Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 57: The widowed sister takes the initiative and aims at the box office championship! (2 in 1

Chapter 57: The widowed sister takes the initiative and aims at the box office championship! ([-]-in-[-])

This talented horror film director who originally had to lie dormant for four years before becoming popular through "Saw" is now obviously going to take off early.

As long as "Happy Death Day" can be a hit, the director's fee for his next horror film will be at least more than 200 million. If it is a sequel to "Happy Death Day", it can be increased by another 50% or even doubled.

After all, in Hollywood, which is chasing success, sequels to blockbuster movies are often the most favored by investors and producers.

Regardless of whether the reputation is bad or not, the box office cannot be low anyway.

Even if the reputation is bad in the future, it will definitely not be much worse in the early stage. After all, the media also have to catch up.

Wayne turned his head slightly and looked at James Wan not far away from the corner of his eye. Although the screening room was very dark, he could still see with his eyesight that James Wan was not watching a movie, but his eyes were moving around. Observing the reactions of the film critics and audiences around me.

Seeing these people all attracted by the plot on the screen, the smiles on their faces could hardly be hidden.

"The super new star 'Bartleby' is back with his new movie! He is aiming for the top spot at the Halloween box office!"

"A birthday turns into a death anniversary! Infinite death! Endless reincarnation! How can the protagonist break this curse-like death cycle?"

"It's a tense thriller with a bit of black humor, but it's also thought-provoking after watching it. This is probably the most exciting and creative film I've seen in recent years!"


That night, before the party was over, various reports about "Happy Death Day" were already being promoted overwhelmingly by DreamWorks, various media and film critics.

Except for a small number of extremely picky guys, most of them are very optimistic about this movie, so they are going to great lengths to praise it.

Some articles are even more exaggerated than the copy prepared by DreamWorks in advance, such as the article 'aiming at the Halloween box office championship'.

Although DreamWorks also thinks so, saying it directly is a bit too hateful.

But as for the media, if the title cannot afford to be exaggerated, how can it attract people’s attention?
Since mobile phones don't yet have Internet access, Wayne doesn't know that this movie has been praised to the sky, but even if he knew, he didn't care. After all, none of the other horror movies released on Halloween this year can beat it.

With the right time, place, and people on his side, it's really hard for "Happy Death Day" not to win the box office title.

Relatively speaking, it was more troublesome for him to deal with the guys who kept coming to talk to him at the party.

"Now I finally understand how Tony Stark feels!"

Wayne, who had just finished dealing with the distribution manager of Lionsgate Pictures, drained the champagne in the glass and began to complain unceremoniously.

Yes, this party hosted by DreamWorks not only invited the film critics and media, but also invited many people in the industry, and even people from other production and discovery companies.

Miramax, for example, and Lionsgate.

Although Miramax has been acquired by Disney, Harvey Weinstein has always been at odds with Disney and wants to go independent again, not to mention Lionsgate.

When these three families come together, it seems to Wayne that there is always a feeling of cuddling together for warmth.

"Hi, Mia, long time no see, you have grown into a big girl!"

At this time, someone came over to talk to them, but the difference was that the woman who came this time seemed to know Mia.

However, Wayne just glanced casually, and his eyes were attracted to one of the two girls following the person.

"Ah! Aunt Sloan, are you here too? Long time no see!"

Mia reacted for a moment before recognizing the person, and then said with a look of surprise.

"Wayne, let me introduce to you, this is Melanie Sloan, my mother's friend and a very good producer."

"Producer?" Wayne kept a calm expression on his face, smiling and chatting with Melanie Sloan, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

Originally, he thought that the exquisitely dressed middle-aged woman in front of him was a CAA agent. Otherwise, how could the young widow be with her?
That's right, the girl who caught his eye was none other than the future famous 'widow sister' Scarlett Johansson.

But then, he thought of something.

"These are my two daughters, Vanessa Johansson and Scarlett Johansson. They are both fans of You. I heard that you will attend the party tonight, and you insist on pestering me to bring them over. ." Melanie Sloan also introduced at this time.

At the same time, this also confirmed Wayne's guess.

In his previous life, he was probably a casual fan of Widow Sister, so after watching Iron Man and Avengers, he looked for Widow Sister's previous works and looked at them.

As a result, except for "Lost in Translation", all other works were average. But what surprised him was that the widowed sister had made her debut at the age of ten, and became one of the leading actors in a movie at the age of 12.

What's even more exaggerated is that after that, the widowed sister starred in one or two movies every year, almost without interruption.

This resource is much better than Emma Roberts, and almost as good as Dakota Fanning.

But because of Dakota Fanning's extraordinary talent, her image and acting skills as a child were much better than those of her widowed sister.

As a result, I found out after checking that the widowed sister not only has a grandfather who is a director, but also has a mother who is a producer. I guess she must be this one.

"Oh my god! Do I actually have such beautiful fans? This is such a surprise to me. They look familiar to me. Are they also actors?"

"Yes, they are indeed actors." Melanie Sloan introduced: "Vanessa has starred in more than a dozen movies, but unfortunately they were only minor supporting roles and not well-known. However, Scarlett became a star when she was 11 years old. She was better than her sister when she starred in the film "Ozark" starring Sean Connery."

While she was introducing Wayne, he was also looking at Vanessa Johnson. He didn't know if it was because 'the younger sister must be more beautiful than the elder sister', even though the widowed sister today is still very young and has no body shape. The back is so plump, and the temperament is not as good as it would be a few years later, but it is still a bit taller than Vanessa.

And Vanessa's emotional intelligence and acting skills are indeed not very good.

Melanie Sloan said they were fans of Wayne, and Vanessa didn't even act. Scarlett, who was much younger than her, kept looking nervous, excited, but trying to restrain herself. She looked at him secretly, and her big eyes showed just the right amount of admiration and admiration.

Whether it's real or staged, it will at least make him have a better impression of Scarlett.

"Wow! Sean Connery's movie? It seems like your talent is really outstanding!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Anderson," Scarlett politely thanked her first, and then asked with some anxiety and expectation: "Can I call you Wayne? I mean, you are only three years older than me, so As old as my brother Adrian.”

"of course can."

"You can also call me Scarlett, that's what my family calls me." Melanie Sloan looked at Scarlett who took the initiative, and couldn't help showing a look of relief in her eyes.As for her eldest daughter Vanessa?She was already so disappointed that she was about to give up.

Some people really have no talent at all and their hearts are not focused on it, so they really can’t be helped no matter how much resources they are given.

For the next time, Wayne basically just chatted with Scarlett.

And when the party was about to end and he was about to leave, Scarlett took the initiative to ask for his phone number.

This proactive attitude had to make him secretly sigh. With the same education and the same environment, his elder sister was unknown, but his younger sister could become a hot A-list star. There was indeed a reason for this.

"Jeff, it's time for you to get up and have breakfast!"

"Okay mom, I get it! I'll come down right now!"

The early morning sunlight shines into the room through the window. Like most high school students' rooms, Jeff's room looks a bit messy. Unwashed dirty clothes are piled up randomly with magazines, footballs, and baseball gloves, exuding a smell. A strong smell.

But unlike most boys, the posters on the wall of his room were neither the beautiful star nor the cool Sith warrior, but rather creepy-looking promotional posters for horror movies.

Yes, Jeff is a serious horror fan.

The arduous curriculum in private schools made him need a channel to vent. Ordinary baseball and football were not enough. It was okay to win in this kind of competitive sports, but it would be even worse to lose.

So after he came into contact with horror movies one time, he fell in love with them uncontrollably.

So instead of sleeping until 07:30 as usual, he got up before seven o'clock.

Because Halloween is as important to him as summer vacation and Christmas, especially today is Saturday, he has already decided to spend the whole day in the cinema and enjoy it.

"But there are only three movies on the movie list I picked out first, which is not enough."

Jeff muttered quietly, and finally chose the latter between going downstairs to have breakfast now, or turning on the computer and checking online to see if any other horror movies had been screened recently.

Three minutes later, Jeff let out a cry of surprise.

"Is there another Wayne Anderson movie? And a horror movie?"

"Aiming to win the Halloween box office title? An unknown new director? That's a big statement!"

"But this is Bartleby! I like it!"


Yes, Jeff is not only a serious horror movie lover, but also a fan of Bartleby.

The largest audience group of "Admission Notice" happens to be students. Apart from the scumbags, students who don't like to study themselves, but are forced to study hard in private schools because of the pressure from elite or even wealthy families at home, are also very fond of it. I love his portrayal of Bartleby in this movie.

Even these people are the most immersive.

So when Jeff heard his classmates discussing this movie, he couldn't hold it back and ran to watch it himself. As a result, he immediately fell in love with Bartleby and was moved by Bartleby's courage to break the rules. Tears filled his eyes.

It's a pity that in reality, he still doesn't have the courage to speak to his parents and explain to them that he doesn't want to go to college, but just wants to be a rugby player.

And this also made him like Bartleby even more.

"Is today the first day of screenings? Then add this movie to my playlist." Jeff muttered secretly in his heart.

That's right, just seeing that "Happy Death Day" was starring Wayne, and he was starring as a couple with Jessica, who was gradually attracting attention because of her figure and appearance, he decided to watch this movie.

This is the effect of stars.

However, he continued to search for news and film reviews about "Happy Death Day", and after seeing all the positive reviews on the Internet, while looking forward to it even more, he silently moved "Happy Death Day" to his film list. The front.

But this decision made him miserable.

Three hours later, after watching "Happy Death Day", Jeff walked out of the theater with excitement on his face. He didn't even have to wait for investigators from DreamWorks and Cinema Score to come to the door. He had already taken the initiative to ask for a questionnaire, while using swear words. Expressing his love for the movie, he quickly filled in his feelings about watching the movie.

This means that there are no Twitter and ins yet, otherwise he would definitely have to take a few selfies and then send a long comment of several hundred words.

But when he walked into the next screening room with a ticket for another movie, he couldn't sit still for a long time.

In fact, the horror movie currently being screened is not that bad, it is just a standard American plasma movie. But the problem is that this movie is also afraid of comparison.

Not to mention the novel setting, the fascinating plot, and the thought-provoking ending, the level of horror and suspense alone, even if there are not many blood scenes in "Happy Death Day", is still higher than the one he is watching now At least one or two levels higher.

The two sides are not on the same level at all.

The sword is aimed at the box office championship!

Jeff couldn't help but think of that eye-catching news headline.

Although he previously supported Bartleby and "Happy Death Day", he was still somewhat skeptical.But at this moment, he had no doubts at all.

Just kidding, if a novel and excellent horror film like "Happy Death Day" can't win the box office championship, then what horror film is worthy of it?
Situations like Jeff's are happening across North America.

Although the audience for horror films in North America is not as large as that of commercial blockbusters, it has never been a niche audience.

It's just that the cost of horror movies is usually relatively low, and they often create miracles with small things, so they give people the illusion of being niche.

In fact, the audience for horror movies is still quite large.

Some of these viewers who have just watched or are watching this movie were attracted by stars such as Wayne, Jessica, Charlize Theron, and Liv Tyler, and some were attracted by film critics. Commented here.

As a result, after watching it, they were all the same as Jeff. When watching other horror movies, they all felt cliche no matter how they were watched. The plasma scenes that I had watched with great interest before now felt boring now.

This is the amazing charm of this upgraded version of "Happy Death Day" directed by James Wan and supported by many stars!

 Please recommend~Please give me a monthly ticket~Please give me a reward~~~
(End of this chapter)

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