Chapter 38 Dumbfounded Anne

If the age is extended to under 35, he can immediately think of several suitable names, such as Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman, who is divorcing Tom Cruise.

These are the most popular Hollywood A-list actresses. Even if they appear in literary and drama films, their salary is more than 600 million US dollars. If it is a purely commercial blockbuster, they can get 800 million to 1000 million.

It is worth mentioning that Julia Roberts became popular after starring in Marshall's "Pretty Woman", and Anne will soon star in Marshall's "The Princess Diaries" and become popular.

From this point of view, Marshall is indeed a master of romance films, and his ability to admire female stars is really strong.

"By the way, there's also a Kate Winslet missing!"

Wayne suddenly thought of Kate Winslet, the 'Ruth' whom Cameron made famous.

This is actually no wonder that he would ignore one of the most popular female stars today. In fact, after Kate Winslet became famous for her role as Ruth, she has been keen on winning awards and likes to hang out in the independent film industry. Like plums.

It seems as if this life will not be complete if I don't win an Oscar.

She has not starred in any big-budget commercial movies, so after a few years, Kate Winslet has fallen behind in terms of fame and value.

Although the "Bourne" series is a classic, it is still a commercial movie, even a popcorn movie. Even if he invites Kate Winslet, they may not be willing to agree.

After all, the time of female celebrities is very precious.

They are currently busy making more literary and romantic films so that they can continue to compete for Oscar statuettes.

However, he still planned to include Kate Winslet, Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman as alternatives, and first let Sierra and Mike communicate with each other's agents to see if the other party had the opportunity to star. Intention, can the time be arranged?

Just when he took out his mobile phone and was about to call Sera, who was also responsible for the daily operations of the company and the preparations for The Bourne Supremacy. He was very busy and was not here.

A familiar voice suddenly came from beside him, causing him to temporarily stop making phone calls.

"Hey Wayne, what are you doing?."

Wayne turned his head when he heard the sound, and the first thing he saw was a piece of white skin like snow that seemed to shine in the sun, and eyes that were like black pearls.

It was Anne Hathaway who came to the set early because of the afternoon scene.

Maybe you were a little too busy last night?
At this time, even with exquisite makeup on her face, Anne still looked a little haggard, but this did not affect her charm much.

Her natural beauty, coupled with her elegant and soft temperament, makes her very suitable for playing princess-type roles.

As long as the competition is fair, she should be the one who best meets the director's requirements and has the highest probability of being selected in this audition for "Princess Diaries".

Otherwise, her agent wouldn't be so concerned about this matter.

But this is Hollywood, and fair competition only exists when the connections behind the scenes are equal.

Suddenly, Wayne discovered that Liv Tyler was actually quite suitable for this kind of role. She and Annie should be considered the same type of actors.

However, Liv Tyler is a little older. Compared to Annie, she has a bit more maturity of a woman and a bit less youthfulness of a girl.

It's probably impossible to play the role of the teenage princess in "The Princess Diaries", but it should be possible to play the role in "The Devil Wears Prada", which cost 3500 million to produce but has a global box office of 3.3 million.

It's just that Lauren Weisberg, the original author of the novel "The Devil Wears Prada", probably hasn't joined Vogue yet, and the novel is even more absent.Even as the hurricane caused by the flapping of his wings as a butterfly sweeps across the world, it is not certain whether this novel will exist.

"It's a pity that it's a biographical novel, otherwise it could have been filmed in advance."

Many thoughts flashed through Wayne's enhanced brain, but on the surface he remained calm and greeted her with a smile.

"Annie, you're here. How was the party last night?"

Annie was still young after all. Her body tensed up instinctively when she heard this, and the smile on her face seemed to stiffen.

"It's nothing. It's just like any other party, drinking and chatting. Because they are all guys I don't know, I can only drink to pass the time. As a result, I have a headache all night. What's that in your hand?"

Anne pretended to be calm and said a few words, and then quickly changed the subject.

But when Wayne heard this, his heart moved, and he smiled and said, "This is the script for the new movie."

"Huh? New movie?" Annie was stunned, with a surprised expression on her face.

This time she wasn't acting, she was really surprised.

"Isn't it going to take more than 20 days to complete Happy Death Day? Are you starting to prepare for a new project so early?"

Wayne shrugged helplessly and said very Versailles: "I can't help it. The investors behind me trust me. In addition to the 1100 million US dollars used to shoot Happy Death Day, they also invested a further 5000 million US dollars."

"Five, 5000?!"

Annie's eyes widened in shock, and she felt a little awkward even when she spoke.

"Yes, all the money will be used to make new movies, so after thinking about it, I decided to shoot Robert Ludlum's classic best-selling novel "The Bourne Supremacy". Now the rights to The Bourne Supremacy have been bought and The script adaptation has been completed.”

Annie couldn't help but gasp again.

The principle of Hollywood is to pursue success. A famous director or a best-selling novel IP can be regarded as 'success', but if the two are compared, most people will choose the latter.

After all, there are not a few new films by famous directors that flop, but the proportion of movies and TV series adapted from best-selling novel IPs is much smaller.

What's more, as far as she knows, the "Princess Diaries" she is about to audition for is a romance film, and the name "The Bourne Supremacy" makes people think of "007" and "Mission: Impossible" obviously. It is a commercial blockbuster.

These days, even in Hollywood, there are only a dozen films produced in a whole year with actual costs exceeding 5000 million, and even less than ten.

If given the choice, any fool would choose the heroine of "The Bourne Supremacy" over the heroine of "The Princess Diaries".

"So how are the preparations for your new movie going? Have the roles been decided?" Annie asked directly, a little uncomfortably.

Wayne smiled slightly, with a strong sense of malice in his heart, and said: "Earlier, I was still hesitating whether to choose you or Jessica to play the heroine. You know, Jessica has already cooperated with me. Two movies have already been made. If we continue to work together, it will inevitably make the audience a little tired of the aesthetics, so I am actually leaning towards you. But since you have already accepted the lead role in a big-budget movie produced by Disney and directed by a famous director, then I have no choice but to I chose Jessica.”

At this moment, Annie was immediately dumbfounded, her whole body frozen in place as if petrified.

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