Chapter 62 Have an idea?
"Mom, you just boasted too much! What if someone inquires and finds out that everything you said is false?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen. He is an American and a Hollywood star. How can he pay attention to the entertainment industry in China? And even if he knew, so what? You didn't see that he was so proactive because he had a good impression of you. ?"


Liu Tianxian suddenly blushed and was speechless.

She has been studying in Millennium for several years, and has seen what those Millennium boys are like in school. How could she not see that Wayne "has thoughts" about her.

At this time, Liu Xiaoli did not wait for her to speak again, looked at the business card and note in her hand, and suddenly made a decision.

"Let's go! Grab your bag and let's go too!"

"But our plane hasn't started boarding yet?" Liu Tianxian looked at her puzzled.

"If the plane is rebooked, let's go find Mike Jones to sign your economic contract first." Liu Xiaoli explained.

"When people ask after you return to China, you say that you are an artist under WMA, and you also have the same manager as the big stars Wayne Anderson and Jessica Alba. This is very honorable. Then we will find you again. My godfather helps us, and we should seize the time to shoot a few commercials and low-cost TV series, so that when we return to Hollywood, wouldn’t it be considered a lie?”


Liu Tianxian stared at her dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

But when she thought about how great her fame would be if she really became a big star, she happily picked up her backpack and followed in Liu Xiaoli's footsteps.

On the other side, Jessica and Mia, who had already put away their luggage and sat down, couldn't help but pull Wayne to chat with them.

This was mainly what Liu Xiaoli said. They were really surprised that the agents in China did not need corresponding qualifications.

"This is nothing," Wayne couldn't help but laugh, and explained: "I once learned about it when I was in school. The environment there is different from ours, and the entertainment industry is still in a stage of barbaric growth. Any company can't help but laugh. You can have economics, production, distribution, and even theater business at the same time.”

"My God, doesn't this include the entire industrial chain?" Mia couldn't help but exclaimed.

"That's right." Wayne nodded and continued: "So the artists over there seem to be prosperous, but in fact they are just tools of capital. Their status is extremely low in front of capital, and they are squeezed very hard. Let's not talk about the remuneration. How much, the share ratio with the brokerage company alone can reach [-]%, please note that it is [-]% for the brokerage company and [-]% for the artist.”

"Oh my God, isn't it that all the money I earned through hard work in filming was taken away by the agency? Isn't this too dark?" Even Jessica was not calm now.

"But this is the fact. Unless you run your own company, no matter how big a star you are, the brokerage company's commission will not be less than [-]%."

"But as for Jess and I, our economic company's commission is only 3% and 6%."

Jessica immediately showed a frightened expression after hearing this.

Wayne continued with a smile: "That's pretty good. The other two countries in East Asia, Neon and Bangzi Country, are even worse than this. Not only are the commission rates higher, but the remuneration is also extremely high. Low, unless they are second-tier or above celebrities, their income is not as good as that of ordinary local white-collar workers."

"This is too scary!"

Wayne shrugged and said, "Otherwise, the artists in these places are all trying to get into Hollywood. The high salaries, ultra-low commission ratios, and the union can serve as the final protection of rights and interests. These alone are enough." It has far surpassed the entertainment industry in other places." Unlike most other places where there are no labor unions or the labor unions are just for show, the labor unions here in Hollywood are quite strong.After you pay the membership fee, it will really fight for your rights and interests. After all, it can also take part of the compensation you receive.

If you think about the sky-high compensation fees here in Millikin, you will know how active it is in helping you protect your rights.

It may not really care about you, but it will definitely care about money.

"Then if we open a company there, wouldn't it be very profitable?" Mia suddenly said at this time.

You can run production, distribution, management, and even theater business at the same time, and there is no labor union to 'make trouble'. This looks like it is very profitable!

Wayne couldn't help but chuckled and shook his head when he heard this, and said: "You think it's too simple. It will be very difficult for any foreign capital to enter another market, not to mention that the access there is better than that in Hollywood." It’s much more complicated.”

"Think about how Hollywood deceives Wall Street? Unless our Hemera Pictures reaches the scale and influence of the Big Seven, it's better not to set foot there easily."

Although Wayne had a good understanding of China Entertainment through his past life experiences, he couldn't help but feel secretive about it.

After all, it was still making money. Not only was it easier in Hollywood, but he also made more money. Why would he go back to China Entertainment to get into troubled waters?

"Okay!" Mia decisively gave up the idea after hearing this.

Then I picked up the various travel magazines that I had prepared, and discussed with Jessica and Hannah where to go during the break from filming.

As for Liu Xiaoli, she couldn't wait to get out of the airport before she couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone and dial Mike's number on the note.

"Hello, are you Mike Jones' agent?"

"Yes, I am, who are you?"

In the WMA office, Mike, who was selecting other supporting actors for the "Girl Genius" crew, answered the phone, held it between his shoulder and neck, and asked questions while continuing to work.

Although he was very busy, his tone was still polite and modest as usual, which in Wayne's opinion was not a big advantage.

"Hello, I am Liu Xiaoli, a dancer. Of course, I am calling you because my daughter, Mr. Wayne Anderson, recommended you to me and said that you are a very good agent, so I want to My daughter signed up with you."

Mike's hand movements paused, and there was a slight expression of surprise on his face. After the surprise, his face showed a hint of joy and expectation.

People who can be favored by Wayne, no matter how ordinary they are, are more valuable than other newcomers. After all, Wayne himself can give them many opportunities that are difficult for others to get, and in Hollywood, opportunities are often the most important.

"Where are you? I'll pick you up now?" Mike asked enthusiastically.

"No need to bother, we are about to take the bus to your company. We trust Mr. Anderson's recommendation." Liu Xiaoli deliberately emphasized it, making it sound like she was very familiar with Wayne, which made Mike even more suspicious. enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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