Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 23: Saying yes and then changing your mind is such a bully to the newcomer!

Chapter 23: Saying yes and then changing your mind is such a bully to the newcomer!


Wayne couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, looking at the admiration and passion in Liv Tyler's eyes that were just right enough to arouse any man's vanity, he silently muttered in his heart, 'Sure enough, you can't be judged by appearance,' and then he happily agreed. down.

Then the second person to come in was Willem Dafoe, who was auditioning to be a professor of medicine.

This one is basically just going through the motions.

After all, the total number of scenes for this medical professor, who is a female student with unspoken grades in professional courses, may be less than 2 minutes, and she only has seven or eight lines.

Wayne only chose him because of his reputation and image. At first glance, he looked like a gentleman on the surface, but actually very dishonest.

The same goes for Anthony Hopkins next.

For ordinary actors, such as Wayne and Jessica, who play the leading roles, and Anne Hathaway, who is sitting outside with a bunch of extras, preparing to audition for a supporting role with only one or two lines, wanting to act It is definitely not that easy to be a mentally disturbed serial killer who specifically targets beautiful women.

Even if the appearance factors are ignored, the acting skills are definitely not enough.

But for Oscar-winning actor Anthony Hopkins, who has already appeared in "The Silence of the Lambs" and will star in "Hannibal" in the future, this is simply a matter of convenience.

So the audition was just a formality.

The next fourth person to come in is Charlize Theron, who plays the female lead Daniel.

Although this South African beauty has not yet won an Oscar for her role in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada", she is already quite famous and has begun to take on the aura of a 'Serpy King'.

Of course, even if he really becomes the Emperor of Saigon in his previous life, he will still be shorter in front of the producers who represent capital.

The most important thing is that when Charlize Theron was running the Oscars, it was said that she spent millions of dollars and followed the path of Harvey Weinstein, so this South African diamond who looks full of aura is actually He is also a man who can put his body down.

Hemera Pictures is no longer what it used to be. In addition, if it wants to run the Oscars, it requires a lot of money in addition to connections. So even if it is just supporting someone and starring as the third female lead with not many scenes, it will still be the same as long as the money is in place. promise.

And this one, like the previous Liv Tyler, took the initiative to ask Wayne to have dinner with him after the audition.

Obviously, he had done enough homework before coming here, and knew about Hemera Pictures and who had the final say in this movie.

"Damn it! My dear, you are too charming. All these bitches are coming to you!"

"Did you only know this today?"

Wayne asked back with a smirk, then stretched out his hand to pull Mia into his arms, who looked unhappy, and gave her a French kiss in front of Sierra and others, quickly resolving her tension. Resentment.

"Okay, you're right, I already knew it, so who are you going to date first? Liv Tyler or Charlize Theron? Or both together?" 3 minutes later, Mia double She sat on his lap with her cheeks hot and asked, breathing heavily.

"Well, I think I can challenge something a little more difficult." Wayne joked casually.

For the first time, the difficulty of two together is too high, and it is easy to fail to win either one, so it is better to do it one by one.

Next, the audition continued. Since there were only supporting roles with one or two lines, he delegated the power to James Wan. This made James Wan almost cry!
Don't get me wrong, literally.

After all, as a new director with no achievements or background, he often doesn't even have the right to decide on supporting roles and needs to discuss it with the producer.

After all, Hollywood is a producer-centered system, because producers represent capital.

The director has become the center of the production team and can only take charge of the casting process. That is if the capital believes that the director can help them make a lot of money, so they will make some compromises.

Others will definitely not believe in James Wan, a newcomer, but Wayne trusts him very much.

But when Anne Hathaway came in, he broke his promise.

Looking at Anne Hathaway, who was smiling slightly nervously, Wayne, who was originally checking the shooting plan made by James Wan, subconsciously stopped and sat up straight, with a surprised expression on his face.

This made Mia, who was accompanying him, and Hannah, who was standing behind him, immediately notice his reaction and rolled their eyes angrily.

"My name is Anne Hathaway. I am 18 years old. I starred in the TV series "Get Real" last year." Anne introduced herself while looking at Wayne who was sitting in the main seat. Wayne suddenly became more nervous after his reaction.

This made Wen Ziren frown when he saw this.

I was nervous even when I introduced myself during the audition, but when I was filming and being stared at by so many people and machines, could I let go?
James Wan's suspicions are very reasonable.

It's a pity that he doesn't know what Anne is thinking.

Annie, who has been in theater since high school and has participated in many small-budget stage plays, is actually pretty good at acting, at least a little better than Jessica, and it is even less likely that she would be so nervous during an ordinary audition introduction.

The reason why she was nervous at this moment was just thinking about how to take down Wayne.

This kind of selling your body in exchange for opportunities is no longer an unspoken rule in Hollywood, but an explicit rule.

It's just that this is the first time that she has such an idea and is ready to take action.

Even because she comes from a middle-class elite family, went to missionary schools in elementary and high school, and had relatively strict tutoring, her first time was still there.

"But...if it's the first time with him, it seems like I've earned it?"

Annie looked at Wayne's extremely handsome face and couldn't help but think about it.

Next, James Wan patiently asked Anne to perform an impromptu performance. At this time, Anne finally put her mind back for the time being, and her performance was quite satisfactory.

This made Wen Ziren, who was originally not optimistic about her, slightly change his mind.

After all, James Wan's aesthetics is quite normal.

"There don't seem to be any remaining roles suitable for her."

After Annie left the audition room, James Wan was the first to express his opinion, holding a pen and preparing to mark it on the information sheet in his hand.

But then Wayne suddenly said: "Then replace the role of the Asian female international student who was ostracized by the sorority, or the black girl in the sorority who was scolded by Daniel for liking sweets, with her!"

"Such a pretty face will definitely attract viewers. It would be a shame not to have to."

"And because of her beauty, quiet temperament, and introverted personality, she was not good at socializing and was ostracized by her classmates. This makes sense logically."

James Wan just thought for a moment and nodded, agreeing to Wayne's proposal.

After all, of these two characters, one has only four or five lines and no single scenes, and the other has several single scenes of one or two seconds, but has no lines. Neither is an important role.

"So Wayne, which one do you think should be given to her?"

"I'll ask her about this later and let her choose!"

Wen Ziren couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

Let an unknown actor choose which role to play?

Now he finally jumped out of the script and understood Wayne's true intentions.

Wen Ziren silently marked it on the information sheet in his hand, and Wen Ziren felt cursed in his heart.I agreed to give him rights and then changed my mind. This is too bullying of a newcomer!
James Wan, who was thinking about it, wanted to say that he would never cooperate with Wayne again.

But when he thought of Wayne's generous hand, he decisively gave up the idea.

Just kidding, everyone has come to Hollywood, the Vanity Fair, who would have trouble with money?

The first rule of survival in Hollywood is that whoever has money is the boss, and you can’t make trouble with anyone but money, okay?
The reason why the Big Seven are able to stand at the top of the Hollywood pyramid is not only because they control crucial global distribution channels, but more importantly, they all have the support of big capital behind them, or are directly controlled by big capital.

Otherwise, how could they dare to deceive those financial giants on Wall Street? The most important thing is that after the deception is over, everything will be fine?Do you really think those financial giants on Wall Street are fools?
Only capital can fight against capital, unless there is a cheat!
(End of this chapter)

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