Chapter 46 Naomi’s text message
Two days later, on the morning of October 10, as the contract was officially signed, all US$17 million was transferred to the company's account before noon that day.

After discussing with Serra, Wayne did not transfer all the money to his personal account. Instead, he left 700 million US dollars, which was used together with the more than 100 million US dollars remaining in the company's account to be used for the company's daily operations and The upfront cost of establishing a North American distribution channel.

But even so, coupled with his 100 million salary in "Happy Death Day" and deducting the reserved taxes, the number in his personal account is already close to 3000 million.

In this day and age, it’s almost enough to just buy whatever you want without saying anything.

For this reason, Wayne was very excited for the whole day. He chartered a yacht with several of his women and went out to sea to celebrate and relax.

This time Sierra didn't insist anymore and gave herself a good two days off.

The daily work of the company was temporarily handed over to Susan Levin, who successfully brought back the film and television adaptation rights of "Resident Evil" from Neon.

But when it comes to Susan Levin, she is on the deck of the yacht, holding Jessica in her left hand, Mia in her right hand, her feet on Hannah's thighs, blowing the sea breeze, basking in the sun, and accepting Wayne, who was being massaged by Hannah, suddenly thought of something.

Of course, it's not about Susan Levin and Robert Downey Jr.

What he was thinking about was that there didn't seem to be enough money to make "Resident Evil".

After the production of "Happy Death Day" was completed, he received the third investment fund of 3600 million U.S. dollars from the system. Counting the previous remaining 1800 million, the funds available for the production of "The Bourne Supremacy" have reached 5400 million.

Note that this is a real 5400 million yuan and does not contain any water.

So even if so many big-name stars are invited, the production cost is more than enough.

However, the filming and post-production of "The Bourne Supremacy" is expected to take three to four months, while Charlize Theron's filming of "Sweet November" took only two months at most. .

In addition, the pre-production of the movie takes almost a month. If you wait until the production of "The Bourne Supremacy" is completed before starting the preparations for "Resident Evil 1", then Charlize Theron may have to wait at home for three months. What about time.

This is really a waste for a female star who is on the rise. I believe Charlize Theron herself does not want to rest and wait for such a long time.

In this way, the best way is to advance the preparatory work for "Resident Evil 1".

It would be best if production of "The Bourne Supremacy" is completed and "Resident Evil 1" can be officially started. It has even been officially started for some time.

As a result, Charlize Theron only has to wait less than two months.

Coupled with the fact that she had to undergo fighting and shooting training during this period, it was just enough for her to have a relaxing and fulfilling two months.

"There are not many special effects in "Resident Evil 1". The production company in the previous life claimed that the production cost was 3000 million US dollars, but in fact it was estimated to be only about 2000 million US dollars."

"Then for preliminary preparations, only 800 million will be enough."

"But it's definitely not possible to allocate this part of the funds directly from the production costs of "The Bourne Supremacy". It would take too long."

"So the best way is to invest in the production of an independent film with a cost of 500 to 1000 million during this period. This way, we can collect the preliminary preparation expenses for "Resident Evil 1" and even the production expenses directly. .”

To put it simply, it is double opening.

He went to Europe to film "The Bourne Supremacy", and Sierra and Susan were filming another movie that could be completed in two months.

Wayne immediately thought of the two projects he had previously shelved, "The Gifted" and "The Butterfly Effect."

"Happy Death Day is about to be released, and making "The Butterfly Effect" is a bit like following the trend."

"In addition, if "Happy Death Day" does well at the box office, it will definitely attract a lot of followers. When the time comes, "The Butterfly Effect" will compete with a lot of similar films, and it may not be able to break through." Wayne secretly analyzed .

Hollywood's pursuit of success makes those production companies especially fond of following suit. For example, after the famous "Blair Witch" became popular, there were a lot of pseudo-documentary-style horror films shot with handheld cameras. The propaganda methods are similar, which directly ruins this subject type.

Except for the big-name stars, "Happy Death Day" has no difficulty following the trend. Once it becomes popular, those production companies will definitely not miss it.

By then, maybe as soon as you walk into the theater, you will be able to see all kinds of people being tortured and killed in endless reincarnations on the big screen.


At this moment, the mobile phone placed on the small round table nearby suddenly rang.

Wayne glanced at it and saw that it was a message from Naomi Watts, who had only had one in-depth communication. The content was nothing more than daily greetings and small talk, and she wanted to ask Wayne out for drinks and coffee again.

During this time, with Wayne's popularity, Naomi Watts, who had successfully passed the audition and was busy filming "Mulholland Drive" couldn't help but post it again.

As the work of the legendary director David Lynch, "Mulholland Drive" is likely to be a successful literary and suspense film, but it may not necessarily be a successful commercial film.

And Naomi Watts, who is 32 years old and has been at the bottom of Hollywood for so many years, besides becoming famous, what she wants most is to make more money.

After all, there really wasn't much time left for her.

Today, Hemera Pictures is well-known among many production companies in the industry, especially in terms of actors' remuneration, and is particularly generous.

If Naomi Watts wants to make more money, embracing Wayne's lap is definitely a good way.

After seeing Naomi Watts' text message, Wayne unconsciously thought of the American version of "The Ring" starring her.

Although it was a remake and was promoted by Canada's Lionsgate Pictures, the American version of "The Ring" managed to achieve an astonishing global box office of US$2.49 million even though the lead actor was not very famous. , almost entered the ranking of the top ten horror films in the world.

This achievement is quite astonishing.

However, the original version of "The Ring" did very well, so DreamWorks and Paramount spent a lot of money to buy the remake rights from Toho Pictures.The total production cost announced to the outside world has also reached an astonishing US$4800 million.

This is a bit inconsistent with his requirements.

"But if "Girl Genius" is filmed, she or Annie can play the role of the third female primary school teacher in it."

"My dear, aren't you replying? What are you thinking about?"

Mia who was on the side saw him dazedly holding his mobile phone for a long time, so she couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Well, no need to reply, I just suddenly thought of a new story."

"New story? Are you going to make a new movie again?"

Mia and Jessica suddenly looked interested.

"Well, a story about family love."

Wayne didn't hide anything and told them the story of "Girl Genius" after slightly changing it.

 Please recommend, please continue reading, please vote for me~~~~There is another chapter tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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