Chapter 24 Smart Anne

"I'm going for a walk, you continue." Wayne said, getting up and walking outside.

"Do you need me to accompany you?" Hannah asked subconsciously, but before she finished speaking, she wanted to slap herself.

Why are you following?Are you watching Wayne hook up with a new woman?

However, she thought that it would be meaningless for her to stay here once Wayne left, so she finally left the audition room, then after saying something to Wayne, she drove away on her own.

Of course, she wasn't planning on ending the job and relationship with Wayne.

On the contrary, she was planning to resign from the shooting club and help Wayne get his gun permit back.

Although she was a little dissatisfied with Wayne's philandering, in the past few days, she still failed to get out of Wayne's clutches and fell completely.

Whether it was physical or mental needs, Wayne was her best choice.

"Forget it, that guy's physical strength is so abnormal anyway, I can't handle it alone. He can find as many as he likes, as long as they can satisfy me!" Hannah muttered silently in her heart.

When she thought about it, she felt much better immediately.

On the other hand, Wayne also approached Anne Hathaway, who deliberately lingered and did not leave after the audition, thinking about how to create a beautiful encounter to get close to him.

"Hello, Annie, can I call you you?"

The sudden sound startled Annie, who was in a daze. Then when she saw clearly that it was Wayne walking next to her, her eyes couldn't help but reveal a gleam of surprise.

"Of course, Mr. Anderson!"

"Call me Wayne," Wayne showed an elegant smile like a nobleman, which immediately dazzled Anne.

Really handsome!
Annie couldn't help but scream in her heart, and her original thoughts became more determined.

"Director James Wan feels that there is something wrong with your performance in the audition just now." Wayne continued at this time.

Anne, who was still immersed in her own world, dreaming about taking down Wayne and becoming a big star with Wayne's help, suddenly came to her senses after hearing this, her face changed slightly, and she said hurriedly: "I'm sorry, Wayne, I was too nervous just now. ”

"I can see it," Wayne said with a smile, "and I can also see that, Annie, you are actually a very potential actor, so I convinced the director to give you another chance."

"Ah, is that so?" Annie relaxed a little, and then asked, "Do I want to go in now?"

"That's not necessary," Wayne explained with a smile: "I believe these two roles are more than enough for you, and you can decide which role you choose."

Anne was startled when she heard this. When did a young actor like her with no achievements or fame get to decide which role to play?

But she was smart and understood Wayne's intention immediately, showed a shy smile, and whispered: "Well Wayne, can I treat you to a meal, and by the way, please tell me the details of these two characters. Are there dramas and requirements?”

"of course can!"

Wayne was very satisfied with Annie's success. He still kept an elegant smile on his face, but he was already faintly excited in his heart.

After all, this is Anne Hathaway. Even without the filter of her previous life, her looks and temperament alone are worth his excitement, right?
Half an hour later, Wayne drove Annie in his Ferrari F360 to a high-end restaurant that he had visited several times before.

Because it was already one o'clock in the afternoon, there were not many customers in the store, and the two of them were not well-known yet, so there was no need to worry about being recognized.

"Annie, you are from New York, right? I have never been to New York."

The two chatted like friends, and quickly became familiar with each other as they both shared their concerns.

During this period, just as Wayne expected, the smart Annie did not ask about any of the characters during the meal, as if she didn't care about those two characters at all.

It wasn't until after dinner that Wayne drove her downstairs to the hotel, and she invited him to have a cup of coffee and chat about the two characters mentioned earlier.

This sounds a lot more serious, doesn't it?
But no matter what the name is, the process and results are the same.

In the small hotel room, Wayne just took a slight step forward, and Annie fell into his arms with a pretty face and a slight blush.

Her blushing this time was not fake. After all, it was her first time, so she was somewhat nervous.

But this does not affect her determination.

This is Hollywood after all, and she had been prepared for this from the moment she decided to step here.

As for choosing roles, it was already dinner time.

"One of these two characters is the other." Wayne did not exaggerate or boast in any way. He calmly introduced the roles and roles of the two characters.

After learning that both characters were just ordinary supporting roles, Anne must be lying if she said she wasn't disappointed.

But looking at Wayne's handsome profile, she quickly adjusted her mentality.

After all, making movies is not a child's play. As the boss of a production company, Wayne is also responsible for the entire company. It is impossible for an unknown girl to star in such a multi-million-dollar movie.

What's more, Wayne still has a girlfriend, and her lover is not in the protagonist's role for the time being.

"So, Wayne, which one do you think I should choose? I'll listen to you."

Wayne carefully admired her pretty face that perfectly blended charm and elegance, and said with a smile: "Baby, do you know what your greatest advantage and potential is? It's your princess-like, beautiful face, so If you want to impress the audience as quickly as possible and increase your reputation, you must show your advantages as much as possible."

Naturally, what he was talking about was the character who, although he had few lines, had several solo scenes.

It's a bit similar to Huang Shengyi in "Kung Fu", except that the role is not that heavy.

Anne was not dissatisfied after hearing this.

In the past year, she has been unable to get almost any work, which has caused her to completely lose confidence in her acting skills.

Even her beauty, if she hadn't just been affirmed by Wayne, who took the initiative to find her, she would be a little less confident.

"Okay, honey, I listen to you!"

After dinner, Wayne didn't stay overnight at Annie's place, who was exhausted and couldn't bear to continue to tossing. He drove directly to the car to pay for another appointment.

No way, who would have made an appointment with Charlize Theron before meeting Anne.

As a female star who is now relatively high in the second tier, the place she made an appointment with was a high-end bar near Century City. It is said that many Hollywood stars, directors, and producers frequent this place.

Therefore, this is also one of the favorite bars for women who are slightly famous but not that famous and hope to make further connections.

The most important thing is that there is almost no need to worry about paparazzi following you here, and you can play whatever you want.

After all, it doesn’t take much background for the bar owner to open such a high-end bar here.

"Hey Anderson, this way!"

As soon as he parked the car and got out of the car, Wayne saw Charlize Theron waiting for him at the door.

She has medium-length blond hair, a tight-fitting black hip-hugging skirt, her 177cm tall figure and charming curves, and a pair of eight-centimeter high heels. Even if she doesn't look at her face, she will look at the pedestrians coming and going at the door. , it will also appear very eye-catching.

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(End of this chapter)

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