Chapter 48 800 million combinations!
In the evening, the yacht docked, and the four of them returned to the beachside villa rented with the yacht for one night. They returned to Wayne Manor early the next morning and got busy again.

Although "Happy Death Day" has been sold, as the screenwriter and leading actor, Wayne will definitely participate in DreamWorks' promotional activities.

This is especially true for the heroine Jessica.

After repeated consideration, Mia decided to hand over various tasks of "The Bourne Supremacy" to Sierra and continue to work as a producer for Wayne and Jessica, so that she could accompany Wayne and Jessica. Went to Europe together.

As for the preparation work for "Girl Genius", it will be handed over to Susan Levin, who has always wanted to be a producer. If she does a good job with this film, then "Resident Evil" can also be handed over to her.

This made her very motivated.

However, the casting rights of "Girl Genius" are still the same as those of the previous two movies. The decision-making power of both the director and the starring role is in the hands of Wayne alone. In fact, the rights she can control are not generally controlled. There are many people in the film.

Fortunately, as a first-time producer, she didn't mind this.

As for the future, she should get used to it.

"Jingle Bell!"

The clear ringtone of his cell phone woke Wayne up.

Glancing at Annie and Naomi Watts, who were still sleeping together beside him, Wayne picked up the phone gently.

"Hello? Susan? It's too early for you! It's only seven o'clock. Did you stay up all night last night?"

"I can't help it. There are too many things to deal with, but don't worry, I work overtime voluntarily and I won't charge you overtime pay~"

Susan, who was a little more familiar with it, first made a little joke with Wayne, and then said: "Alan Ball has already given a reply, and it will take about two weeks to perfect the script."

Alan Ball is the one who won five awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Cinematography at the 72nd Academy Awards this year. At the same time, he earned 1500 million The production cost is the screenwriter of "American Beauty", which earned a global box office of 3.56 million.

He is currently a popular front-line screenwriter in the industry.

However, the current Screenwriters Guild has not organized enough strikes, and screenwriter fees have not increased yet. Therefore, even though Alan Ball just won the 'Oscar for Best Original Screenplay', which is equivalent to the best screenwriter award, screenwriter fees have not increased yet. It’s only $100 million.

And just like that, Wayne took the initiative to pay a premium.

Calculated, it can be said to be quite cost-effective.

But isn’t two weeks a little too long?It’s just filling in the content according to the story outline he gave. A faster screenwriter could finish it in three to five days, right?
However, Wayne did not express his position immediately, but asked: "Have you communicated with him? What do you think?"

"I think it's okay," Susan understood what Wayne was asking and explained: "The location selection and prop preparation for this story are relatively simple, and the filming is not difficult, so we can appropriately compress the cycle of these two links, within 45 days Once the production is completed, there should be no problem.”

That's right, today is already October 10st. Because it is being released on Christmas Day, and at least 21 days have to be set aside to sell the film, the entire cycle from preparation to completion of production is only 20 days.

It takes 14 days for the screenwriter to write a fill-in script, which is one-third of the time. No wonder Wayne asked this question.

"so be it!"

"I have already chosen the first and second female lead. They are two actors I am familiar with."

"I'm planning to hire Gus Van Sant, who directed "Good Will Hunting," as the director."

"As for the third female lead, Evelyn, I plan to cast Susan Sarandon."

Before Wayne finished speaking, Susan's shocked coughing sound came from the other end of the phone.

"Ahem. Who? Susan Sarandon?!"

"Yes, that's Susan Sarandon."


After receiving the confirmation, Susan was speechless.

With a production cost of 1000 million, "Good Will Hunting" directed by Gus Van Sant earned a global box office of 2.26 million US dollars, and was also nominated for the Oscar for Best Director that year, but lost to Cameron and His Titanic crew.

Originally, Susan thought that Gus Van Sant was already a big name. After all, the director is not the screenwriter. Because of the amazing results of "Good Will Hunting" at the box office, Gus Van Sant's salary was about 400 million US dollars. .But who would have thought that Wayne actually planned to invite Susan Sarandon, a five-time Oscar nominee for Best Actress and one-time Oscar winner?
Plus Alan Ball, the Oscar winner for Best Screenplay. Hiss!Isn’t this lineup too powerful?
The most important thing is, how much will the production cost increase as a result? !

"Wayne! In terms of production costs-"

"Don't worry, because the first and second female leads are not famous stars, and their combined salary is only US$30, so the total production cost will not increase much."

After hearing Wayne's explanation, Susan quickly made calculations in her head.

Although Susan Sarandon is very famous, because she stars in dramas, her appeal at the box office is average, and the actress herself is paid much lower than male actors of the same level. It's a supporting role that doesn't have too many roles.

Therefore, the salary will be lower than that of Oscar winner Anthony Hopkins in "Happy Death Day", and he can definitely easily win around 200 million.

Although Gus Van Sant is the director of "Good Will Hunting", a large part of the reason for the success of "Good Will Hunting" comes from Robin Williams, who has been nominated for the Oscar for Best Actor multiple times, and Matt ·Damon’s wonderful performance, so he should be able to win it within 500 million.

Including Allen Ball, who has already signed, the total amount is only 800 million.

Susan recited this number silently, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help but twitch.

The salary of three people is only 800 million?I'm afraid this is not going crazy!

However, based on this calculation, the total production cost should still be less than 1200 million, which did not exceed the standard given by Wayne at the beginning, which also made her feel a little relieved.

"The combined salary of the first and second female actors is less than 30 yuan? What an unknown little actor!" Susan couldn't help but secretly complained.

However, what he didn't know was that the 30 was still the figure after Wayne increased the price by 50%.

And 24 of them are the salary of Naomi Watts, who plays the heroine. After all, she has played so many roles, but she is not famous.

As for Annie, who is almost a pure newcomer, even if the price is increased by 50%, the salary is only 6.

That's right, after careful consideration, he decided to star Naomi Watts in "Girl Genius" this time.

This is not because Naomi Watts has a closer relationship with him and is more comfortable serving him, but because Anne's current acting skills cannot support the role of 'Frank'.

Coupled with the bookish air about her, she didn't look like a woman who would work as a tyw or street girl to earn extra money. Instead, she was more suitable to play the role of a student or a teacher, so he could only give the role of 'Frank' to Naomi Watts.

"By the way, where is the actor who plays the little girl Mary?" Susan asked.

"Dakota Fanning, who debuted last year, has already appeared in many TV series such as "CSI," "ER," and "Spin City," and has also filmed many commercials."

Dakota Fanning, who debuted as a child star, has good acting skills. She gave a very wonderful performance in the previous film "I Am Sam" released at the end of 2001, and began to attract attention.

And she was exactly six years old this year, so since McKenna Grace was not even born yet, Wayne thought of her immediately.

Of course, Susan must have never heard of this name. Even the Screen Actors Guild doesn't know how many actors there are in Hollywood.

But when she heard that Dakota Fanning had already appeared in so many TV series, she felt that it was very reliable.

"Then I'll contact their agent now!" After saying that, Susan hung up the phone angrily.

There is no way, let alone Dakota Fanning. Big names like Gus Van Sant and Susan Sarandon, if you don’t make an appointment early, what if they don’t have a schedule?
Wayne couldn't help but laugh when he saw the busy signal on his cell phone, and shook his head.

Just now Gus Van Sant and Susan Sarandon are so excited, then if he invites Cameron and Spielberg, as well as Meryl Stewart, who has been nominated for 17 times and won two awards, Where's Rip?

However, Wayne chose Susan Sarandon not only because of her fame and strength, but also had other considerations.

Just last year, Susan Sarandon was appointed as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and received the National Media Outstanding Leadership Award.

With such an identity, playing the role of a grandmother who "reforms from evil and returns to righteousness" will definitely be a big selling point in publicity.

If you can spend a portion of your money and earn more, why not?

After all, the box office and subsequent profits of the movie are the money that can actually fall into his pocket!

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(End of this chapter)

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