Chapter 34 Too Recognizable
She didn't have many scenes in "Happy Death Day". There seemed to be five or six single scenes, but since it was the same scene in Reincarnation, if everything went well, it would probably be filmed in one morning, which didn't affect her participation. Auditions and filming for new movies.

But the problem is, when she had previously implicitly expressed to Wayne that she wanted to live in Wayne Manor, Wayne also clearly told her that the first thing she wanted to do in order to live in Wayne Manor was to remain loyal.

It's obvious that Wayne himself has a lot of fun and is dating several girlfriends at the same time, but he requires his girlfriend to be loyal to him. This is simply too much of a double standard.

But if you want to get it, you need to give it.

She received material satisfaction, career help, and even physical and mental pleasure from Wayne, but she had to pay a corresponding price.

She doesn't have to accept it, but in that case, Wayne is really just playing with her.

Not to mention the fact that she had just rented it for her, she had not yet moved in. The monthly rent was as high as 8000 US dollars, and there was a high probability that she would leave her.

Even Wayne himself might not come to see her again.

She could feel that Wayne was a little too possessive in this regard.

How should she choose?

Katie on the other side of the phone didn't know what she was thinking, and of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

"Do you have a dress? If not, go buy one as soon as possible. I will pick you up at five o'clock in the afternoon."


Anne subconsciously wanted to refuse, but hearing the contempt and indifference revealed in Katie's plain and casual voice, she couldn't say no.

You have already got the opportunity to audition, who doesn’t want to take a step further, pass the audition, and get a role?

If she misses this time, when will she have such a good opportunity again?
It's true that Wayne is a production company owner, but his production company is just a small production company.

She didn't know that "The Bourne Supremacy" was being prepared, and she only thought that "Happy Death Day" had taken up all the funds and energy of Hemera Pictures.

According to the normal process, after the filming of this movie is completed, it will still need to be post-produced. After the post-production is completed, it will be announced and released, which will be several months later.

If we wait for the money to be returned to start filming the next movie, wouldn't it take more than half a year or even a year?

Even if "Happy Death Day" can be like the "Admission" she heard about before, after post-production is completed and sold directly to a big company like Warner, it may still take two or three months to start a new project.

Best of all, Wayne has Jessica by his side.

Although she thinks that she is not inferior to Jessica in terms of appearance, figure, temperament, or acting skills, the current situation is that Wayne values ​​Jessica more. If it is a heroine that both she and Jessica can play, , Wayne will definitely choose Jessica first.

She had to wait half a year or even a year to get the second female lead in an independent film with a production cost of 2000 to [-] million. If it had been before, she would not have felt there was any problem, but would have felt secretly happy.

But now the shortcut is right in front of us. It is directed by a famous romantic film director, with a production cost of 3700 million, and she is the leading female role in a big production. If you miss this opportunity, you may not see it again in a few years or even more than ten years.

In addition, refusing to attend this party will offend her agent Katie.

It wouldn't matter if she was a big-name star.

But she's just a bit player now.After offending Katie, I would definitely not have access to any good resources if I didn't leave CAA.

With a packaging service like this, her information would never appear in Marshall's hands.

Therefore, from a rational perspective, agreeing is obviously the most correct choice.

Maybe it's because she's different from Jessica, who had poor grades since she was a child and transferred to an acting school at the age of 12. All kinds of thoughts flashed through the mind of smart Annie, and she rationally analyzed the pros and cons, and finally changed her mind. Agree.

"I know, Katie, I'll have the dress ready."

After hanging up the phone, Annie sat on the bed for a few minutes, then suddenly took a deep breath, got out of bed as if she had made up her mind, then quickly washed up and left the hotel.Although she was very hungry now, in order to have a better image at the party at night, she gave up the idea of ​​having a big meal and used all the money in her bank account to buy the best thing she could afford. Beautiful dress and high heels.

As for asking Wayne to pay, it wasn't like she hadn't thought about it.

But she was worried that Wayne would find out about her going to the party with her manager.

You know what happens at this kind of party.

It would be fine if she wasn't noticed by the big shot. If she was noticed by the big shot, she would definitely not come back tonight.

Based on her understanding of Wayne, Wayne would definitely mind her attending such a party, so she had to hide it from Wayne.

After all, she has not yet passed the audition for the leading role and signed the contract.

And even if she passed the audition, the salary for a newbie actor like her wouldn't be that high. It wouldn't be enough to sustain her expenses in the next few months, so she still had to hold onto Wayne's thigh.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world.

The huge benefits seemed to make her selectively forget about the possibility of being recognized by others at the party and telling Wayne.

Maybe she feels that she is a little transparent now, and no one will recognize her at such a high-end party.

Charlize Theron is also a client of CAA, and her internal rating is much higher than that of Annie, a little transparent person.

It is no exaggeration to say that even in the two years when Annie in the parallel world was most popular, her fame in North America was about the same as Charlize Theron.

On the other side of the ocean, I don't know if the aesthetics are different, but Anne is unexpectedly popular.

Later, Anne was disgusted and boycotted by North American audiences, but Charlize Theron was still the plug queen and a popular A-list star in Hollywood.

Charlize Theron did not participate in the movie "The Princess Diaries".

However, as a potential client that CAA values, they are also Hollywood actresses. They usually do not miss any party that can help them expand their connections.

Even if they don't have this idea themselves, CAA, which likes to package services and manipulate customers, will remind them to participate.

Just like this time, Charlize Theron, who had been filming for a day, really wanted to go back and fall asleep, but she was pulled over by her agent.

Garry Marshall and Whitney Houston, one is a gold-medal romance film director who has produced "Pretty Woman", the other has sold over [-] million records, and ranks first among the top seven female singers in the world ranked by Time Magazine. Later, he moved to the film and television industry and became a producer. Both of them have high status in the industry.

Her agent wouldn't let her miss this networking opportunity.

Of course, because she doesn't need to get any actual resources, she doesn't need to pay anything, unlike Anne who seeks deals.

It happened that because of Wayne, she had heard of Annie.

Among Wayne's girlfriends, she had met both Jessica and Mia, so out of a woman's curiosity and desire for comparison, she was a little curious about this little-known Annie, so she asked her agent to help inquire about it. .

As a result, her agent didn't know whether he was trying to save trouble or was too conscientious, so he printed a copy of Anne's information directly from CAA's database and gave it to her.

So at the party that night, Anne didn't notice that Charlize Theron was chatting with Tobey Maguire and Matt Damon, two male stars who have worked together.

But Charlize Theron recognized Annie at a glance when she was taken to Marshall and Whitney by her agent because she had just seen the photo today.

After all, Anne's iconic thick eyebrows and big mouth are so recognizable.

(End of this chapter)

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