Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 22 This woman is very experienced!

Chapter 22 This woman is very experienced!

Anne subconsciously reached out and picked up the water glass that had been placed on the stool next to her.

She wasn't thirsty yet, she was just worried that someone would secretly play tricks on her while she wasn't paying attention.

After all, she has witnessed this kind of thing many times with her own eyes. Just a little laxative may cause your competitor to miss the opportunity to audition. What's worse, you can directly create a trap for your opponent on the way here. A minor car accident that puts him in a hospital bed for a week or two is something that happens almost every day in Hollywood.

Otherwise, why would those qualified stars need assistants and agents to follow them all the time during their auditions? Isn't it just a matter of having a few more people to help take care of them?

Annie is alone now, so she can only be careful and careful.

I have to say that she is quite confident in her beauty.

Auditions will begin soon.

The actors that Sierra and Mike specifically contacted to audition for several major roles had already received their respective scripts, so they followed the scripts.

As for the other supporting characters who have one or two lines, just give them a clip on the spot and let them improvise, and it will be fine.

The audition began, and the first person to walk into the audition room was Liv Tyler, who played the villainous heroine Lori.

Today, Liv Tyler is not very famous because Lord of the Rings has not yet been released, but her naturally elegant and ladylike temperament made Wayne subconsciously sit up straight after just one glance.

Although Liv Tyler's appearance is not as good as Jessica's or even Mia's, her temperament is really great.

Her height of 178 cm and tight jeans perfectly highlight her long and straight legs, which are also very eye-catching.

However, Wayne quickly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart. After Liv Tyler introduced himself, he simply said hello to her and then motioned for her to start performing.

"Miss Taylor, please start your performance! Mia, come and play with Miss Taylor."

"Okay, Wayne."

Mia said as she walked across from Liv Tyler holding the audition script.

The clip of Liv Tyler's audition is her scene at the end of the movie. After the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes was discovered and exposed by the heroine Terry, she quickly turned from a submissive nerd to a dark person, while venting her years of suppressed jealousy and jealousy towards the heroine. Hatred, while preparing to kill the heroine with his own hands.

The key point of the audition is the emotional change of the nerd's darkening, from shock when his identity is exposed to panic, to hesitation about whether to continue taking action, to the evidence of poisoning being obtained by the heroine Terry, so he has to make a desperate move , take action against Terry.

"Bang bang bang!" Mia stepped on her high heels deliberately and took a few steps quickly to make a noise.

Liv Tyler, who was sitting at the desk reading a book, turned around when she heard the sound, frowning slightly, with a little dissatisfaction on her face, but then she 'saw' Terry rushing into the room and starting to clean up hurriedly After picking up her luggage, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and asked doubtfully: "Are you going on a long trip?"

"Yes! The further away, the better!" Mia said the lines expressionlessly.

However, as an old actor who has been in the industry for many years, Liv Tyler has not been affected in any way and is still doing her semi-physical performance.

Her eyes flickered slightly, but there was a look of concern on her face, and she asked: "Hey, Terry, what's wrong with you?"

"Me! I was wrong! I thought that if I didn't run away and defeated him, I could end this damn thing! But it didn't stop!"

"Terry! What are you talking about? You scared me."

Imagining Mia's hysterical appearance, Liv Tyler leaned back slightly and made a frightened defensive posture, but the doubts in her eyes became more intense, and while doubting, she couldn't help showing a trace of hesitation. look.

I was thinking about whether Terry should continue to attack if she was going to travel far away.

"Yes! I'm terrible!" Mia continued to read the lines.

Liv Tyler imagined that Mia opposite her was a nasty guy who always bullied her, a Bitchi that she hated the most. After a brief pause in breathing, she finally decided to take action.

"Don't be like this, Terry, today is your birthday, you should relax. Look, this is a cup cake I made for you! It has the best XX cream from the shop on XX Street."

Liv Tyler said softly, and at the same time turned around, picked up the poisoned cup cake that had been prepared, lit the candle, stood up and walked towards Mia.

This moment benefits from the addition of Liv Tyler’s own temperament. From Wayne’s perspective, she is simply much stronger than the original female villain.This gentle voice and temperament immediately made 'Tali' calm down a little. After a moment of hesitation, she reached out and took the cake.

As for Liv Tyler, when she took the cake, a light flashed in her eyes.

The originally gentle and peaceful smile became a little tight due to the subconscious tension and expectation, and it suddenly looked like a weird feeling of smiling but not smiling.

At the same time, Wayne also keenly noticed that Liv Tyler took advantage of her height to make a small movement where her upper body leaned forward slightly, but her lower body tightened back.

As if thinking of something, Wayne immediately turned his head and looked at the monitor next to him. Sure enough, he found that on the screen of the monitor, Liv Tyler's face seemed to be smeared with a layer of shadow, matching her soft smile. His expression looked even more sinister and weird.

"This woman is very experienced!" Wen Ziren on the side opened his mouth and whispered.

Auditions are usually not taken as a decision, but rather compared to the images recorded by the monitor afterwards to determine the final candidate. After all, some people usually look good, but their photogenic effects are very average, and some people are the opposite.

Therefore, experienced actors not only need to leave a good impression in the eyes of directors and producers, but also leave outstanding images in the camera to better increase their chances of passing the audition.

Of course, those guys who directly bring money into the group, such as Wayne, are completely unnecessary.

"Happy birthday, Terry!" Liv Tyler's voice became gentler during the audition.

"Thank you, but I already ate it last night." After reading this, Mia paused for a moment as required by the script, and then continued: "Wait, cake? Oops, I died again last night. No. sleep"

After a pause, Mia looked at Liv Tyler who had put away her weird smile and put on a blank and innocent look, and continued to read: "It's you! It was you who killed me!"

"What? What are you talking about, Terry? You really scared me!"

Surprise, innocence, and a hint of something bad behind these emotions, Liv Tyler perfectly grasped the reaction of the character Lori at this moment, which is much better than the little-known extra in the original version.

"You poisoned it! It's in this cup cake!" Mia's eyes turned to the 'cup cake' in Liv Tyler's hand, and she read quickly: "But I threw it all into the trash before. In the bucket, you have never eaten it, so you need to find other ways, so you quickly focus on the murderer. Taking advantage of the opportunity of being a trainee nurse in the hospital, you let him go, trying to use his hands to kill him. I"

Liv Tyler's pupils subconsciously shrank when Mia said 'You've been poisoned', and her whole body tensed up instantly.

Then she still had a gentle smile on her face, but in the eyes of others, this smile became more and more far-fetched and stiff as 'Terry' exposed her plan. Various emotions flashed through.

It looks very vivid and full.

At this moment, both Wayne, who was sitting in the main seat, and James Wan and Sierra beside him, nodded unconsciously.

Obviously very satisfied with Liv Tyler's performance.

Next, while she was thinking about countermeasures, Mia suddenly reached out and snatched away the poisoned cup cake. This was undoubtedly the key evidence of her crime.

Because she bought all the ingredients for making the cake herself, she couldn't deny it even if she wanted to.

Seeing this, Liv Tyler finally made up her mind. The smile on her face disappeared in an instant, and her eyes revealed a chilling coldness mixed with crazy light.


When the "blackened" Liv Tyler was about to put her foot on "Terry"'s belly and kick her to the ground, Wayne subconsciously spoke hurriedly and called to stop the audition.

Otherwise, he is really worried that if the performance continues, Liv Tyler will really hurt Mia.

"Very good! Miss Taylor, your performance was really wonderful, it almost scared me!"

Wayne praised sincerely, not exaggerating at all.

Liv Tyler's expression just now is definitely more chilling than Zhang Zifeng's last smile in Detective Tang.

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Anderson."

Liv Tyler changed her face in a second, showing her usual quiet and elegant smile again, and then said smoothly: "Then in order to apologize, can I treat you to a meal?"

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(End of this chapter)

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