Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 40 The temptation of the heroine of a commercial series blockbuster

Chapter 40 The temptation of the heroine of a commercial series blockbuster
Wayne noticed her reaction but didn't care at all.

He needs to care about his girlfriend's thoughts, but he doesn't need to care about toys. If he is dissatisfied with the toy and is unwilling to use it as a toy anymore, then throw it away and replace it with another one.

This is Hollywood, and as his fame grows, there are many beauties willing to be his toys.

On the opposite side, Annie quickly came to her senses. Thinking about the failure of today's audition, what her agent Katie said, and thinking about the help that Wayne could bring her, she finally suppressed the pain in her heart. Dissatisfied, he showed a somewhat forced smile and welcomed the two people in.

joke!This villa is rented by Wayne, right?

8000 US dollars a month, and now she has lost the opportunity to star in Princess Diary. She is still unknown and cannot afford to rent such an expensive villa.

After thinking about this, Anne also became more proactive in the in-depth communication after the meal, trying to please Wayne in every possible way, as if she could outshine Mrs. Stewart, which brought great enjoyment to Wayne.

However, Wayne still rejected Annie's request to stay here after receiving a phone call.

In Anne's disappointed eyes, she put on her clothes and left the villa.

The call was from Charlize Theron, and the call was to ask Wayne to come over for a drink. Wayne did not hide this from Anne.

If it were the past, Anne would definitely be dissatisfied and even act a little petty.

However, the experiences of the past few days have obviously made her grow a lot, and she has also corrected her position in front of Wayne. Even if she is disappointed, she can only keep it in her heart.

Who makes her like doing it?

Ten minutes later, Wayne drove to Charlize Theron's residence. After parking the car, he took out the key and opened the door.

Although she is already a relatively high-ranking female star among the second-tier stars, the size of the villa that Charlize Theron lives in is similar to the one that Anne lives in now.

The only difference is that she bought this house by herself, spending a full $200 million.

"Are you really drinking? Didn't you say that alcohol is the biggest enemy of a woman's skin and figure?"

As soon as he entered the door, Wayne smelled the smell of alcohol keenly, and then followed the smell of alcohol to find Charlize Theron, who was drinking by herself in the small wine cellar on the underground floor, with a look of surprise on her face. expression.

Although he has a wine cellar at home, it was originally part of the villa, just like when he bought Wayne Manor.

Because of her body and skin management, Charlize Theron has always been drinking alcohol in addition to socializing. Otherwise, with the physique of European and American women that are prone to aging, she would not be able to maintain that kind of behavior when she is nearly fifty. Good figure and good looks.

But now, the small bar in front of her was empty of two bottles of wine, and the third bottle was already one-third empty.

Moreover, there was no decanter on the bar. It was obvious that even the steps of decanting were ignored and the drink was started directly.

How sour is this!

"What's wrong with you?" Wayne asked again.

At this time, Charlize Theron finally turned her head and looked at him, showing a complex smile of resentment, bitterness, and self-deprecation, and murmured: "You really don't care about me at all!"

"Ha ha!"

Wayne sneered and did not coddle her. He directly picked up the princess and walked towards the bedroom upstairs amidst her exclamations.

Two hours later, although she was so exhausted that her fingers were no longer able to move, Charlize Theron's mind was sober. She lay quietly in Wayne's arms. Her mind, which had been filled with all kinds of uneasiness and worries, finally came to her senses. Quiet and relaxed.

"Is it because of "The Dive", Wayne said proactively, stroking her smooth and tender skin.

Although it is a question, the tone is very determined.

"So you know it all!"

Charlize Theron moved her eyelids hard, and just when she was about to get angry, Wayne slapped her hard on the buttocks.

"The box-office performance of Pitchfork wasn't too bad," Wayne said.

Because of Charlize Theron, although he did not attend the premiere, he has been paying attention to the box office results of this movie in the past few days.

The first weekend’s three-day sales were 980 million, and the first week’s sales were 1600 million, which was basically the same as in the previous life. Let alone win the weekly championship, it didn’t even make it into the top three.

According to past rules, its final box office should be 4000 million in North America and around 7000 million globally.

Such achievements can definitely be repaid by relying on the global box office. After all, the production cost of the film's external publicity is only 3200 million, and the actual cost should not exceed 2000 million.

Because of the mediocre results, Fox will definitely not invest too much money in later publicity, so the actual total cost will never exceed 3000 million.

In addition to the sales revenue from the disc market after the film is released, as well as the income from reselling TV broadcast rights, it should be possible to earn 2000 million.

This is no small amount.

Charlize Theron saw Wayne's thoughts at a glance, but she couldn't accept it herself.

"That's Robert De Niro! The Oscar-winning actor! Plus, I actually need to go through the global box office to get my money back. This -"

"But don't forget, the other star of this movie is a black man."

Wayne interrupted her before she could finish.

This made Theron stunned for a moment.

"But that's Cuba Gooding Jr.! He once won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for "Sweetheart"!"

"But Sweetheart was successful because of Tom Cruise, not him."

Wayne pointed this out bluntly.

"Sweetheart" is the famous work of today's Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise. However, Tom Cruise did not win the Oscar statuette with the help of this movie. Instead, Cuba Gooding Jr., who played a supporting role, won it all at once. Best Supporting Actor Award.

It's just that in Hollywood today, and even in America as a whole, justice is not that serious.

"And winning an Oscar doesn't mean it can support the box office."

"A black man and an Oscar-winning actor star in a double-male movie, and even the director is a black man. This will make many viewers not buy it. After all, not every black man is Morgan Freeman or Will Smith."

"Coupled with the fact that the quality of the film is mediocre, it is already good to achieve such results."

"The most important thing is that you, the heroine, don't have much role at all. Even if you fail, it has nothing to do with you, right?" "."

Charlize Theron was speechless.

The reason why she was so depressed was just because the movie did not meet her somewhat high expectations.

In fact, she knew that Oscar winner might not necessarily bring high box office, but even the reputation was mediocre, not bad, but not outstanding at all, in one word - mediocre.

This made her a little disappointed.

She originally thought about whether she could take advantage of the opportunity to work with the Oscar winner and the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor to be nominated for an Oscar or something.

In this regard, Wayne could only say that she was overthinking.

But Wayne is indeed right. The success or failure of this film really has little to do with her. Otherwise, the film she has already received, "Sweet November" with Keanu Reeves, will definitely be A big change occurred.

So. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that she has nothing to be sad about, but should be happy instead.

The only loss for her from this movie may be the subsequent canceled promotional activities, but those are just a few exposure opportunities in front of the media. For her who is already a second-tier star, it is not very important. .

Anyway, she has another movie "Back to Glory" to be released next month.

This is a 6000 million-cost production starring Matt Damon and Will Smith!His grades shouldn't be bad, right?
It's a pity that Wayne didn't know what she was thinking, otherwise he would definitely laugh out loud.

The quality of the movie "Return to Glory" itself is not bad. After all, the starring roles are Matt Damon and Will Smith. The director almost won an Oscar when he was an actor, and won it directly after he became a director. To Robert Redford, who won the Oscar for Best Director.

However, the film was not commercial enough, which seriously affected its box office.

In addition, many blockbuster commercial blockbusters such as "Charlie's Angels", "102", "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and "The Immortal" were released soon after, which grossed hundreds of millions of dollars at the North American box office alone, severely squeezing the market. Its film schedule and box office space.

The movie ended up being so miserable that it couldn't even recoup its cost.

After all, the combined salary of director Robert Redford and actor Will Smith alone exceeds 2300 million. The real production cost should not be less than 4000 million. Taking into account the publicity and distribution, the total cost is probably It will be between 5500 million and 6000 million.

Even if you include the sale of discs and the sale of TV broadcast rights, the cost will definitely not be recovered.

At most, the loss is not serious.

Fortunately, the success or failure of this movie will still not have any negative impact on Charlize Theron. After all, the failure of this movie is all due to the script and has nothing to do with her.

"Is it true that she was born to be out of luck with commercial blockbusters that are successful at the box office?"

Thinking about the results of the movies that Charlize Theron would star in in his previous life, Wayne couldn't help but have this weird idea pop up in his head.

"You shouldn't have a new job after Sweet November, right?" Wayne thought for a while and asked suddenly.

"No, what's wrong?" Charlize Theron, who finally recovered some strength, raised her head and looked at him curiously.

"If everything goes well, I will start a new project while filming "The Bourne Supremacy". This project is also a series of movies, and the heroine is the first protagonist. It is expected that there will be seven to eight movies. If you want to act If so, just practice fighting in advance, of course, just practice the movements, don’t build up all the muscles.”

The series of movies with a heroine that Wayne is talking about is naturally the famous Resident Evil series.

Originally, he had no intention of filming Resident Evil. After all, there was basically no role for him to play in it. Even if he played the male lead, it would only be completed in one episode, which would not be very interesting.

We can't let him play the villain Wesker, right?

In addition, Jessica was not suitable to replace the original Milla Jovovich as the heroine Alice, so he did not let Serra buy the rights.

But at this moment, he suddenly realized that Charlize Theron seemed quite suitable to play Alice.

At least in his opinion, Charlize Theron's image and acting skills in "Mad Max: Fury Road" are much better than Milla Jovovich.

Of course, this is purely his personal opinion.

In addition, he also wants to hold this South African diamond with an extremely long shelf life for a long time, so it seems to be a good idea to buy the "Resident Evil" series and let Charlize Theron play the heroine Alice.

After Charlize Theron heard this, she stared at him with a strange expression for seven or eight seconds, and then said in an exaggerated tone: "Am I saying you are crazy? Is there any actress in Hollywood who can refuse? Starring as the heroine in a commercial series with a big heroine?"

"So, you agreed?"

"Nonsense, of course I have to agree!" Charlize Theron said without hesitation.

"But why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?" Charlize Theron couldn't help but ask. She had some ideas but was not sure.

"Because I don't want what happened to Anne Hathaway to happen to you. I want to turn you into something that only belongs to me."

Wayne said with a smile, making no secret of his possessiveness towards her.

If another person, even a Hollywood superstar like Will Smith or an Oscar-winning director like Robert Redford, had said such words or even called her a 'thing', she would have disdainfully sneered. , or even give the other party a slap in the face.

But if these words came from Wayne's mouth.

Think about Wayne's appearance and figure, think about the great help he can bring to her career, and then think about the wonderful enjoyment that she has never experienced in others during this time.

At this moment, she only felt that Wayne was domineering and charming, and he was completely ruined.

"What if I were to give you a baby?" Charlize Theron asked, looking into his eyes.

"Then we'll have a baby," Wayne smiled. "Although he's an illegitimate child, I promise I won't neglect him."

"Fake again!"

Charlize Theron suddenly turned over and sat up, and then used up the little energy she had just recovered in an in-depth exchange with Wayne.

But what she didn't know was that Wayne's genes had already been changed by the strengthening agent. Although it was not as exaggerated as reproductive isolation, it was almost impossible for ordinary people to conceive his child.

Of course, Wayne is not fooling Theron.

In fact, he had already planned to buy more gene-enhancing potions when he became rich in the future, and give one to the women he planned to hold for a long time, so that they could slow down aging and stay youthful.

So he still needs to make more money. After all, a bottle of primary gene enhancement potion costs 2 million US dollars.

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(End of this chapter)

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