Chapter 63 Audition Opportunities

"Okay then, give me a call when you arrive, and I'll pick you up downstairs."

After hanging up the phone, Mike hesitated, looked at the time on his watch, and quickly dialed Wayne's number, wanting to ask what kind of treatment Liu Tianxian should be given. After all, different newcomers have different contracts. .

Moreover, although the possibility was unlikely, he still wanted to confirm whether Liu Xiaoli was a liar.

So Wayne just took out his cell phone and was about to turn it off when he received a call from Mike.

"Hey, Mike? What's up? My plane is about to take off."

"Let me make a long story short," Mike said quickly: "A dancer named Liu Xiaoli just called me and said that you recommended her daughter to sign a contract with me. Is this true?"


"Then what about the treatment?"

"Just the most ordinary rookie contract, but if they don't plan to leave Hollywood in the near future, they can arrange a role for Liu Qianqian with one or two scenes and lines in "Girl Genius"." Wayne thought for a while and said.

For many newcomers, even a role with only one or two scenes and lines is an extremely precious opportunity, enough to make them ecstatic.

This seems to be his care for Liu Tianxian, but in two or three years, it will be Liu Tianxian's turn to use his fame to support this movie.

Because the main purpose of filming this movie is just to earn three times the production funds returned by the system, and does not require a quick return, so he plans to let the newly established distribution department of Hemera Pictures take over the movie. North American release work to prepare for the next "Bourne Supremacy".

In this way, all the copyrights of this film are still in the hands of Hemera Pictures, so as a qualified capitalist, he should increase the value of this film as much as possible.

"Okay, I understand. I will contact Susan immediately after the signing is completed."

I don’t know if famous screenwriters and authors have the habit of procrastinating their scripts. Alan Ball, who originally said he could complete the script in two weeks, delayed it until the day before yesterday to complete the script and give it to him.

However, the skill of a screenwriter who can write an Oscar-winning original screenplay is indeed amazing. Anyway, Wayne was a little surprised after reading it.

Many of them surpass the original version, and there is always a deeper metaphorical flavor. After watching it, people can't help but want to explore and think about it, and then watch it again or twice to savor it carefully.

It is no exaggeration to say that receiving such a script and not being able to make a work that earns both word-of-mouth and box office is definitely the biggest failure of actors and directors.

However, considering that the director is also a great director who has been nominated for an Oscar, and is particularly good at this type of film, then if it fails at the box office, it may only be a problem with the actors.

Susan also realized this after reading the script.

In addition, this is her first film as a producer with an investment of over [-] million, so she will definitely demand perfection in all aspects, so the audition work for the talented girl has not started until now.

Although the four main actors have been cast by Wayne, there is still a lot of room for maneuver in other supporting roles.

In addition, in addition to Susan Sarandon, the Oscar-winning actress, Anne and Dakota Fanning, who have completed the signing of the contract in advance, and Naomi Watts, who has completed the filming of "Mulholland Drive", She also arranged acting training classes for all of them.

If this were done to those second-tier stars, it would definitely cause dissatisfaction from the other party.But why are the three of them still so transparent?

Anne stopped talking and had already thrown away "The Princess Diaries".

Naomi Watts' "Mulholland Drive" has been filmed, but it won't be released until next year's Cannes Film Festival.

As for Dakota Fanning's famous work "I Am Sam", filming will not start until next year, and the project has not even been approved yet.

"I hope that Susan guy won't be angry." After hanging up the phone, Wayne quickly turned off his phone to prevent possible calls from him complaining.

But he underestimated Susan a little when he arrived. Susan was a little angry when she first received the call from Mike, but when she thought that Wayne was willing to hand over such a big project to her, there was even a bigger business behind it. A series of blockbusters were waiting for her, and she immediately completed her self-guided strategy. After drinking a large cup of cold coffee, she continued to work.

On the other hand, Liu Xiaoli and Liu Tianxian couldn't hold back their expressions of surprise when they learned from Mike that they could play a role with scenes and lines in "Girl Genius".

"Are you telling the truth? In a movie with an investment of tens of millions of dollars, directed by an Oscar-nominated director, an Oscar-winning screenwriter, and starring an Oscar-winning actress, can my daughter really play a role in it?"

In the spacious and bright independent office that Mike had just changed, Liu Xiaoli suppressed her excitement and asked again.

"It's just an opportunity to audition now. As for whether you can pass the audition, it still depends on the director and producer. The most important thing is Wayne's intention. Do you understand?" Mike said while sorting out the contract.

"Understood! Understood!" Liu Xiaoli immediately nodded knowingly.

In the parallel world, she did protect Liu Tianxian well, but that was just selective 'protection'. Otherwise, what happened to the photos of Liu Tianxian that were later circulated?

Wayne, who controls a medium-sized production company and is also a popular second-tier star, is now more valuable to her than Liu Tianxian's godfather.

But then she thought that Wayne had gone to Europe to film a movie. How should she exert her strength now?
"The casting time is set at 9 a.m. the day after tomorrow. The location is Hemera Films. There should be no problem with the time, right? I heard that you and your daughter are going back to China? If you pass the audition, you may have to stay here. It will take some time until the filming is completed." Mike added.

"There will be no problem with the time. Sissi is going to shoot a few commercials when she returns to China. I will contact them to postpone the time. If it can't be postponed, just turn it down." Liu Xiaoli promised immediately.

Anyway, Liu Tianxian’s godfather was the one who found the advertisement. When did filming become a matter of just one sentence?

It's just that after signing with WMA, she can no longer let Liu Tianxian sign with a management company in China, which is a little troublesome.

Of course, in terms of financial benefits, this is definitely a good thing for her and Liu Tianxian. After all, Liu Tianxian's godfather is not doing charity. Not only is the commission ratio as high as [-]%, but he also has to sign a contract for several years.

Now that she has the WMA as a shield, she can just push it away.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaoli couldn't help but become more and more excited, wishing that the time would jump to two days later, but she was also worried that not 'doing work' would make Wayne change his mind, and she couldn't help but be entangled for a while.

 Please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket~~~
  PS. These two people are not the main characters and will not have much space.

(End of this chapter)

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