Chapter 33 Sudden temptation

However, Charlize Theron was able to win the Oscar because of her acting skills.After getting serious, the situation was quickly adjusted back, and it did not affect the shooting progress.

It's just that she doesn't dare to ask Wayne to go to her place for a drink tonight, otherwise she will definitely not be able to bear it even if Naomi Watts helps share the firepower.

So after finishing work early, Wayne went to Anne's place. It took him two hours to successfully convince Anne, who had been nervous and uneasy all day because she had not received a reply to the text message, to help her stay in Wayne Manor, which was only 15 minutes away. I rented a single-family villa covering an area of ​​more than 400 square meters in the Roxbury neighborhood.

"My dear, you have to think about it. With my help, you will definitely become a big star in a few years. If you are photographed by the paparazzi living with Jie Qian at my place, even though I have nothing to do with you, , but it still has a certain impact on your reputation."

"Then why doesn't Jessica live in an ordinary single-family villa, while I live in Wayne Manor?" Anne, who was still young, couldn't help but think.

Of course, she only dared to think about these words, and she would definitely not say them foolishly.

During this day, Wayne did not take the initiative to send her a message once.

This made her understand her position again despite her nervousness and apprehension.

Already having two girlfriends, Jessica Alba and Mia, she is not indispensable to Wayne.

"Okay, dear, I will listen to you!" Annie lay in Wayne's arms and said softly with a gentle and well-behaved face.

But deep down, she became more motivated.

She doesn't think she is any younger than Jessica, her acting skills are probably better than Jessica's, and she is one year younger than Jessica. Why should she lose to Jessica?
Wayne did not stay at Anne's place that night. After Anne fell asleep tiredly, he looked at the time and found that it was just past ten o'clock, so he drove back to his Wayne Manor.

When Annie woke up from her sleep at noon the next day, looking at the empty space next to her, she couldn't help but become more determined in her heart, that one day she must live in Wayne Manor!

This goal is not difficult, but it is not easy either.

Hannah, the assistant and bodyguard, is not included. Mia and Jessica can live in it because they both have something that Wayne recognizes about them.

And she soon received her first temptation.

"What? You helped me get an audition for the leading role in a movie?!"

Anne, who was originally too tired and didn't want to get up, sat up from the bed almost bouncing after hearing what the agent on the other end of the phone said.

God!What's going on here?
Her agent, who had been neglecting her for a year and hadn't had much contact with her, suddenly called and said he had accepted an audition for a leading role for her? !

Even if it’s just an audition opportunity, it’s rare, okay?
In addition, she had just dated a handsome and rich boyfriend like Wayne. At this moment, Annie felt that she had been really lucky recently.

"What movie? How much is the production cost? Who is the director? Which star is the leading actor?" The excited Annie asked anxiously before the agent could speak again.

"A modern version of the story of an ugly duckling turning into a white swan, produced by Disney." Agent Katie introduced.

"The production cost is claimed to be US$3700 million, but in fact it should be no less than US$1200 million."

"The director is Garry Marshall, who has directed "Pretty Woman" and "The Runaway Bride." You should have heard his name. He is a master of romance films."

"There is no male protagonist in this movie, so if you can pass the audition, you will definitely be the protagonist."

After Annie heard this, she suddenly became more excited.

For a romance film that would cast a little-known actor like her, the production cost would certainly not reach the US$3700 advertised for it, even if distribution costs were included.

Annie just made some mental calculations and realized that the $1200 million was the agent's tip to Gao Li, and a large part of it should be Garry Marshall's salary.

But so what?

This is the heroine of a new movie by a well-known romantic film director!

Even those popular first-line female stars will definitely be excited, right?
"Why, I mean why me?" Annie asked in confusion, suppressing her excitement.However, agent Katie's words were like a bucket of cold water, instantly extinguishing most of the excitement in her heart.

"Gary Marshall is also an important client of our CAA, so we secured great rights for him in this film production."

"Marshall wanted to hire some new faces of the right age, so we at CAA screened out all the internal clients who met the requirements and sent them to him."

"He initially selected seven people, including you, from more than 500 profiles and photos, so you actually only have a one-seventh chance of passing the audition."

“If you want to successfully pass the audition, you still need to work hard for yourself.”

This is CAA's unique packaging service. If you use its directors or big-name stars, they will take the opportunity to fill the crew with as many people as possible.

At its most exaggerated, the entire crew, from the director and screenwriter to the actors and field staff, except for one producer, were all their own.

Such greedy operations once angered several Hollywood giants in the 90s, but they have restrained themselves a lot under their joint suppression.

But they still didn't give up on cramming as many actors into the crew as possible.

It's just that now all those auditioning are CAA's clients. If they want to get promoted, these actors need to work hard on their own.

As for how to work hard to win over Anne, who is neither a child nor her first day in Hollywood, it is impossible not to understand.

Apart from her own body, what else can an actress like her do with?Acting?
The acting skills of the Oscar-winning actor are not irreplaceable, right?

"What should I do?" Annie was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and asked.

"Tonight the film's producer Whitney Houston will hold a party at her home, and Director Marshall and several Disney executives responsible for this project will attend," Katie said.

Producer Whitney Houston is a woman, and there is no leading actor with a big-name star. This should be considered a small piece of good news, right?
Annie couldn't help but smile secretly.

"What about the audition and official filming time?" Annie asked again.

"The audition is set for three days. As for the official start of filming, it should be around the 20th of this month."

Before Katie finished speaking, Annie couldn't help but exclaimed.

"So soon?! It's already the 11th?"

Katie explained: "The preparations for this movie started two months ago, and the preliminary work is basically completed."

"It's just that Marshall has never been satisfied with the choice of the heroine. He wants someone who looks ordinary at first glance, but can give people a clean and beautiful look upon closer inspection, and who can show nobility and elegance like a princess after being dressed up. girl."

"The people we found for him previously included many first- and second-tier popular stars, but he always felt that they were too greasy and not clean enough."

"To put it simply, he felt that the famous female stars we provided first could not produce the 'ugly duckling' effect he wanted."

"According to his original words, the ugly duckling must be ordinary enough to be exciting enough in the final gorgeous transformation, but the ugly duckling cannot be too ordinary. She must have something unique and attractive in her bones."

Anne had a thoughtful expression on her face after listening.

What Katie said was equivalent to having already revealed the problem to her in advance.

However, she also believes that the other actresses who have qualified for the audition must have received corresponding reminders. After all, the directors are their CAA clients, and the heroine CAA must not let them go.

In fact, if CAA hadn't insisted that the heroine use its own clients, Marshall might have found a satisfactory candidate from the clients of other agencies.

But then she couldn't help but become irritated.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for follow-up, ask for monthly pass~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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