Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 32 Two people together?Where's your celebrity dignity?

Chapter 32 Two people together?Where's your celebrity dignity?

Of course, after Charlize Theron invested a lot of money in public relations, the so-called competition actually had no suspense at all.

Naomi Watts, who only starred in some low-budget horror and suspense films, was far worse financially than Charlize Theron at that time.

Looking at Charlize Theron at this time, Naomi also had a look of surprise in her eyes.

Although Charlize Theron is not yet a popular A-lister, she has starred in many commercial movies and collaborated with many big names. She is also relatively high among B-list female stars. Compared to Naomi's fame and status at this time Too high.

According to the grading of clients within the brokerage company, Theron, who can earn a salary of 200 million, is considered a third-level client.

If he gets a salary of 400 million U.S. dollars in the next step, he can be regarded as a second-level customer.

As for level one, you need to get a salary of more than 800 million yuan.

Don't think that Leonardo DiCaprio and Will Smith can get a salary of 2000 million for a movie, but that is an exception.

Moreover, if the two of them star in some feature films, their remuneration will also be reduced, so in fact, their remuneration is only about 1200 million.

Even Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who became famous all over the world 20 years later, only earns between 2000 and 2500 million US dollars per movie.

You know, that's the price 20 years from now.

In addition, the salary of female stars is generally lower than that of male stars of the same fame, so the upper limit of female stars' salary is now around 1200 million.

Calculating this, Charlize Theron, who can get a salary of 200 million, is really not that small.

Of course, even the biggest celebrities Naomi has seen many in this bar, such as Keanu Reeves and Johnny Depp who are also regulars here.

What really surprised her was that it looked like Charlize Theron was having an affair with Wayne!
"She's dressed up so casually, she just wants to sleep with Wayne!" Naomi thought secretly in her heart.

However, how could a "big" female star like Charlize Theron fall in love with Wayne?Even though Wayne is the owner of a film and television production company, isn't it a small production company?
Is it just that he is greedy for Wayne's body?

Obviously, Naomi doesn't think so.

In her opinion, whoever thinks so is truly innocent.

But the truth of the matter is this. Charlize Theron is greedy for Wayne's body. At least this is the most important part of her reason for dating Wayne.

"This is Naomi Watts, a very good actress I just met." Wayne introduced with a smile.

After hearing this, Charlize Theron unabashedly looked at Naomi Watts condescendingly with a slightly scrutinizing gaze.

Obviously, after having been in Hollywood for many years, she has already figured out who Naomi Watts is and what she is doing when she comes to see Wayne.

Using your body in exchange for opportunities, although [-]% of it is useless, as long as you succeed once, all the previous efforts will be worth it.

This is Hollywood, opportunity is all that matters.

"Honey, would you like an apple martini for me too?"

Charlize Theron first ordered an identical cocktail for herself, and then smiled and said, "My dear, you are right. An actress as beautiful as Miss Watts must have very good acting skills." of excellence.”

Naomi Watts is not stupid. After hearing this, her expression immediately changed slightly and she looked at Wayne nervously, obviously hearing the subtext of Charlize Theron.

However, Wayne seemed not to hear anything. He just took a sip of the cold and sweet cocktail in the wine glass and said with a smile: "Since you think so too, Sally, why don't you try to cooperate tonight?" one time?"


Charlize Theron suddenly coughed violently and almost choked to death on the cocktail in her mouth.

This is Hollywood, and she has seen more people having fun than Wayne, but like Wayne, who is so gentle from his expression to his tone, coupled with his handsome facial features, it doesn't look like he can speak. People who say such things.

But Wayne just said it.

The word 'gentle scum' suddenly popped up in Charlize Theron's head, and this strong contrast made her even more excited.

Who makes Wayne handsome and rich?
If you don’t understand, refer to Tony Stark in the movie.What's more, not only is Wayne more handsome than Tony, he is also much stronger than Tony.

Naomi Watts on the side reacted a beat slower than Charlize Theron. She also had a look of surprise in her eyes. She obviously didn't expect Wayne to say that.

What she didn't expect even more was that Charlize Theron didn't even look angry at all when Wayne made such an exorbitant request.What about the big star’s temper?What about dignity?

In this way, if Charlize Theron doesn't have any special quirks, there is only one possibility.

That is Wayne's status and energy, which are much higher than she imagined, and worthy of Charlize Theron's sacrifice.

Thinking of this, Naomi Watts couldn't help but feel even hotter.

three people?She had never tried it.

But if Wayne really gave her a chance, she wouldn't mind giving it a try.

What's more, what if Charlize Theron quits?
"Okay, if it's you Wayne, I don't mind at all~"

While speaking, Naomi Watts also gave Charlize Theron a provocative look, which made Charlize Theron couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Of course she didn't want Naomi Watts to join her date with Wayne tonight, but how could she back down when faced with the provocation of a 'minor character'.

"Then it's settled, finish this drink and go to my place!" Charlize Theron said very domineeringly.


Not far away, the bartender who was wiping a wine glass with a rag couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

After working here for so long, he has never seen a few female celebrities competing for the favor of a man, but who are those people being competed for?

Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and last year’s new A-list star Keanu Reeves.

But what about Wayne?

"I'm just the owner of a small production company," the bartender complained bitterly.

In his opinion, it’s okay for a little-known character like Naomi Watts to fawn over Wayne so much, and it’s incredible that even Charlize Theron fawns over Wayne so much.

However, no matter how sour or shocked he was, he couldn't change the fact that after drinking a glass of wine, Wayne left the bar in a majestic manner, hugging Charlize Theron and Naomi Watts.

This scene also caught the attention of many people who knew them. While they were shocked, they also became deeply curious about Wayne.

For a time, none of Wayne's works had been released yet, and no movie fans knew him yet. His name was spread among actors and stars who frequented bars, especially actresses.

After finding out Wayne's identity through connections, especially after learning that Hemera Pictures had invested in two independent films with a cost of up to 1000 million U.S. dollars, 95% of the women in the bar couldn't help but wonder. More interested in him.

This night, Wayne once again refreshed the perceptions of Charlize Theron and Naomi Watts in some aspects with his god-of-war performance.

Afterwards, Charlize Theron was even secretly grateful that Naomi Watts joined the cast.

Otherwise, she would not even think about showing up on the set the whole next day.


"Charlize, are you a little out of shape today?"

"Sorry, director, give me 5 minutes and I'll adjust it."

Charlize glared, and Wayne, who was watching the fun with Jessica in his arms, said apologetically to James Wan.

This scene is at the end of the movie, after the villain Lori is killed by Terry, the TV reporter conducts a separate interview with Daniel, the president of the sorority.

During the interview, 'Daniel' would use exaggerated language and body movements to complain about Luo Li's loneliness and unsociability, saying that she had long thought that people like Luo Li were mentally disturbed and were a perverted killer.

It's a bit of ironic black humor.

Charlize was too tired last night. Even though she put on makeup, her energy and energy were not up to the exaggerated performance required in James Wan's script, and she failed four times.

This is more times than Jessica's vase has been NGed.

(End of this chapter)

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