Chapter 58 Amazing results, winning!
Later, when these viewers left the theater and returned home, many began to spontaneously promote the film on the Internet.

This also caused the movie's popularity to spread rapidly, which in turn attracted more viewers to the theater to watch the movie.

Early the next morning, while Wayne was having breakfast with Mia and the three of them while overlooking the Los Angeles city in the distance, he received a call from Sierra.

"The box office on the first day of select screenings was 380 million, and the attendance rate was 79.1%."

"Rotten Tomatoes Fresh Index 98% MTC score 82 points. IMDB score 9.1 points."

"Cinema Score is rated A."

"Okay, Sierra, calm down. I know this result is very good. We may win another or even two box office weekly championships, but don't forget that we have already sold him to DreamWorks~"


Sierra’s excited voice on the other end of the phone stopped abruptly, and then she hung up the phone with a look of resentment.

Wayne put down his phone, as if he could imagine Sierra's expression, and looked at Mia, both of whom couldn't help laughing.

But that's no wonder.

This is a box office of 330 million on the first day of screening!

Although DreamWorks' publicity strategy is not conservative, it is a bit radical and directly arranges for 500 theaters to be screened. This scale is larger than the theaters where many low-cost movies are officially released.

But based on the box office of 380 million, the price of a single venue is 7600 US dollars.Comparing the results of the previous "Admission Notice", you will know that this is undoubtedly a very excellent number.

The attendance rate of 79.1% also proves this.

However, he knew very well that such outstanding results were absolutely inseparable from the fact that Halloween was approaching.

Just like eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year, here in North America, not watching a few horror movies as Halloween approaches is like missing something.

The high ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, MTC and IMDB indicate that the quality of the film itself is equally excellent.

Among them, Rotten Tomatoes’ main scorers are mainstream media and professional film critics. With DreamWorks’ vigorous public relations, it is not surprising to have such data.

Although MTC's raters are also professional film critics from mainstream media, they mainly rate films from an artistic level.Horror movies have never scored high on this score, so a score of 82 is already very high.

IMDB is a bit similar to Douban in its previous life, mainly rated by ordinary viewers.

Although "Happy Death Day" is very good, it is difficult to agree with everyone. It is definitely not as good as those orthodox American plasma movies in terms of blood plasma and cruelty. It is normal for some people not to like watching it and give it low scores.

As for Cinema Score's rating, it is mainly used to predict the film's box office.

In this era, an A-level rating means that the North American box office can exceed [-] million US dollars.

If this prediction can be achieved, it means that DreamWorks, which spent 3950 million US dollars to buy this film, will definitely make a fortune.

The North American box office can achieve a profit of more than 2000 million US dollars. Coupled with overseas box office and disc sales, the profit is likely to exceed [-] million US dollars!
What is this concept?
Not counting "The Grinch," "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and "Cast Away," which have not yet been announced for release, among the hundreds of theatrical films produced by Hollywood this year, only six have made more than [-] million in profit!

When these data came out, I don’t know how many people’s eyes were red.

In particular, the three giants who obviously participated in the negotiations, but ultimately failed to make a small concession on the payment method, therefore missed out on the film. Several film purchasing experts and heads of film purchasing departments were called by the president that day. conversation.A profit of [-] million US dollars, in this day and age, even the Seven Giants would really be jealous of it!
Fortunately, Wayne chose to buy out the copyright rather than share the box office share, so everyone was jealous of DreamWorks, not Hemera Pictures.

All Hemera Pictures gained was fame and recognition.

From this point of view, although Wayne suffered a small loss of [-] million, he succeeded in getting DreamWorks to help him attract all the firepower, which was not a loss.

On the other hand, Charlize Theron, who originally thought "Return to Glory" was doing well, suddenly felt sour after seeing the blinding data of "Happy Death Day".

As a last resort, Wayne could only sell his body again to comfort her.

After all, to a certain extent, the movie "Return to Glory" will be like other horror movies released at the same time. The box office will be affected by "Happy Death Day" and become a stepping stone for "Happy Death Day".

In the following days, the good news of "Happy Death Day" continued to come, especially on the day of its premiere, it took a single-day box office of up to 1740 million US dollars, and set a new high on Halloween the next day. It earned 2190 box office in a single day.

With a box office of 5850 million in its first weekend, it undisputedly won the Halloween weekend box office championship.

Including the 1770 million box office accumulated in the previous seven days of screening, "Happy Death Day" has only been officially released for three days, and the cumulative box office in North America has already reached an astonishing 7620 million US dollars.

Obviously, DreamWorks, which spent huge sums of money to buy this film, definitely won.

In addition, just as Wayne expected, James Wan and Jessica are also the big winners of this film.

With the help of this film, James Wan suddenly gained huge fame in the industry. Even after the results of the first day of screening came out, many production companies and agents came to him.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as James Wan's next movie is a horror movie and the cost does not exceed 1500 million US dollars, countless people in Hollywood will be lining up to his doorstep to give him money.

As for the agent, although Wayne signed with WMA, and Jessica had just fired her original agent, switched from CAA to WMA, and completed the contract with Mike.

But after thinking about it for a long time, James Wan still chose CAA.

Many of CAA's terms of service are quite overbearing and not very friendly to big stars and directors with strong personalities.

But there are always two sides to everything. For those who are not so strong-willed and are afraid of trouble, CAA's services such as packaging services are efficient and trouble-free.

It was just right for him who was just starting out.

And it’s no longer ten years ago, and CAA doesn’t dare to go too far.

Otherwise, the Big Seven will unite all the production companies to suppress it as before, and other peers will take the opportunity to bite off a piece of meat from its body, causing it to suffer heavy losses.

Jessica's victory was mainly based on the popularity of the audience.

Just like Wayne's meteoric rise after the release of "Acceptance", she originally only gained a wave of fans with the help of "Acceptance", but now with the help of this movie, she was directly promoted to a popular second-tier star in Hollywood, and her fans are even bigger than Wei's Endudo.

After all, the size of the lsp group cannot be underestimated.

 Please recommend, please continue reading, please vote for me~~~There is another chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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