Chapter 39 Failed Audition ([-]-in-[-])

There was no hint of yin and yang in Wayne's voice, and since this was Millikin, everyone spoke very directly, so Anne didn't know that he actually said that on purpose.

So at this time, she only felt extreme regret in her heart. If she hadn't retained a trace of reason, she would have wanted to slap herself twice.

In order to be the heroine of a romance film that was advertised for more than 3000 million yuan, but the actual production cost never exceeded 2000 million, she not only endured her nausea to sell her body, but also lost a movie that she could have obtained without doing anything. , the heroine of a commercial blockbuster with a production cost of more than 5000 million yuan? !

"Has God abandoned me? Is it because I no longer want to be a nun and want to become an actor?"

Anne felt like she was going crazy!
Wayne, on the other hand, was admiring her somewhat out-of-control expression management without any trace, with a sneer in his heart.

After a while, Annie came back to her senses and said with some reluctance: "Wayne, I think you are right. Jessica has starred in two movies with you, and you both played the role in both movies. It’s not a good thing for the couple to star together in The Bourne Supremacy again, neither for the film nor for you.”

Annie had a sincere expression on her face that said, "I'm really thinking about you." Wayne almost couldn't stop laughing when he saw it.

Obviously, Annie, who was mentally unbalanced, had forgotten that speaking ill of his girlfriend in front of a man was actually a very rude and very derogatory move.

"Besides, Jessica is not famous after all. It will be difficult for her to support the box office by starring in such a large commercial production. You should find some more famous first-line actresses."

This time it was completely sabotage.

To be honest, at this moment, Wayne was really a little disappointed with Annie, and even the filter brought by the memory of his previous life was a bit broken.

"There's nothing I can do about it. Who made Jessica my girlfriend? If I don't praise my girlfriend, why should I let her sleep with other men to get roles?"

Now Annie's defense was completely broken. Even though she could tell that Wayne was not talking about her and he didn't know about the stupid things she did last night, these words were like knives, stabbing into her. on her heart, causing her heart to twitch with pain.

But Wayne's voice continued.

"As for fame, don't worry. I have invited Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, and Kate Winslet, the most popular A-list actresses in Hollywood, to play supporting roles in the movie. , to match Jessica."

"Although it will cost a lot of money, it doesn't matter. Their fame will definitely bring huge attention to the movie."

"In addition, I am also planning to continue to look for other Oscar winners to play the supporting actor role."

"As long as the first part is successful, the rest will be easy to talk about."

"Back there?!" Annie, who had been dumbfounded, subconsciously exclaimed.

"That's right," Wayne explained: "The Bourne Supremacy is planned to be adapted into a trilogy. The production cost of the first part is 5000 million, and the publicity and distribution costs are additional. The production budget of the second and third parts will be They are 8000 million and 1.2 million respectively. After all, Jessica and I’s salary will definitely increase a lot at that time.”


At this moment, Annie's mentality was completely shattered, to pieces, and even a little bit irrational.

"Wayne! I can actually turn down the audition for The Princess Diaries - I mean, although they have decided to play me, they haven't auditioned yet and haven't signed the contract yet, so it doesn't matter if I turn it down. "

Wayne couldn't help but sneer secretly, but his face was like treating others the same way, showing an expression of "I am caring about you and doing your best", and said softly:

"No, you can't do this. You will offend Director Marshall, Whitney Houston, and Disney behind them. In addition, the agency CAA behind you will not allow you to do this. If you do this, I’m afraid they will never introduce you to a job again.”

Anne froze when she heard this. Thinking of the serious consequences of doing so, she couldn't help but go crazy.


Anne wanted to say, 'I'm not afraid for you!I do! 'In this case, what if Wayne really agrees?
Then she is not dead?

She has reacted now.

Disney and CAA are behind "The Princess Diaries", and Marshall and Whitney are just small characters like puppets in front of such giants.

Even if she really plays the leading role in a big commercial production like "The Bourne Supremacy" and becomes an instant hit with this movie and becomes a star-studded Hollywood star, she still can't easily offend these two behemoths.

"Okay, Annie, just relax and star in your new movie. Don't worry, I will give you a suitable role in the future."

One slap was wrong, but N slaps. Wayne, who almost knocked Annie out, decided to give Annie a little more hope.

After all, Anne is in her most beautiful age now, so it would be a pity to throw her away like this.

And after such a beating, Anne will definitely become more attentive when serving him in the future, making him enjoy it even more, right?

No matter in his previous life or this life, he was not a good person in the entertainment industry, let alone a saint.

But what he didn't expect was that the impact of this incident on Anne seemed to be a bit too great, or perhaps the young Anne was not as strong as she was when she was blackmailed by the entire Internet.

Not only did the simple scenes in the afternoon go wrong one after another, but even the crucial audition a few days later was messed up.

"What are you doing! Miss Hathaway! Do you know how precious this audition opportunity is?!"

Faced with the agent's violent yelling, Anne didn't have any temper at all. She just begged extremely humbly: "I'm sorry Katie, I know I didn't perform well just now. Please, please give me another chance."

It was obvious that Anne sought medical treatment in a desperate condition.

"Ms. Hathaway, are you out of your mind? Is this audition opportunity something I can give you just because I say I can?" Katie scolded her with a dark face.

It's true that she is an agent of CAA, but she is just an agent.

Marshall and Whitney can sell CAA's reputation, but they will not sell her the reputation of an agent. After all, the other actresses who auditioned are also from CAA, so which one is not useful?
For one of her agents to offend six other agents with the same or even higher status than her, is Marshall's brain broken, or is Whitney's brain broken?
"But I...I followed your instructions to accompany that old guy!" Annie said hurriedly, taking Katie's arm.

But Katie opened her hand unceremoniously and said coldly: "Please pay attention to your words, Miss Hathaway, it was your own idea and operation, I didn't ask you to do it! And I didn't ask you to do it!" Do you think you are the only one who has done this? The other six people have all done the same, and at least two of them have slept with the entire investors and producers! They have paid much more than you!"

Annie was dumbfounded after hearing this. She didn't expect those bitches to be so cruel and fight so hard!

It wasn't until Katie impatiently turned around and left that she came back to her senses and said hurriedly: "I can do it too! I can also be like those Bitchis, and I'm younger and prettier than them! "

Katie was immediately amused after hearing this.

"I admit, Miss Hathaway, you are very beautiful, but you are not much more beautiful than those six Bitches, and you are not so beautiful that you can break the rules."

"Rules?" Annie looked at Katie blankly, and Katie shook her head.

"You don't know the basic rules of Hollywood casting? No matter why a character is selected, the acting skills and image must meet the standards. After meeting these basic standards, it is time to compete for connections and background. Unless it is That kind of low-budget independent film." After a pause, Katie seemed to have thought of something.

The tone was slightly softer, and the title of Anne was changed from 'Miss Hathaway' to 'Anne' again.

"By the way, Annie, don't you still have that Wayne Anderson? Let him give you more roles, so you might still have a chance to become famous."

"You don't know, he is so generous!"

"I made some inquiries as you said a few days ago, and I didn't expect that he actually invited Kate Winslet, Julia Roberts, and Nicole Kidman to star in the same movie!"

Speaking of this, Kate also had a shocked expression on her face.

"One movie brings together three of Hollywood's most popular female stars!"

"It's incredible!"

"Anyone else would definitely not be able to do it, but that Wayne Anderson gave too much!"

“According to Kate Winslet’s agent, Winslet was paid a full $2 million for just playing a small supporting role with only a few scenes and less than 500 minutes of scenes!”

"Oh my God!"

"How is this different from robbing a bank?!"

"No, there's a big difference! You can make more money than robbing a bank, you can make money quickly!"

"In addition, Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman seem to have more scenes, but they are only one or two minutes of scenes, but Wayne Anderson reportedly offered them 2 million and 600 million respectively. remuneration!"

"Now that these three people have confirmed that they will sign the contract, we are just waiting for the audition process to go through!"

Annie stood there in a daze, her whole body like an eggplant beaten by frost, and her eyes became dull.

Although she didn't know how much Nicole Kidman and the other three would get from the film, she also knew that Wayne had asked Hemera Pictures to contact them.

You must know that these three people are not fuel-efficient lamps. They are also backed by Hollywood's number one agency like CAA.

Hemera Pictures, which has just reached the level of a medium-sized production company, has no chance of playing tricks on Nicole Kidman and the CAA behind them.

This means that Wayne's new movie The Bourne Supremacy really wants to invite these three Hollywood A-list female stars to star at the same time!

So, what did she miss?

When she thought that these were all hers, she almost went crazy with regrets.

She's been in bad shape these past few days, and it's obviously related to this.

What also made her vaguely worried, even frightened, was that although Wayne still helped her rent the villa, he only paid two months' rent, which was completely different from her imagination of directly renting it for a year or two.

The most important thing is that Wayne has not had any in-depth communication with her since that night of partying.

Although Wayne was praising the name and was afraid that she would be too tired and affect her performance during the audition, she still couldn't help but feel worried because she had something on her mind.

"Honey, can you come pick me up?"

After hesitating for a long time, Annie, who was separated from her agent, couldn't help but pick up her cell phone and call Wayne.

"What's wrong, Annie, is your audition over? Should I congratulate you? I'm filming on the set now."

On the other end of the phone, Wayne's voice seemed as gentle as ever, which made Anne on the other side finally burst into tears after having accumulated emotions for a long time.

"I'm sorry, honey, I know you're busy, I. My audition is over and I failed." Annie's voice was full of tears.

Wayne was really surprised now.

"What? You were unsuccessful? How is this possible? Didn't you say that they had already selected you in advance and the audition was just a process?"

Anne tightened her lips and did not dare to say a word.

She was afraid that as soon as she opened her mouth, she couldn't help but tell the story of being 'cheated'.

Wayne on the opposite side also noticed Annie's state at this time. After thinking about it, he didn't continue to stab Annie with the knife. Otherwise, what if Annie was broken?
"Hey, baby, don't be sad. It's just an audition. Let's do it. I'll arrange a role for you in "The Bourne Supremacy". Although it's not a major role, it's about the same as Julia Roberts. Here’s the supporting role.”


As soon as Annie heard this, her sadness suddenly turned into joy. She even burped uncontrollably because she choked up so quickly. You can imagine how pleasantly surprised she was.

Although it is just an ordinary supporting role, it is also a supporting role on the same level as Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet, and Nicole Kidman, isn't it?

What's more, Annie has hit rock bottom now.

Wayne continued to use her, and that was the most important thing to her.

"Thank you, my dear, you are so kind to me! I will wait for you at home tonight!"

Wayne on the other end of the phone had a slight smile on his face. After making an appointment to meet in the evening, he hung up the phone.

Annie's failure in the audition was indeed beyond his expectation, and he could also guess that this should be caused by Annie's unbalanced mentality because of him.

And without the work "The Princess Diaries", there is a big question mark as to whether Anne can still achieve the achievements of her previous life.

But apart from a little sympathy, he was more cheerful and gloating.

It seemed that the broad-mindedness he thought he had was actually not very big.

Wayne reflected on himself for two seconds, and then called Mrs. Stewart, who had finished the solo shooting and was learning shooting techniques from James Wan, and made an appointment with her for an in-depth discussion in the evening.

So, Anne, who spent the entire afternoon arranging a romantic candlelight dinner for herself and Wayne, was dumbfounded when she opened the door and was about to throw herself into Wayne's arms.

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(End of this chapter)

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