Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 6 As long as you give enough money, you can talk about anything!

Chapter 6 As long as you give enough money, you can talk about anything!

"You have a new invitation."

In an elegant coffee shop, Natalie Portman sat in the window seat on the second floor, happily flipping through the reports about "Star Wars 2: Attack of the Clones" in her hand.

Although she doesn't have a lot of roles as a co-star, she has the most female roles, so she can be considered the heroine of this movie.

Coupled with the promotion of the brokerage company later, her name also appeared in the newspaper, which greatly attracted a wave of popularity.

"What invitation?" Natalie Portman asked casually without raising her head.

"An inspirational campus comedy film prepared to be independently produced by Hemera Films." The agent said nonchalantly as she was obviously used to her somewhat arrogant attitude towards becoming famous at a young age.

"Hemera Pictures? Never heard of it." Natalie Portman continued to flip through the newspaper.

"A small production company," the agent explained.

"They just took the lead in producing a 1000 million U.S. dollar platter movie, and the investment was very poor. Originally, the industry thought they would go bankrupt, but now it seems that they have attracted a lot of investment."

Natalie frowned when she heard 'miserably', but relaxed a little when she heard 'big investment'.

"The production cost of this drama is estimated to be 600 million to 800 million. The promotion and distribution side will sign an agreement with Warner. It is estimated to be around 200 million US dollars. The key point is that as the heroine, they have offered you a salary of 200 million. Very sincere.”

Only then did Natalie's brows finally relax completely.

A salary of 200 million is really not a small amount in this era.

After she became famous through "The Killer Is Too Cold", although she has starred in major productions such as "Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace" and "Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones", she was actually in The remuneration there is only 1 and 2.

In addition, although she has starred in many low-budget independent films, her performance and reputation are average, so her current salary as a heroine is actually between 100 million and 150 million.
The 200 million salary offered by Hemera Pictures is indeed very sincere.

"Are there any other invitations recently?" Natalie Portman asked again.


"Then let's do this!" Natalie Portman said after thinking for a moment.

Hollywood is a vanity fair, and making money is more important than simply being famous.

What's more, 200 million US dollars can bring a large commission to the agent. Even if she wants to refuse, the agent probably won't agree.

"Okay, I'll contact them right now." The manager smiled slightly, walked aside with his cell phone, and quickly dialed the number of Hemera Films.

Meanwhile, a similar drama is playing out between Jessica Alba and Hugo Weaving and their agents.

No one in Hollywood, which pursues success, is willing to cooperate with losers. Even one failure is enough to force more than [-]% of people to leave sadly.

But it's different if you have money.

She also made her debut as a child star, but has only starred in a few independent films with a cost of about 100 million, and has not caused any splash at all. Jessica Alba, who is not as famous as Natalie Portman, heard that After the agent mentioned the salary, he agreed almost immediately.

You know, as an actress, the cost of living in Hollywood is quite high!

And the independent film with tens of millions of investment is also an important addition to her resume.

Although Hugo Weaving will also star in the first part of The Lord of the Rings, if the filming period is only one month, he doesn't mind making some extra money first.

After all, this extra income is not much inferior to his salary in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

After lunch, Wayne asked Mia to drive him to buy an outfit.

As the saying goes, a man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. Once he puts on a suit worth ten thousand dollars, leather shoes worth three thousand dollars, and a Patek Philippe that sells for as much as $13, Wayne in Mia's eyes immediately becomes handsome again. new heights.

When the two returned to school and walked hand in hand towards Mia's dormitory, they attracted the attention of countless people.

"Oh my God! That's Wayne Anderson? That's so handsome!"

"I didn't expect him to be so handsome in a suit! He looks completely different after changing his outfit!" "He is dating Mia? Damn it, Mia is too happy!"

"But where did he get the money to buy these? I took a look and they are all famous brands! This set probably costs several thousand dollars!"

"Thousands of dollars are nothing. Didn't you see the watch he wore? It's a new limited edition model released by Patek Philippe this year! It costs 13 dollars!"


"13 dollars?!"

"Damn it! Mia, is her family so rich?"

"It shouldn't be! I heard that Mia's production company just made a big deal and is about to go bankrupt?"

"Don't be ridiculous, look at her smiling so brightly, and she still dares to spend so much money on clothes and watches for Wayne. Doesn't this look like she's bankrupt?"

"I don't understand"

Wayne, who was being criticized by everyone, still looked normal and ignored it completely.

Mia glanced around with the corner of her eyes and noticed the extremely envious and jealous eyes of the women around her. Her vanity as a woman was immediately greatly satisfied.

Today, Wayne is definitely the most handsome guy in the entire SCA. If you look at the entire Hollywood, you may not be able to find anyone who is more handsome than him.

Even if such a male god is not her boyfriend, just sleeping with him, she will make a lot of money, right?

Mia is very open-minded in this regard, after all, this is Hollywood.She has lived in such an environment since she was a child and has been influenced by such values.


As soon as she returned to the room, Mia once again clung to Wayne like an octopus. As a result, before she could recover, she fell asleep from exhaustion within an hour.

Wayne hadn't gotten the complete script yet, so he had nothing else to do for the time being, so he hugged her and took a nap.

As a result, I slept straight into the evening.

At about five o'clock, Wayne, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by the rapid ringing of his cell phone.

He picked up the phone and looked at it. It was Sierra calling.

"Wayne, the actors you have chosen have all accepted the invitation."

"So fast?"

Wayne couldn't help but be surprised.

"I can't help it. Who told you to give too much?" Sera said, half joking, half sighing.

This is considered a movie with a male protagonist, and the female protagonist's scenes may only be less than 10 minutes in total, but she was actually given a salary of 200 million!

Let alone Natalie Portman, even if it were a young female star who had been nominated for an Oscar, she would probably agree, right?
"It's investors' money after all, isn't it~" Wayne smiled and changed the topic, "Is it too late for the inspection tomorrow?"

"It's in time," Serra said. "These people on the list are currently in Los Angeles. In addition, I found Steve Posey as the director. He has directed several small-budget comedies, which have done well at the box office and reputation."

"Well, it's up to you to decide the director. Since you have time, let's set the viewing time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. We need to start shooting as soon as possible, finish filming as soon as possible, and complete production."

"Understood, I will inform you."

Although everything has been decided by default, there are still some procedures to go through.

In addition, there are still some supporting characters who can show their faces and have a few lines that have not yet been decided, and they can just be confirmed through this viewing mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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