Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 7 4 beauties, Yan Gou’s carnival!

Chapter 7 Four beauties, Yan Gou’s carnival!

Perhaps because she had been tortured so hard these past two days, Mia slept until late in the night before being woken up by hunger.

Seeing the takeout that Wayne had ordered for her in advance and left for her, this little beauty who was very good at eating and drinking took Wayne to toss for more than an hour before falling asleep.

Early the next morning, because Mia couldn't get out of bed, Wayne had to drive to the company by himself.

Compared to usual times, Hemera Pictures was undoubtedly more lively at this time.

Not to mention the main actors, Mike alone brought all his clients here.

After all, the lines in this comedy are relatively dense, and there are many characters with lines. As long as they are of the right age, there is no need to worry about not being able to arrange them.

"By the way, Wayne, let me introduce to you. This is the new client I just signed last month, Megan Fox. She just won the grand prize in the American Model Contest last year."

After Mike exchanged a few pleasantries, he suddenly pulled over a girl from his group of clients who looked a little immature, but had an extremely hot body, and introduced her to Wayne.

"Actually, it's just a modeling competition in South Carolina." Megan explained in a low voice, and then introduced herself to Wayne: "Hello, Mr. Anderson, I am Megan Fox, you can call me Megan. "

Wayne carefully looked at the beautiful girl in front of him who looked elegant but could still be seen as a little nervous. He couldn't help but show a look of surprise in his eyes.

Undoubtedly, he did not expect to meet the 'sexiest woman in America' at this moment. What was even more unexpected was that she, who had just debuted, would be a client of Mike, an ordinary agent.

Referring to the memory of his previous life, it is obvious that Megan should fire Mike and replace him with a more powerful agent in the future, otherwise she will definitely not be able to get the heroine of a big production like Transformers.

Judging from the time, it will only be a matter of one or two years at most.

Although in Hollywood, it's not a big deal for an artist to change agents.

It's just a pity that Mike finally met a potential client like Megan, but because of his lack of strength, he failed to hold on in the end.

Thinking of this, Wayne couldn't help but glance sympathetically at Mike next to him. This made Mike, who had been paying attention to his reaction, couldn't help but touch his own penis, feeling baffled.

"Hello, Megan, nice to meet you, you can also call me Wayne."

Wayne smiled and shook hands with her. That smile was as perfect and charming as the sun god Apollo, not to mention Fox in front of him, and even Natalie who was not far away chatting with Sierra accompanied by her agent. Portman was unconscious for a moment.

"That's great, Wayne. I heard from Mike that the opportunity to get the sight glass was thanks to your help, so can I treat you to dinner as a thank you?"

Megan said with a look of joy.

The women around him who were also fascinated by Wayne's smile came to their senses when they heard this, their expressions froze, and they couldn't help but curse.

"How old is this Bichi! How scheming and proactive!"

But think about it from another angle. She has been involved in the modeling industry before and even won the grand prize in a state model competition. She must have had experience in this field for a long time.

"Of course!" Wayne agreed with a smile.

In his previous life, he had been struggling in the entertainment industry for so many years, and now he has traveled to the parallel world of Hollywood, so there is nothing he can't let go of.

On the other side, Natalie also came back to her senses, without hiding her thoughts, turned to Sierra next to her and asked curiously: "Who is that man?"

"Wayne Anderson, the male protagonist of this movie, has also bought Hemera Pictures, and this project is also his own investment."

Sera glanced at her and said truthfully.

After all, these are not secrets. You will know after a little inquiry.

Natalie showed an expression of surprise as expected. It wouldn't matter if it was just a leading actor. There are a lot of leading actors with a budget of tens of millions in Hollywood, but there are also quite a few.

At best, Wayne is just more handsome.

But being the owner of a production company and being able to attract tens of millions of dollars in investment is different.

Even if it is just a small production company, it is still a production company, and its status is much higher than that of actors of the same level.

"Did he appoint me to play the heroine?" Natalie suddenly asked.

"Yes, Wayne, he really appreciates your wonderful performances in the previous movies, Miss Portman." Sierra explained.

Natalie nodded, didn't say anything more, just showed a sweet smile, and suddenly became very interested in Wayne.

But in terms of sweetness, the other person is much better than her.

Not far away, Jessica Alba, who was resting on the sofa with her agent, had already sat upright at some point, staring at Wayne with her big eyes unblinking, and swallowed subconsciously.She is also a very direct and relaxed woman, not to mention Wayne is actually more handsome than Leo!
Even if Wayne's other identities were put aside, his good looks and figure alone were enough to make her heart flutter.

If Wayne's identity is added to it, she will definitely be happy to hold it for a long time.

"Is he Wayne Anderson, the new boss of this company you heard about earlier?"

"Yes, it should be him, but I didn't expect this guy to be so handsome!"

Although the agent was already a Bensi agent, as a woman, she still couldn't help but feel a little excited after seeing Wayne.

However, what they didn't know was that at this time, Wayne also relied on his greatly improved five senses after genetic enhancement to notice their fiery gazes, and he was also very excited.

This is Jessica Alba!

A movie can bring together Jessica Alba and Megan Fox, in addition to Natalie Portman, who is now at her peak, and Kristen Stewart Jr., this is simply YanGou’s carnival!
The most important thing is that the three women in front are obviously interested in him!
It didn't matter that a big star appeared before his eyes. After all, he had been a bit player for a few years in his previous life and had been in the entertainment industry.

But if a big star is interested in him, then he has to be excited and excited.

"Sure enough, if you are handsome and rich, you can do whatever you want!"

Then, after he and Meghan exchanged numbers, Sierra also came over with a man who looked about 40 years old, as well as Natalie Portman and her agent.

"Wayne, this is the director I invited, Steve Posey."

"Hello, Mr. Posey, I have seen some of the movies you directed, they were wonderful!" Wayne said politely, even though he had not seen any of Steve Posey's works.

"This Miss Natalie Portman, I don't think you need to introduce her. This is Miss Portman's agent."

After a brief exchange of greetings, the group came to the conference room that was temporarily converted into an audition room and started today's viewing session.

Because the script had not yet been completed, Wayne could only describe the plot and scenes to Steve Posey based on his past life memories, while setting up the performance content and letting the actors in the mirror perform on the spot.

Overall, the whole process went smoothly.

The only thing with a problem is Natalie Portman. This woman who loves to be a bit of a devil actually wanted to swap roles with Jessica Alba after she proposed to increase the role of the heroine, but was instructed by Wayne to decline the role of Sera. The protagonist's best friend Luo Li.

Although this role is nominally the second female lead, because she is with the protagonist, her role is not much less than that of the first female lead. And unlike the silly and sweet lead female lead, the second female lead's role requires some acting skills.

It is estimated that Natalie Portman wanted to try a comedy route in this movie.

This will definitely be of great benefit to her future development.

The same goes for Wayne, of course.

After all, Jessica is more suitable to play the silly, sweet goddess, but she is not as famous as Natalie now, so she can only play the second female lead.

However, after Natalie plays the second female lead, the second female lead will definitely be mentioned higher.

And Natalie also took the opportunity to suggest whether the second female lead could be given some emotional drama, for example, named brother, who actually has a crush on the male lead.

In the end, I watched the hero and the goddess come together, feeling sad alone, but still smiling at the hero's side.

In this regard, Wayne can only say that this is Natalie.

"Sorry, I need to discuss this with the screenwriter and director before I can answer." Wayne said sincerely after pretending to think for a moment.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small suggestion."

Natalie, who failed to succeed, was not disappointed. She still kept a quiet and gentle smile on her face. She changed her voice and took the initiative to invite Wayne: "Well, Wayne, can I invite you to lunch?"

"Of course, it's my pleasure!"

Wayne agreed without hesitation this time.But what made him slightly disappointed was that this lunch was really just lunch.

I don’t know if it’s because there are paparazzi outside, or some other idea.

In short, this woman has too many thoughts. Even though Wayne has experience in his previous life, he still can't figure out her intentions and thoughts.

On Jessica's side, her thoughts are much simpler and her actions are much more direct.

I immediately made an appointment with him to go to the bar for a drink in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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