Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 25 Before opening the door, the opponent fell.

Chapter 25 Before opening the door, the opponent fell.

"Just call me Wayne. Sorry, I'm late." Wayne walked over quickly and said apologetically.

"No, it's because I came early, so you can call me Sally too!"

As he spoke, Charlize Theron naturally reached out and took his arm, pulling him toward the bar. This posture was much lower than during the previous audition.

But it's no wonder. After all, there were so many people there during the audition. She had to maintain her own persona and image. If her posture was too low, it would be easy for others to see clearly.

But in private, when facing the 'financier father' again, his attitude must be adjusted.

In addition, Charlize Theron lowered her profile to such a low level because of Wayne, because she is participating in "The Drifter" starring Oscar winner Robert De Niro, which will be released next week.

Although she doesn't have many roles in it, she is still a heroine.

If the film performs well, the distributor, [-]th Century Fox, will definitely increase its publicity, and by then she may have to fly around with the crew.

After "The Dive", another movie she participated in, the sports inspirational film "Return to Glory" starring Matt Damon and Will Smith, will also be released.

Therefore, her schedule will be very tight in the next two months, but she has not yet been able to set a specific schedule. She can only be on call at any time, waiting for Fox's call, which is very troublesome.

Originally, she planned to not take on other jobs during this period and concentrate on cooperating with the promotion of the two movies. After all, the other party was one of the seven giants.

But Wayne gave too much.

She previously appeared in the two movies "The Drifter" and "Back to Glory", which were basically trying to catch up with the popularity of Oscar-winning actor Robert De Niro, as well as Will Smith, who is now on par with Leonardo DiCaprio. All of them have declined. The salary for one film is only 130 million yuan.

Both movies combined are less than 300 million.

But as for Wayne, she was paid 300 million for a few minutes of supporting roles, and it also starred Oscar-winning actor Anthony Hopkins, which made her really reluctant to turn it down.

No one in Hollywood has trouble with money.

Even if you are the CEO of the Seven Giants, if you spend thirty-five million, they will be very happy to play a cameo role in your movie.

After all, these CEOs are just high-level wage earners. Once a movie loses too much money, they may be fired at any time.

"That's it. Then I'll discuss it with Director James Wan when I get back and see if I can finish filming your scenes together when you're free. If there's really no other way."

Wayne took a sip of the cocktail in his hand and did not continue talking.

Anyway, the contract has not been officially signed yet. If there is really no way to coordinate the shooting time, then he will have to change people.

His first choice is Charlize Theron, but it doesn’t have to be Charlize Theron.

"Then it's up to you, Wayne."

Charlize Theron did not feel dissatisfied at all, but the smile on her face became more charming.

After all, this is a big deal involving 300 million US dollars. What's wrong with selling it for a laugh? Even if it's selling yourself, it's no problem.

You know, if you put 300 million US dollars in the San Fernando Valley next door, you can find hundreds of actresses with good looks and top figures to come to your door.

Next, the two stopped talking about work and chatted about various Hollywood gossips while watching the striptease show on the stage.

Yes, even in so-called high-end bars, the content of the performances is still the same, but the quality of the performers is different.

After a few glasses of wine, Theron was already a little tipsy.

Seeing that Wayne still looked clear-eyed, he was a little aroused by the alcohol and the restless music and dancing.

Theron, who is indeed somewhat domineering at heart, doesn't want to waste time anymore and is ready to invite Wayne to another place for in-depth communication.

But just as she was about to speak, a man walked over next to her holding a wine glass.

"Hey Sally, long time no see, I didn't expect you to be here too!"

Charlize Theron frowned subconsciously when he heard this, then showed a friendly smile again, and turned to look at the visitor.

Wayne on the opposite side noticed this detail keenly, which made him a little curious, who hadn't paid much attention to it at first.

Because he has keen senses, he has already noticed this guy coming over. The most important thing is that he still knows this person.

"Hi Keanu, long time no see!" Charlize Theron smiled and greeted the visitor. When the visitor took the initiative to make a kiss, she had no choice but to move her face towards him.

That's right, the person coming is none other than Keanu Reeves, who became famous overnight because of "The Matrix" released last year.

Now Keanu Reeves is not the greasy uncle he will be in the future. Although he is 36 years old, he still looks like a handsome handsome guy.

The most important thing is, if he remembers correctly, according to outside reports, the two should have become good friends because they co-starred in "The Devil's Advocate" a few years ago.

But looking at Charlize Theron's reaction just now, it seems a little bit different. "Sally, I heard that "The Dive" starring you will premiere next week, right? I will definitely go to the premiere to help you." Keanu Reeves said enthusiastically .

"Thank you, Keanu!" Charlize Theron thanked her equally enthusiastically.It's just that this kind of performance looks fake in Wayne's eyes.

"By the way, Sally, who is this?" Keanu Reeves finally turned to look at Wayne, with a bit of condescending scrutiny in his eyes.

It seems that Wayne is regarded as some unknown actor who comes here to expand his network.

Wayne gently shook the wine glass in his hand, a playful look flashed in his eyes.

Sudden popularity can easily make a star get lost and lose sight of himself. This is the case with Leonardo DiCaprio, and it seems that the same is true for Keanu Reeves.

However, the show-off and slap-in-the-face session that he had been looking forward to did not take place. Keanu Reeves was a little arrogant, but he was not a fool. He was 36 years old and still couldn’t understand who was the father in Hollywood.

Theron glanced at Wayne first, and then introduced: "This is Mr. Wayne Anderson, the leading actor in the new movie I am about to star in, and also the new boss of Hemera Pictures."

Keanu, who was still looking arrogant at first, changed his expression immediately after hearing the words 'the new boss of Hemera Pictures'. The corners of his mouth moved, and his arrogant smile instantly became humble and gentle.

He had actually never heard of the name Hemera Pictures.

But he knows very well that the production company that can hire Charlize Theron should not be too weak, and its boss is definitely not a simple person.

No matter how arrogant or offending he is when dealing with a little-known actor, he has no problem.

Even if the other party suddenly becomes popular later, it won't have much impact on him.

But for a production company boss who is at the top of the Hollywood pyramid, even if he is in the limelight now, he still cannot be offended easily.

"Hello, Mr. Anderson, I'm Keanu Reeves, nice to meet you!"

Keanu Reeves immediately lowered his stance, which made Wayne feel as if the enemy had already fallen down on his own initiative before he could open up.

It can only be said that few people who can get ahead in the intrigue and intrigue fair like Hollywood are fools.

"Hello, Keanu, I saw you in The Matrix, and I have to say, you were really cool in it!"

Wayne was telling the truth.

Excluding other things, I will just say that Keanu Reeves' performance in The Matrix is ​​indeed quite exciting.

"Thank you for your praise!"

The smile on Keanu Reeves' face became more enthusiastic, but after a few pleasantries and exchanging business cards, he walked away in a sensible manner.

Seeing this, Charlize Theron seemed to be afraid that he would come back again, and hurriedly said: "It's getting late, Wayne, let's go. My assistant drove me away after he sent me here, so I can Could you please take me back?"

"Of course, Sally, it would be my pleasure."

Theron immediately stood up, took Wayne's arm, and left the bar with him. Keanu Reeves, who had returned to another table not far away, frowned unconsciously when he saw this, with a look on his face. Feeling a little unhappy.

But then he temporarily put this matter, and even Wayne, behind his mind, and together with several other friends at the same table, he put his arms around the woman who was attracted by his fame and took the initiative to come to his door, with a smile on his face. Intoxicated, I sucked up DM.

"So is that why you rejected him?"

Two hours ago, in the master bedroom of a single-family villa near Sunset Boulevard, Wayne was stroking Charlize Theron's back as smooth and silky as milk, admiring and asking.

"As far as I know, this should be common in Hollywood, right?"

"You're right, this is really normal in Hollywood," Charlize Theron also caressed Wayne's eight-pack abs with great fascination.

"However, in the already tight shooting schedule, because I smoked DM all night, I was unable to shoot normally the next day, causing the entire crew to stop working for most of the day, and I had to change the shooting plan. Looking at the whole of Hollywood, there are not many."

Charlize Theron's words immediately reminded Wayne of some Hollywood gossip he had read in his previous life.

It is said that Keanu Reeves was a complete asshole in the beginning, as bad as the well-known Johnny Depp.

It's just that Keanu Reeves seemed to have changed his ways later, but Depp was still as bad as ever, so the opportunities for the two were very different later.

It is worth mentioning that Depp played Captain Jack Sparrow in "Pirates of the Caribbean" almost in his true self.During the filming process, various things happened, which made the director and producer want to kill him with a gun.

But an actor with his qualities is unique in Hollywood. After seeing the effects of the shots that had been shot, the director and producer had no choice but to swallow their anger for the sake of box office.

"The most important thing is that he was not that popular at the time, and by the time he became popular because of The Matrix, I was no longer the same person I was before. He still couldn't bring me the resources I needed."

Charlize Theron is quite realistic, but this is Hollywood.

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(End of this chapter)

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