Chapter 36 The key is given to you

"Hey, dear, remember to attend the club activity at ten o'clock tonight!"

The next morning, in a luxurious female dormitory building of SCA, 'Daniel' who had just finished exercising was wearing cool yoga clothes, holding his hands on his waist, looking at 'Teri' who had returned from a hangover and said.

"Okay, I won't forget it."

This was the first reincarnation. Terry didn't know that the so-called event was a surprise birthday party prepared for her, so she answered feebly, which made 'Daniel' frown in dissatisfaction.

But seeing that 'Tali' was still wearing the same party clothes that smelled like alcohol last night, she didn't say anything more, turned around, twisted her waist, walked to the refrigerator and took out her protein powder.


"Okay, it's over!"

As James Wan picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, all of Charlize Theron's scenes ended.

"Will you come to the premiere of my movie "The Dive" tomorrow?"

Charlize Theron, who had already finished filming, didn't rush to change clothes. She casually took the towel handed by her assistant, wiped the water droplets on her body to disguise the sweat, and walked to Wayne's side at a distance that was completely beyond the intimacy of ordinary friends. , asked.

"No, I'm not interested in such meaningless activities."

Wayne, who was tasting the chocolate cake brought by Mrs. Stewart, which was said to be made by little Christine, decisively refused without hesitation.

Charlize Theron is not surprised by this.

Although the director of "Dwellers" is not well-known, it is produced and distributed by Fox and stars Oscar winner Robert De Niro. It can be regarded as a recent work that has attracted more attention and is more famous.

I don’t know how many actors and stars in Hollywood rushed to attend its premiere, just to get some shots, popularity, and expand their contacts.

In order to maintain their exposure in newspapers and news, big-name stars also like to attend such premieres if they have no work.

But Wayne is different. As the boss of a production company, he doesn't need this kind of popularity, and he doesn't like expanding connections at this level.

However, Charlize Theron still deliberately joked: "Are you still angry about what happened last night? I'm helping you."

Wayne slapped her on the butt angrily, deliberately showing a vicious expression, and said, "You will know tonight whether I am angry or not."

"Don't! Honey, I was wrong!" Charlize Theron was shocked and quickly begged for mercy.

If Wayne really went to her place to 'drink' tonight, then she might not even want to attend the premiere tomorrow afternoon.

Even if Naomi Watts is called in like last time, it probably won't be enough for Wayne alone, and it will definitely affect her status in front of so many media cameras at tomorrow's premiere.

"By the way, I took a look at the shooting plan, and the scene for your little girlfriend is actually still reserved? And it's moved up to this afternoon. Could it be that you auditioned specifically to take care of her?"

Theron quickly changed the subject, and at the same time she was really curious.

"I told you, she's not my girlfriend."

Wayne first reminded me, and then continued: "After all, she has been with me for a few days, so of course she can't go back on the deal she made. Anyway, it's just a small supporting role that can be filmed in one hour. It doesn't matter which day it is filmed, and it doesn't matter. It won’t affect the shooting schedule.”

Theron gave him a strange look, shook his head and said, "It would be great if all the producers and directors in Hollywood could keep their promises and be so generous like you."

"A small supporting role in your eyes, for many girls, it may take dozens of people to sleep with and dozens of trials and errors to get it."

Speaking of this, Theron didn't know if she was remembering some of her past experiences, and her voice became slightly deeper.Then, as if she felt something from her heart, she said to Wayne seriously: "This is Hollywood that eats people but doesn't spit out their bones. If you are too kind, you will suffer."

Wayne chuckled and said lightly: "I'm not kind, I'm just principled. Only in this way can more people be willing to trade with me, right?"

Theron was startled and suddenly speechless.

Well, if you follow this logic, I'm afraid it won't be long before Wayne becomes the most popular man in the hearts of all actresses in Hollywood.

"Come to my place for a drink tomorrow night." Theron said, she liked this kind of man very much.

"Tomorrow night? After the premiere tomorrow night, Fox will probably hold a party for the media and guests present, right?" Wayne looked at her in surprise.

"That's right, but I will try my best to get back before ten o'clock." After saying that, Theron raised an eyebrow at Wayne and said with a smile: "I won't be like some idiots who obviously have better people around me. There is a way to go, but you have to sacrifice the near for the far.”

After saying that, Theron waved to the assistant not far away who was looking at her nose and heart, took the key from her that had obviously been prepared long ago, and threw it to Wayne.

"I've given you the key. Remember to sober up and wait for me."

Then Theron didn't give Wayne a chance to refuse, and turned around and walked towards the dressing room.

Wayne looked at the key in his hand and couldn't help laughing. He put it into his pocket and continued to read the script in his hand.

Of course, what he was reading was not the script of "Happy Death Day" that was being filmed.

In this movie, he is said to be the male protagonist, but in fact, the role is not too many and not difficult. After all, the real protagonist in this movie is only Terry, played by Jessica.

He was reading the original script for Tony Gilroy's adaptation of the first Bourne Supremacy.

It has been almost 20 days since Hemera Pictures bought the film and television adaptation rights to The Bourne Supremacy and, at his request, found original director Doug Liman and screenwriter Tony Gilroy to adapt.

Only then did I get the first version of the script, and the efficiency can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

However, in order to collect the US$5000 million production cost of the first part of The Bourne Supremacy, he still needs to wait until the production of "Happy Death Day" is completed and the new investment funds are received, so he is not too anxious.

After a while, Wayne put down the script in his hand and looked at Jessica who had already started filming the next scene in the distance, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The script is good.

He had just roughly read it through, and there was almost no big difference from the previous film. It was obvious that Tony Gilroy had adapted it very carefully, which was worthy of the high screenwriting fee he paid Tony Gilroy.

In this way, the preliminary preparation work can enter the next stage.

Serra can handle all other work at this stage by himself. The only thing he needs to decide is the heroine and several major supporting roles.

The Bourne Supremacy is a movie with a male protagonist. The heroine is not exactly a beauty, but she is almost there. It doesn’t really matter who she is.

If possible, he still wants to use Jessica.

Of course there is a reason for this: Jessica is his girlfriend, but also because Jessica’s acting skills are enough for this role.

It's just that in "Admission", Natalie Portman, who is named the female lead but has actually been added to the role, has been squeezed into the second female lead. He has already paired up with Jessica.

Will continuing to work with the "Bourne" trilogy cause aesthetic fatigue and have the opposite effect?
Such examples are very common in the film and television industry, and are not a good thing for an actor.

But if Jessica is not used, who will be used?
 Please recommend, please read, please vote~~~
(End of this chapter)

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