Chapter 47 Modify Settings
"The story takes place in a small town in central Florida."

"Mary, a seven-year-old girl, has been living with her uncle Frank after her mother died."

"Frank is a ship repairman with a low income. The two of them are not well off. In order to support the family, Frank has to do some extra unglamorous work after work so that Mary can live a better life."

"But the environment of the town is good, the people around her are very friendly, and the teachers at the school are also very good to her. She can live a carefree and happy life here every day."

"It's just that as she got older, Mary's mathematical talent, which she inherited from her genius mother, gradually became apparent."

“This caught the attention of her grandmother Evelyn.”

"Evelin was a mathematician when she was young, but due to limited talent, she finally gave up studying mathematics and turned to business, and achieved considerable success."

"Later, she discovered that her daughter, Mary's mother, was much more talented in mathematics than herself. This made her ecstatic and began to pour her unfinished dreams into Mary's mother."

"As a result, Mary's mother became rebellious because she was too strict. She ran away from home as soon as she became an adult and fell in love with a romantic artist. Although she never got married, she had Mary."

"And her son Frank has been disgusted and alienated by her since he was a child because he did not inherit any of her talents, so he also resents his mother."

"On this day, Evelyn came to the door after confirming that Mary had the same mathematical talent as her mother."

"She first promised Frank that she would not be as harsh as she was with Mary's mother, and said that she could provide Mary with a better material life and make Mary more promising in the future."

"Then he pointed out that the 'work' done by Frank would lead to Mary becoming more sensible, and it would not be a good thing for Mary to follow him."

"After Frank tentatively asked Mary, he mistakenly thought that Mary was more interested in mathematics, so after some thought, he reluctantly agreed to Evelin's proposal and sent Mary to Evelin's place. .”

"And some precocious Mary also mistakenly thought that Frank disliked her as a burden. Because she had to take care of herself, not only did she not earn enough money to spend, but she also couldn't fall in love and get married properly. So although she was sad to let go, she didn't do it again. Excuse me Frank."

"However, so many beautiful memories of two people together are like knives, constantly stabbing and torturing the two people who are separated."

"In the end Frank couldn't help but go to find Mary. He didn't dare to get close, he just wanted to take a look at Mary from a distance."

"But Mary, as if she had a telepathic connection, turned her head, saw him, and then flew into his arms."

"After a lot of crying, Mary finally spoke her mind, and so did Frank."

"The two finally understood each other's feelings and decided to live together again."

“But at this time Evelin refused.”

"She once again saw in Mary an opportunity to realize her dream - if she could not become a great mathematician, she would train her granddaughter to be a great mathematician."

"So she obstructed Mary from moving back in every possible way, even slandering Frank and trying to send Frank to jail."

"However, in court, the jurors were moved by the affection between Frank and Mary, and Frank successfully obtained custody of Mary."

"Then, just when Evelin was desperate, Frank took Mary's little hand and took the initiative to find her."

"Because the custody rights were in the hands of Frank, Evelyn had to compromise and reached a mutually satisfactory result with Frank - Mary usually lived with Frank, but she would go to Evelyn's place every week to ask for tutoring."

"Later, as Mary grew up, the relationship between mother and son, Evelyn and Frank, gradually improved a lot."

"At the end of the film, Mary, who has become a grown-up girl, stood on the Fields Medal podium, happily holding the trophy and saying her acceptance speech." "Thanks to my strict grandmother, and to my academic achievements. Teacher, of course, the one I’m most grateful to is that idiot uncle.”

"Off the stage, Frank and Evelin sat together and both smiled sincerely and happily."

After finishing speaking, Wayne, who had a slightly dry mouth, picked up the juice on the side and drank it.

At the same time, Mia and the other three also expressed their opinions after thinking for a while.

"Sounds like fun!" Hannah said first.

"It shouldn't be difficult to prepare and shoot, and the cost won't be high, and it's suitable for a Christmas release." Mia then said from the perspective of a producer.

She hasn't decided yet whether or not the movie will be shot, but when it will be shot, she is already thinking about releasing it.

"But dear, aren't we going to film "The Bourne Supremacy" soon? If this story is made into a movie, who do you plan to give it to star in?"

As an actress, Jessica is naturally concerned about the casting of this movie.

This type of story, if shot well and executed properly, can be a prize-winning work.

"I'm still thinking about casting."

"As Mia said, if this movie is to be released, it would be best if it were released during a traditional family time like Christmas. In that case, you and I won't be able to star in it."

"It should be easy to choose the heroine, right?" Mia on the side said with a teasing smile.

Wayne shrugged calmly and did not deny it. After all, there are indeed many people who can play the heroine.

But the choice of the male protagonist is a bit troublesome.

Although the story character of Frank is not as good as Bartleby, he is still outstanding. If he were to let go, there would be no way to pay for it, so I always feel like he would be at a loss!
"How about setting the protagonist Frank as a woman? Even if a man takes care of children, it doesn't seem to have any impact on finding a girlfriend, right?" Hannah suddenly said.

As a result, her seemingly joking suggestion made Wayne stunned for a moment, and then his eyes immediately lit up.

"That's right! It's a good idea to make the protagonist a woman!"

Wayne quickly analyzed: "It is indeed more troublesome for a woman to find a boyfriend with her children. It is more reasonable for a single woman to have no special skills and low income, and her illegal job can also be used as a TYW mother, or even She is a street girl, so it makes sense that she is afraid of leading Mary into trouble."

"But in this case, does the original heroine, the role of Teacher Mary, have to be changed to a man? Wouldn't this be a bit bad?"

When he thought of the male teacher and the little girl, Wayne inexplicably thought of the movie "The Hunt" starring Cannes winner Mads Mikkelsen in his previous life, and he got goosebumps.

"Then if we retain the setting of the female teacher, should we directly cut off the relationship between her and Frank, or should we simply make her a lesbian?"

Wayne couldn't help but touch his chin. Some strange pictures came to his mind, and he suddenly became inexplicably excited.

But in the end, Wayne stopped some evil thoughts that suddenly popped up in his heart and decided not to ruin the atmosphere of this movie about beautiful family love.

As for those thoughts
"Let Annie and Naomi Watts try it?"

(End of this chapter)

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