks among the top ten most popular black actors and is known as the "Valkyrie God".

The role of Zhang Jin, the 'suited thug', was given to the 'Hollywood Leg King' Jean-Claude Van Damme, who also holds the title of 'suited thug'.

As for the remaining two main roles, the villain 'Hung Man Kong', played by Goo Jai, can be co-starred by Anthony Hopkins.As for colleagues of 'Tony Jaa', you can find Morgan Freeman to cooperate.

This lineup is not only capable of punching the flesh, fully interpreting the aesthetics of violence, but also directly gaining popularity.

Just the Asian box office brought by Jet Li and the black box office brought by Michael Jai White started at least 5000 million US dollars.

The most important thing is that the salaries of these stars are not expensive.

Although Michael Jai White is well-known among black male stars, in today's Hollywood, his salary is only about 600 million to 800 million, which is at the same level as Jet Li.

Although Jean-Claude Van Damme was popular in Hollywood and even the world in the 8s and 90s, his popularity has declined a lot now. 400 million is enough to win a villain.

Among the remaining two people, Morgan Freeman has always been synonymous with 'cheap, easy to use' and 'super cost-effective'.

It's just a supporting role, and only 400 million is enough.

Anthony Hopkins, on the other hand, because of the popularity of "Hannibal" released in February this year, even if he is just a villain with a small role, he still needs about 600 million.

But even so, the total salary of these five stars is only 2800 million US dollars.

Because it doesn’t require many speeding car explosions or special effects, the total cost is enough to be controlled at around US$5000 million.

Of course, to be honest, the popularity and traffic these five people can bring together is not as much as Tom Cruise or Leonardo DiCaprio alone.

Simply pursuing popularity and traffic, spending 2800 million to hire five of them might as well hire Xiao Lizi.

But the problem is, Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Cruise can't act in this kind of hard-hitting action movies. If you really spend money to find them, they will end up just like China Entertainment in the previous life, making all bad movies.

For example, "Sea Fortress".

So spending 2800 million to invite them is still a good deal.

After Wayne improved it a little, he sent a brief version of the script to Jet Li and Yuan Baye respectively, preparing to ask for their opinions.

To be honest, there are no such crime action movies of the Organ FM type. There is nothing novel in both the subject matter and the story. It can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

But action movies themselves are like this. They have been made for decades and have already become bad.

The current box office of action movies depends on the popularity of the lead actor and the fighting scenes. As long as these two points are good enough and the plot is logically self-consistent, it is enough.

So when Jet Li and Yuan Baye saw the starring lineup listed by Wayne, they immediately agreed happily.

"When you were filming just now, Li and Yuan had already replied. They liked the script very much. In addition, Li and director Zhang, their scenes will be over as soon as January next year."

During lunch break that day, Hannah came over with a notepad and said.

"Also, the post-production of "Taken" has been completed, and Sierra wants you to go over and confirm."

"Also, Sony's Howard Stringer would like to invite you to the celebration party for The Notebook's box office success, which will be the night after tomorrow."

"Warner is also planning to hold a celebration party for "The Dark Side" tomorrow night."

"In addition, Harvey Weinstein also wants to invite you to the party and says he has prepared a surprise for you."


Wayne listened to Hannah's report while drinking juice.

The post-production of "Hurricane Rescue" was completed, and he actually knew it through the system prompt he received during the morning filming.

Because the original production cost was not high, only 3500 million US dollars, the system's triple return was only 1.05 million.

However, this made the system funds, which originally had less than 4000 million left, become abundant again.

[Remaining film and television investment funds: 13630 million]

[Film and television projects currently in progress:]

[Resident Evil 1 and 2: The production budget was 17500 million, and 15700 million has been invested so far]

[Ocean’s Eleven (18%): Estimated investment of 1500 million, currently 1500 million has been invested]

[Pirates of the Caribbean (16%): Estimated investment of 2000 million, currently 600 million has been invested]

[Spider-Man 1 (22%): Estimated investment of 3000 million, currently 3000 million has been invested]

[Star Wars Episode 2 (4%): Estimated investment is 1500 million, current investment is 1500 million]

[US version of Midnight Ring: Estimated investment is 3000 million, current investment is 2400 million]

[Wedding Crashers: Estimated investment of 4200 million, currently 3150 million has been invested]

[Heidi and Grandpa: It is expected to invest 1500 million, and 1000 million has been invested so far]

[Assassin’s League: Estimated investment is 17000 million, currently 7500 million has been invested]

[Intern: Estimated investment is 2500 million, 500 million has been invested so far]

Wayne called up the system panel and glanced at it. After confirming that the current funds were enough to complete the filming of several other movies besides "Assassin's League", he felt relieved.

"The celebration party for "The Notebook"? Yes, today seems to be the 23rd. I was so busy filming every day that I almost forgot about it."

Hannah rolled her eyes angrily when she heard this.

Is Wayne busy filming every day?
Obviously, filming should be a break for Wayne. After filming every day, going to those bitches for coffee is the real business.

Wayne could tell what she was thinking at a glance, and playfully pulled her into his arms and kissed her. After just a few seconds, Hannah's intention to complain had completely disappeared.

"By the way, what is the final box office of "The Notebook"? Has it exceeded [-] million?" Wayne asked.

"No," Hannah gave an answer that made him regretful. "The North American box office was 3.2 million, and the overseas box office was 4.4 million. In the end, the global box office of "The Notebook" was 7.6 million US dollars."

"It's only 4000 million short," Wayne sighed rarely.

"What about The Dark Side?" Wayne asked again.

"The Dark Side" was released a few days earlier than "The Notebook". Now that "The Notebook" has been released, "The Dark Side" will naturally be released as well.

"The North American box office of "The Dark Side" was 1.13 million, and the overseas box office was 5166 million, so the final global total box office was 1.646 million US dollars."

(End of this chapter)

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