Chapter 37 Heroine Candidates

This is the heroine of the "Bourne Supremacy" series that hit both the box office and word-of-mouth, which is enough to push an unknown actress to a second-tier position in Hollywood.

Originally, he was going to give this opportunity to Anne, but now it seems that he will obviously not use it.

Charlize Theron is fine, and giving her Wayne won't be a disadvantage.Although they didn't explicitly state it, the two of them actually tacitly planned to maintain this relationship for a long time.

But Charlize Theron's next movie has already been decided, which is the romantic movie "Sweet November" with Keanu Reeves.

This movie, produced and distributed by Warner, is scheduled to start shooting in early November this year, complete shooting at the end of December, move into post-production, and is scheduled to be released on February 11 next year, which is Valentine's Day.

Although it is just a love movie, its production budget is as high as 4000 million US dollars.

Although this number is watery, it is not too big. The main reason is that Keanu Reeves' current salary starts at US$1000 million, plus Theron's US$300 million as the heroine.

The salaries of these two people alone accounted for one-third of the budget.

The most important thing is that even for a love movie, the one and a half month filming time is obviously very tight.

As a result, Charlize Theron will definitely not be able to find time to play the heroine of The Bourne Supremacy. After all, the main part of The Bourne Supremacy is to go to Europe for filming.

As for Charlize Theron giving up starring in "Sweet November", that's obviously impossible.

If Charlize Theron really does this, it will offend both Keanu Reeves, a popular A-list star, and Warner, a Hollywood giant.

Even if Wayne was guilty, he would not have done such a stupid and arrogant thing before he grew up.

Immediately afterwards, he thought of Naomi Watts, a female star who had only had one in-depth communication, but was quite famous in her previous life.

But then he rejected the idea.

Naomi Watts is very beautiful and has good acting skills, but he does not intend to hold it for a long time because the shelf life of Naomi Watts is running out.

Moreover, auditions for "Mulholland Drive", which is crucial to Naomi Watts' acting career, will begin around the 20th of this month, and filming will begin next month, in mid-October.

This thriller and suspense film, produced and distributed by Universal Pictures and directed by Oscar-winning director David Lynch, although its box office performance in its previous life was somewhat unsatisfactory, because the production cost was only US$1500 million, the box office plus the disc Film sales still achieved considerable profits.

In addition, this movie won numerous awards at major international film awards in 2001. It would be a pity for Naomi Watts to miss it.

You might even blame him afterwards.

After all, although The Bourne Supremacy has a good box office and reputation, it is obviously not as good as "Mulholland Drive" in terms of 'artistic level'.

Later, Wayne thought about Liv Tyler, who he had been dating for a while, but had not had in-depth communication due to time constraints, and Natalie Portman, whom he deliberately kept a distance from.

From the perspective of image and acting skills, these two are more suitable than Charlize Theron.

Especially Natalie Portman, her age is just right.

It's just that his selection criteria are no different from those of China Entertainment Capital in the previous life. Either they are close to him, or they are famous enough to bring traffic and popularity to the movie, and by the way, they praise him as the protagonist.

Obviously, neither of them met the requirements on these two points.

Natalie Portman is not famous enough to support a commercial production with a budget of 5000 million, let alone Liv Tyler.

Unless he puts the release date of "The Bourne Supremacy" after "The Lord of the Rings" is released next year, but that would take too long.

He also wants to wait for the film to be released and pocket the box office revenue as soon as possible.

Although he now owns Wayne Manor, as a qualified rich man, how can he lack a yacht and a private jet?
Even if he has a luxury yacht and a private jet, there are still so many good things waiting for him in the system mall.

When he thought that the system mall even had treasures such as Iron Man suits and Spider-Man potions, he was full of motivation to make money.

"But apart from these few, the last list of female celebrities aged 18 to 27 that Mike helped me sort out only included Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz, and Winona Ryder. , and Drew Barrymore, these four celebrities have reached the top of Hollywood's second-tier." Wayne leaned back slightly, allowing himself to relax on the soft chair behind him, stretched out his hand to pinch his eyebrows, and in his head He quickly recalled the information on these four people.

"Angelina Jolie."

At this time, although Angelina Jolie had not yet seduced Brad Pitt, causing Brad Pitt to divorce Jennifer Aniston, she had already been married twice.

In Wayne's opinion, this is a bad woman with a hobby of minotaurs, the kind that is higher than Natalie Portman.

It would be fine if it was just like this, but she is also very good at packaging herself, using public welfare and Zhengzhi to clean herself up correctly, and packaging herself into a holy mother.

That's kind of disgusting.

In his previous life, after watching "Tomb Raider" and "Wanted", he still liked Angelina Jolie.

As a result, curiosity killed the cat. After a little bit of information about Angelina Jolie, all he felt was emmmmm.

Now that he has seen the first-hand information that Mike has obtained from within the WMA, he knows that many of the tidbits he has read in his previous life are true.

So even though Angelina Jolie is now a little more famous than Charlize Theron, he has never considered collaborating with this woman.

Penelope Cruz, the Spanish national treasure goddess, does not have such a problem.

But movie audiences are also divided into groups.

Penelope Cruz's fame is mainly concentrated in various independent films and art films. To put it simply, although she has won many awards and nominations and is well-known in the industry, she is not well-known among the audiences of commercial blockbusters. Not famous enough, box office appeal is not strong.

To give a simple example, it's like the difference between 'Pepper Potts' and 'Pepper Potts'.

For those who watch ordinary commercial blockbusters, they will obviously think that "The Widow Sister" is more famous, so even if the independent film "The Widow Sister" is of average quality, the box office is not too bad.

But in fact, "Pepper Potts" is an Oscar-winning actress. In the eyes of the industry and the audiences of art films, she is much more famous than "The Widow Sister".

So fame does not equal box office appeal, and Penelope Cruz falls into this category.

The same goes for Winona Ryder, who became famous for starring in "Edward Scissorhands", "The Age of Innocence" and "Little Women".

It just so happens that "The Bourne Supremacy" is a serious commercial brand, so the casting must be like a "widow sister".

Drew Barrymore, a child star who debuted as a child star and has achieved good results in both commercial and literary films, meets the requirements of the heroine of "The Bourne Supremacy".

But this guy is a veteran drug addict.

And it’s different from Robert Downey Jr.’s The Prodigal Son.

Drew Barrymore started doing it when he was 13 years old, and was later sent to forced abstinence, but even now he has not quit.

This can also be confirmed from the side as her appearance collapsed too quickly behind her.

Of course, this kind of thing is nothing in Hollywood or even North America. As long as they are not caught red-handed, they can still continue to be big stars and remain popular.

But due to the influence of his previous values ​​that have not yet been fully integrated into the Hollywood environment, he still doesn't want to deal with such an actor if possible, unless she can be as unique and irreplaceable as Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean.

So after thinking about it for a while, he eliminated all four of them.

"Then how about expanding the age range?"

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(End of this chapter)

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