Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 21 The Oscar winner is also coming to audition!

Chapter 21 The Oscar winner is also coming to audition!

After half an hour, Wayne closed the script with satisfaction.

James Wan lived up to his expectations. The entire script not only vaguely exceeded the original version in terms of plot lines, but also was at least one or two levels higher than the original version in terms of creating suspense and thriller.

This makes up for the biggest criticism of the entire film - not being very scary.

No matter how the audience sees it after it is filmed, at least he can no longer find any major faults with it.

So after calling Sierra to inform her that the script had been approved, Wayne directly picked up Hannah and prepared to reward her severely.

Silent all night.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Wayne took Jessica and sat in Hannah's Saber class to the company for the audition.

Mia had driven here in advance because she still had work.

In addition, although Jessica's agent had received the exact news and knew that the heroine was Jessica and had not run away, she was still needed for the signing process, so she rushed over alone in advance.

"Hello, Mr. Wayne, it's an honor to see you again!"

Jessica's agent, Vinnie, acted very humble and enthusiastic in front of Wayne. He was completely different from when he persuaded Jessica at the party.

But this is normal. Talking about people and talking about ghosts is not just an agent, it is also one of the most basic abilities that every person in society needs to master.

What's more, after Jessica rejected the audition for Cameron's new TV series, she had to rely on Wayne. As a result, her hope of getting a promotion and a raise, and reaching the top of her life, all fell on Wayne. Naturally, I have to work hard to please Wayne.

You must know that the founder of CAA did not hesitate to dance on the dining table in order to win customers.

Wayne smiled politely, shook hands with her, then handed Jessica back to her temporarily, and followed Mia to the audition room.

Along the way, everyone, regardless of gender, looked at him sideways.

There's no way around it, Wayne is just too handsome.

When Leonardo DiCaprio went to audition for Titanic, he could make women in the whole building come over to see him. Wayne was even better looking than him. He wore a tailored suit and his elegant and confident temperament. Like a noble son from a wealthy family who has been passed down for hundreds of years, he is naturally more eye-catching.

"Oh my God! Who is he? He is so handsome!" A black guy in the corner couldn't help but exclaimed along with the other actresses.

But his voice was a bit loud, which immediately attracted the attention of another audition actor next to him.

"Come on, man, you don't even know who he is and you come here to audition? Who introduced you?"

"Of course I was introduced by my agent. My agent is Connair Jones from WMA. So did I miss any important information?"

"Well, it seems that you really don't know. He is the new boss of Hemera Pictures. The previous Hemera Pictures movie cost 800 million US dollars and was bought by Warner for 2000 million. He invested independently and made his own investment. A work written and performed by myself.”

"Ah! It turned out to be him! Before I came here, I heard from my agent that Hemera Pictures had a new owner, and the new owner had strong funds. So I thought that Wayne Anderson was an old man. I didn’t expect him to be so handsome at such a young age! It’s over now, I originally wanted to audition for the leading role!”


Mike's client, the Asian guy who came to audition for the role of male number 27, "Diaosi Huangmao", looked shocked. He carefully looked at the black guy in front of him who was at least [-] or [-] years old. He really didn't know how to complain.

"Where does this come from? A black man plays the male lead? You think you are Will Smith!"

"Where's your agent? Did he ask you to audition for the leading role?" The Asian guy couldn't help but ask, he was really curious about this matter.

The black guy immediately showed his big white teeth when he heard this, and said with a smile: "My agent said he believed in my ability, and said that I can do it by myself~"

"Ha ha."

The Asian guy laughed dryly and didn't want to talk to this black guy who had some brain problems anymore.

Not far from the two of them, a girl with dark brown slightly curly hair, skin as white as milk, delicate and bright facial features, and an elegant and quiet temperament was eavesdropping on their conversation, with eyes like black gems. A thoughtful look flashed across his face.

If Wayne were here, he would recognize this girl immediately.

Because she is none other than 'Princess' Anne Hathaway, who became an overnight sensation when "The Princess Diaries" was released next year.At least in Wayne's view, this is definitely a time when she is not smiling. A beauty whose appearance and temperament are not inferior to Jessica's are rare in Hollywood where beauties are everywhere.

As for when you smile, well, that depends on personal preference.

It's just that Anne Hathaway is not well-known yet. Although she played a role in the TV series "Get Real" released last year, she was also nominated for the 2nd Teen Choice Award for Best TV Actress for this role. .

However, due to the poor ratings of the TV series, it was canceled after only one season, so her fame in Hollywood is not as good as that of Jessica before.

In addition, Wayne knew that her home was in Brooklyn, New York, not Los Angeles, so whether it was the last "Admission" or this time "Happy Death Day", he actually never thought about letting Anne Hathaway Play a major role in it.

So like the black guy, Annie also ran here alone.

Because the newcomer's one-year economic contract is about to expire, she is just a small actress and it is definitely not worth it for the agent to abandon other clients and go to New York to sign a contract with her.

In addition, she also wanted to see if she could find new opportunities in Hollywood, so she flew to Los Angeles by herself.

Then when the new financial contract was signed two days ago, I heard other agents talking about Hemera Pictures in the CAA office.

Even in Hollywood, where production companies are everywhere, there are not many production companies that can independently invest US$800 million. Excluding the seven giants, Hemera Pictures has already ranked in the top 30.

Now Hemera Pictures was going to produce a new movie with a budget of more than 1000 million US dollars, and the audition was just two days later, so she begged her agent to help her get a spot for a supporting role in the audition. Come and try it out.

But it was just a supporting role, and her agent wasn't very optimistic about her, so she was left to do it on her own.

If you can audition, your agent will contact Hemera Pictures to sign a contract.

After all, not every agent is as diligent as Mike, otherwise Wayne wouldn't have chosen him as his agent.

"If we can capture this person"

Anne couldn't help but have such thoughts in her head. This is very normal in Hollywood. It can be said that all the actresses present who came to audition had such thoughts at this time.

After becoming famous, Anne was like a princess surrounded by stars. She was even boycotted later because she was 'too perfect', but that was just a character creation.

Before becoming famous, unless you have an extraordinary family background or are backed by big capital, you are not qualified to be a princess at all.

Thinking of this, Annie couldn't help but glance at Jessica, who had come with Wayne earlier, and frowned unconsciously.

Even though she is also a woman, she has to admit that Jessica is indeed very beautiful, and she is the top one in Hollywood where beauties are everywhere.

Especially when you smile, it's as sweet as milk chocolate.

It is obviously a huge challenge to snatch Wayne away from such a beautiful woman.

But just as she was thinking about how to operate, how to give Wayne a wonderful encounter first, so that Wayne would remember her and pass the audition, another burst of exclamation came, which immediately attracted her attention.

Anne subconsciously turned her head and looked over.

The one who caused everyone to exclaim this time was a slightly fat old man wearing dark gray trousers, a light-colored vertical striped shirt, and a straw hat.

Anne didn't recognize him at first. It wasn't until someone next to her exclaimed the name 'Anthony Hopkins' in a low voice that she suddenly remembered who the old man in front of her was.

"Oh my God! Anthony Hopkins?! This is the Oscar winner! Why is he here too? Is this really just an independent film with a production cost of 1000 million US dollars?!"

Including Mike's several audition clients and the people contacted by Sierra, everyone showed shocked expressions after learning the identity of Anthony Hopkins.

There was no way, because Anthony Hopkins was such a big name, Serra did not announce the news of inviting him to star before he was fully sure to invite him.

However, it turns out that Hollywood, the vanity fair, is really about money, and everything is about money.

Why do those actors and stars work so hard to climb up?The ultimate goal is not money!
So what if Anthony Hopkins is an Oscar winner?As long as the money is available, why don't you still come to audition?
After the shock, everyone realized this.This immediately made Hemera Pictures' status in their hearts much higher, and each of them became more attentive to this audition.

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(End of this chapter)

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