Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 61 I’m really just optimistic about their future

Chapter 61 I’m really just optimistic about their future

Liu Xiaoli, who was thinking more, couldn't help but be overjoyed. She took out a Polaroid and took pictures of him and Liu Tianxian, while taking the opportunity to say: "Actually, Sissi is already an actress, and she is already an actress in China. She is quite famous, so when we return to China this time we are going to shoot a few commercials and a few TV series, and she will be the heroine in the TV series!"

Wayne, who had already put his arm around Liu Tianxian's shoulders, thought she was talking about "The Family" at first, but then he realized something was wrong.

"The Golden Family" was filmed in 02 and aired in March 03. Even if the casting is cast in advance, it can't be so far in advance, right?Moreover, Liu Tianxian's role in it is only the second female lead, and the heroine is Dong Lianhua.

Wayne immediately understood that Liu Xiaoli was just bragging.

There should be advertisements. After all, Liu Tianxian has recognized his godfather at this time, and he should get resources from his godfather when he returns to China.

As for the TV series, it should still be out of the question.

Because Hollywood has already industrialized film and television production, it can keep costs to an extremely low level. If you want, you can produce a movie or TV series for $10,000+.

But that's not the case in China. A TV series can cost millions of dollars in investment. Even if Liu Tianxian's godfather is very rich, he can't just invest in it.

Moreover, when her godfather had the most assets, he only had [-] million US dollars, and more than [-]% of them were shares and real estate. The cash that could be used for investment was not as much as Wayne's today.

However, Wayne did not intend to expose her. He smiled and gestured to the camera with a scissor hand, and said: "It seems that my judgment is right. She will definitely be more famous in the future, right? By the way, she has an agent. If I want to cooperate with her, should I contact her agent or you?"


The smile on Liu Xiaoli's face suddenly stiffened.

In order to protect the rights and interests of actors, Hollywood requires agents to hold a certificate to work, so without a certificate, she obviously cannot tell Wayne that she is Liu Tianxian's agent.

It's just that an actor who wants to star in a TV series doesn't even have an agent?If that's the case, wouldn't it be a crime?

Fortunately, she was smart and quickly thought of her words.

"I'm sorry, the rules in China are different from those here. The agents there don't need any corresponding qualifications, so I've always been part-time. As for Hollywood, I haven't thought about it because I've only been here for a short time. Let’s find out which brokerage company Sissi will sign with.”

Liu Xiaoli said in a sincere tone, making it easier to gain Wayne's favor and understanding, but she slightly embellished her words.

It sounds much better this way.

The smile on Wayne's face did not change, but his eyes were looking at Liu Tianxian beside him without any trace.

Compared with Liu Xiaoli's thick skin, Liu Tianxian at this time is far behind.

Liu Xiaoli had been extremely embarrassed since she was bragging, and now she couldn't help but lower her head, her face almost burning.

Then Wayne seemed not to notice, and said smoothly: "Is this true? Then you can consider my agent Mike, he is a very good agent under WMA."

Even Liu Xiaoli couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that she could achieve such a gain.

"Isn't this Wayne Anderson too talkative?"

Liu Xiaoli thought subconsciously, but then she rejected this obviously unreliable idea.

"No! It's impossible! If Hollywood stars and production companies were so easy to talk to, then Sissi and I wouldn't have been unable to find a job for so long."

"So." "Does Wayne Anderson really like Sissi, or does he have any thoughts about Sissi?"

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoli couldn't help but subconsciously look at Wayne again from another angle, and then
"Really handsome!"

"And he is not only a popular star now, but also the boss of a production company, who has produced two blockbuster movies with a box office of over [-] million in North America."

"It would be nice if Sissi could get together with him."

"It doesn't matter if it's just about 'talking about love', as long as he can provide Sissi with resources and make Sissi become a big star."

Liu Xiaoli herself is a woman who dares to take the initiative to divorce and find a godfather for her daughter. She has lived in Millikin for so many years, and many of her ideas have already been considered for Millikin.

"Can you give me his business card?" Liu Xiaoli asked quickly, with an even more attentive smile on her face.

"Sorry, I don't have his business card, but I can give you his number. Then you just need to tell him that I introduced him."

As he spoke, Wayne took out a sticky note, wrote Mike's name and number in his hand, and handed it to her along with his business card.

Liu Xiaoli suppressed her excitement and took it with both hands.

Just as he was about to say something more, Hannah suddenly said: "Wayne, it's time for our plane to get ready for boarding."

"Okay then," Wayne let go of Liu Tianxian with some regret, said sorry to Liu Xiaoli, and then led Hannah and the three of them towards the boarding gate.

"My dear, I noticed that you seem to be very interested in those little girls. Do you have any strange hobbies?"

After walking a little further, Hannah couldn't help but speak.

"Am I that kind of person?" Wayne rolled his eyes at her angrily, "If I really had that kind of hobby, I would have killed Megan long ago, okay~"

"But that Megan Fox doesn't look like a little girl at all. Except she is a little shorter, her figure is almost catching up with mine."

"What about Christine?"

"Kristen Stewart? She looks like a tomboy." Mia on the side was also smiling and finishing the attack, which immediately left Wayne speechless.

In the end, he could only say helplessly: "I'm really just optimistic about their future" and then stopped paying attention to their jokes.

Neither Hannah nor Mia nor Jessica cared about this, not to mention that there are a lot of girls in Hollywood and even America who show up at the age of twelve or thirteen, not to mention that Wayne is indeed not such a person. .

Otherwise, they wouldn't be by Wayne's side now.

While boarding the plane, Wayne met the three Olsen sisters again.

Although the Olsen sisters’ destination is Iseltwald, known as the Pearl of the Alps, and their destination is Zurich, both parties must first arrive in Geneva and take a bus there.

On the other hand, after Wayne left, Liu Tianxian let out a long sigh of relief. While fanning his hands to cool down his hot cheeks, he complained dissatisfiedly to Liu Xiaoli.

(End of this chapter)

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