Chapter 31
"Hey, do you know me?"

Naomi Watts also had a surprised expression on her face when her name was called.

Born in the UK, her career in Hollywood has not been smooth sailing. In the first five or six years, she could only work in a restaurant while participating in all the auditions she received. It was not until 97 that she became a starring role. One, starring in an independent literary film costing only a few hundred thousand dollars.

After that, although there were more job opportunities, they were all unknown and small roles, and the movies they participated in cost no more than 300 million at most.

So she was really surprised that Wayne recognized her at a glance, and it wasn't an act.

At this time, Wayne also remembered that the woman in front of him, whose appearance was not much inferior to Charlize Theron when she was young, but in his opinion, was so beautiful that she had no distinctive features and no recognition. She was a bit of a "late bloomer" star. .

Born in 68, she didn't really start to become popular until the suspense movie "Mulholland Drive" she starred in next year was released. It wasn't until she starred in the heroine of "King Kong" that she became widely known.

Wayne tried his best to turn his enhanced brain, and finally remembered a recent movie starring Naomi Watts.

"I have seen you in "Beautiful Beauty", and your beauty is impressive."

Wayne pretended to admire Naomi Watts' delicate face that was clearly 32 years old, but looked as if she was in her early 20s, and said with a smile.

"Really? I'm so happy to be praised by you! So, can I buy you a drink?" Naomi Watts asked with a sweet smile on her face, looking into Wayne's eyes.

Why do you come to a bar to drink alone?
All adults should understand the answer to this question, not to mention that this is free and open America.

Those who can come to this bar, in addition to solving their physical problems, may also get more career opportunities. Therefore, the men and women who come here are actually more proactive than ordinary bar customers.

In fact, Naomi has been a regular visitor here since she was qualified to enter here last year instead of being stopped by the security outside.

Even though the consumption here is expensive, she still spends a large part of her small income here.

So she had noticed Wayne since he first walked in.

Although Wayne was young and not a star, director, or producer that she knew or could name, from his clothes to his temperament, and most importantly, the confidence that exuded from his bones, he was definitely not a young person like her. Role.

It has been nearly ten years since she came to Hollywood. Although her fame and salary have not increased much, she has been on countless film sets and met countless people of all kinds. She asked herself that her vision is not wrong.

Originally, she was thinking about how to strike up a conversation with Wayne more naturally. After all, Wayne looked a bit young.

Although she looks equally young, she is actually 32 years old.

But soon she discovered that she was not the only one in the bar who had her eye on Wayne.

She hasn't noticed anyone who is prettier than her yet, but there are quite a few who are younger and have better figures than her.

After all, actors like her need to maintain their figure at all times in order to be on camera. She usually looks slimmer than on the screen.

So in order to prevent Wayne from being snatched away by other bitchis, she could only seize the opportunity in this way.

Now that Wayne recognized her name, it meant that her chances were still very good.

"Of course, but I'm lucky to meet a beauty like you here, so I'd better buy this drink!"

Wayne said beautiful words, and his eyes were admiring the beautiful face of Naomi Watts so openly.

If it were a slightly shorter one, this would probably make Naomi Watts feel rude. Even if her smile on the surface does not change, she would definitely give the other person a negative comment in her heart.

But it would be different if he was as handsome as Wayne.

"Thank you for your compliment, then I'm welcome! By the way, I don't know your name yet." Naomi Watts had a bright smile on her face and started chatting with Wayne.

"Damn bitch!"

"She beat me to it!"

"I hope she gets nothing tonight as before!"

"." Distributed in other corners of the bar, several women who were beaten to the punch by Naomi Watts couldn't help but secretly cursed in their hearts.

However, even if Naomi knew it, she wouldn't care. After all, a woman's vanity needs to be supported by the jealousy of other women.

If a woman like her from a foreign country with no background dares to enter Hollywood, she would not be able to persist for such a long time if she is not mentally strong.

However, after a moment, Naomi, who learned Wayne's identity, still exclaimed with [-]% authenticity and [-]% performance.

"What? Wayne, you're actually the boss of a production company?"

"It's just a small production company."

"That's amazing too!"

Naomi said seriously, with just the right amount of admiration in her eyes at the right time.

This is obviously a show.

Based on her age and experience, although she is not famous yet, she has definitely met a lot of production company bosses, and may have even had in-depth exchanges with some of them.

Otherwise, where did the characters in those low-budget independent films come from?

Even if they are as beautiful as Jessica and Anne, if they don't pay a price, wouldn't they have to audition for supporting roles that don't even have lines at the beginning?

"So were you thinking about the company's business just now? I think you seem a little worried?" Naomi Watts took the opportunity to ask, with a concerned expression on her face.

"That's not true. The company's usual business is handled by a professional CEO, and the current movie production is also going very well. I was just thinking whether to bring home a new girlfriend I recently dated, or rent a house for her outside. That’s it, she just came from New York and doesn’t have a place to live in Los Angeles yet.”


Wayne's words made Naomi's expression freeze instantly, and her pupils seemed to shrink rapidly.

She really didn't expect that Wayne, who looked handsome, gentle and like a noble man, would say such words.

But then she smiled bitterly inwardly, reminding herself secretly that this was Hollywood.

The Wayne in front of him is still a 'big shot' who owns a small production company at a young age. Isn't it normal for such a big shot to have many women?

If Wayne is really a decent man, then why is she trying to get along with him?

She is not young anymore, her acting skills are average, and although her appearance is good, there are too many people in Hollywood who are prettier than her.

If she wants to climb up without any background, she has no choice but to sell herself and rely on the power of people like Wayne, right?
What's more, Wayne is so handsome, even if she doesn't get anything, she doesn't seem to suffer at all, but makes a huge profit.

In just a moment, Naomi Watts prepared herself mentally, and regained her natural and sweet smile on her face.

However, before she could speak again, a figure suddenly approached from the side.

"Hi, Wayne, so you are here. Who is this beauty?"

Wayne and Naomi turned their heads at the same time and looked at Charlize Theron who was walking over.

At this time, Charlize Theron had put on a slim-fitting dark gold dress and applied exquisite makeup. She was much more beautiful than when she was on the set during the day.

Coupled with her tall and charming figure, even in this bar where beauties gather, she is definitely considered to be the best.

Of course, judging from Wayne's aesthetics, Charlize Theron is just more famous than Naomi now, and she is just younger than Naomi. In terms of appearance, the two are actually not much different.

Suddenly, Wayne thought of something and looked back and forth between the two of them, with a glint of interest in his eyes.

If he remembered correctly, at the 76th Oscar three years later in the parallel world, the two women in front of him once competed for the Oscar for Best Actress.

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(End of this chapter)

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