Chapter 59 Airport Encounters
But unlike a lot of people lining up to give money to James Wan, Jessica didn't receive any audition invitations.

After all, the relationship between her and Wayne is almost semi-public. People in the industry can find out with just a little inquiry. Moreover, "The Bourne Supremacy" signed contracts with three popular female stars in one go, but only asked them to give Jessica a contract. The matter of being a co-star is big news in the industry.

I don’t know how many people are jealous of this.

So everyone knows that Jessica will star in "The Bourne Supremacy" next, and as Wayne's girlfriend, there is no shortage of scenes to film, so asking for it is just asking for trouble.

With an actual production cost of more than 5000 million, there are not many movies like this in Hollywood today.

Soon, the global box office data of "Happy Death Day" also came out.

In order not to miss the Halloween schedule, DreamWorks chose to hand over the specific distribution work to local publishers for overseas distribution.

Although compared with the overseas distribution channels of the Big Seven, both in terms of coverage and share ratio, they are far behind, but even so, the overseas first weekend box office of "Happy Death Day" reached an astonishing 4910 million.

If it were issued by the Big Seven, it should be about 1000 million more.

Obviously, unlike "Admission" which was a hit at the North American box office and generally at the overseas box office, "Happy Death Day" is still very popular in other regions.

It's just that the shortcomings of the Halloween season are as obvious as its advantages. Once the weekend is over and the working day arrives, the box office will show a far greater drop than other periods.

Even "Happy Death Day" cannot avoid this.

Following the first weekend's North American box office of 5850 million and the overseas box office of 4910 million, in the next four working days, the North American box office of "Happy Death Day" was only 2377 million, and the overseas box office was only 1950 million.

It wasn't until Friday that the box office data picked up slightly, but it was still not comparable to the Halloween days.

However, looking at the cumulative box office, ten days after its official release, the North American box office was 1.24 million, the overseas box office was 0.91 million, and the total global box office was 2.15 million, which still makes countless people unable to help but marvel.

You know, the first part of "Scream", regarded as a classic by countless movie fans, only had a global box office of only 1.7 million US dollars when it was released.

Even if it were placed in 2023 in the previous life, it would be enough to rank in the top twenty of the global horror film box office list.

"Eh? Is our movie already the fifth highest-grossing horror film in the world?"

In the VIP lounge of the airport, Wayne couldn't help showing a surprised expression as he looked at the newspapers that Mia and Jessica brought over excitedly.

"Please, my dear, you don't care too much about your work, do you?"

"Currently our "Happy Death Day" has surpassed "Sleepy Hollow" released last year and "Scream 3" released this year."

“The only ones ahead of us are The Sixth Sense, The Exorcist, The Blair Witch Project and Interview with the Vampire.”

"The "The Sixth Sense" released last year was really exaggerated. The North American box office was 2.93 million and the global box office was 6.73 million. This is really terrifying."

"The global box office of "The Exorcist" of 4.41 million is estimated to be difficult to surpass."

"However, we should soon surpass the 2.48 million box office of "The Blair Witch Project" and the 2.23 million box office of "Interview with the Vampire"." "By then, we will be third in film history!"

Mia said quickly like she was counting treasures.

Then Jessica also said with excitement: "If "The Bourne Supremacy" can also achieve the same results as "Happy Death Day", then after the film is released, the two of us will have three consecutive box office hits, and we will definitely be promoted. A Hollywood A-lister!"

After a pause, Jessica seemed to be afraid that other guests would hear her, so she lowered her voice and whispered: "By then, even if my fame and status are not as good as Julia Roberts, I probably won't be as famous as Nicole Kidman." Worse."

After saying this, the smile on Jessica's face couldn't help but become sweeter, and Wayne couldn't help but lean forward and kiss her on the pink lips.

"Don't worry, the results of 'The Bourne Supremacy' will only be better than 'Happy Death Day', and much better." Wayne laughed.

Just kidding, "The Bourne Supremacy" in the previous life was already much higher than "Happy Death Day". Now it is starring him and Jessica who are currently popular, and they have invited so many stars to act as supporting actors. If this is not as good as "Happy Death Day" Then he might as well find a piece of tofu and kill him.

It's just that Jessica is soaring, and Nicole Kidman is not bad either.

If it follows the original historical trajectory, Nicole Kidman's horror film "The Island" shot this year and released next year will also get a global box office of 2.1 million.

On the contrary, Julia Roberts and Kate Winslet's peak period is almost over, and they will start to decline in less than two years.

"It's a pity that we have missed this year's Saturn Award, otherwise "Happy Death Day" and Jessie would have won the award in all likelihood." Hannah on the side also came over and said.

The word "Saturn Award" came out of her mouth, and Wayne couldn't help but show a surprised expression.

"It depends on what I do. I'm your assistant, okay? I need to know more about these things~"

Hannah rolled her eyes at him dissatisfiedly, which made him laugh.It seemed that when he didn't know it, Hannah, who seemed to be the least stressed, was actually working hard quietly.

"Hello, are you Wayne Anderson and Jessica Alba?"

At this moment, three fashionable and beautiful girls walked over with excitement. The first two looked very similar and seemed to be twins. The latter one was slightly younger and should be their younger sister.

"Yes, I'm Wayne Anderson." Wayne said with a polite smile.

He thought these three people were fans of him and Jessica, but after a moment of hesitation, Jessica suddenly seemed to remember something and exclaimed: "Ah, you are Orr Sister Mori, right? You are sister Mary, and you are sister Ashley. I have watched your TV series!"

"Wow! You actually know us and can tell Ashley and I apart. This is really amazing!" The twin sisters opposite also exclaimed exaggeratedly.

For a moment, everyone in the VIP lounge was attracted to them.

"Sister Olsen?"

Wayne's eyes suddenly showed an expression of realization. He was saying that the little girl following the twin sisters looked familiar. It turned out to be the Scarlet Witch!

(End of this chapter)

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