Chapter 65 This vision is too good!

An hour later, Wayne, who had changed into an old sweater and looked much haggard, and Jessica, who had also changed drastically, returned to the set. At this time, the scenery, lights, cameras, and the crew needed for this scene The actors are all ready and have already become familiar with the moves at Doug Liman's request.

"Come on, let's take a test shot first!"

Doug Liman checked Wayne and Jessica's makeup and found nothing wrong with it before starting a test shoot.

At this time, Wayne also took a deep breath, and quickly got himself into the mood with the help of the emotions he had just mobilized during the styling time.

'Bourne', who had just used the American passport to hide in the embassy and avoid being arrested by the patrol, breathed a sigh of relief. After scanning the people and structures inside the embassy, ​​he quickly noticed one of the service windows. 'Mary' arguing with clerk.

Of course, at this time, he had no interest in 'Mary', so he just glanced at it and continued to observe the surrounding environment, and instinctively thought about what would happen if he was hunted down and killed in this environment. , how should he escape.

And once again his caution saved him.

Soon he discovered that the supervisor who was wearing a black suit and wearing a headset and had been maintaining order in the hall didn't know what he heard from the headset. He started to turn his head and look around, obviously looking for something.

Although there is no definite evidence, but based on the intuition developed from many years of wandering in life and death crises, 'Bourne' feels that this should be the one who is looking for him.

Without any hesitation, 'Bourne' immediately turned around and walked towards the stairs.

The police outside the gate must not have left yet, so he planned to go up to the second floor and leave through the window of the office on the other side.

However, there were surveillance cameras in the lobby. Under the guidance of the surveillance cameras, the supervisor still rushed to the two guards guarding the stairs to stop him before he could escape.

The American tradition is to draw your gun first in case of danger.

'Bourne' looked at the two guards who had put their hands on their guns, and their expressions were full of vigilance. After thinking quickly in his mind, he obediently raised his hands and tried his best to show his indifference. A harmful look.

When the two guards saw that 'Bourne' was in ragged clothes and looked haggard, and he was not tall and strong, and he did not carry weapons, they relaxed their vigilance, put away their pistols, and prepared to step forward to kill Wayne. Take it.

At this time, 'Bourne' finally showed his fangs. When the two of them approached and were about to cut off his hands, he suddenly rushed forward like a cheetah, and with lightning speed, he neatly cut the two men off. He knocked down the man and snatched the gun of one of them, pointing it at the supervisor and the other two guards who were walking behind the supervisor, forcing the three of them to retreat.

At the same time, those who came to apply for visas in the hall, after a brief period of shock and silence, suddenly seemed to explode, screaming and running away in panic.

And this undoubtedly created an excellent environment for 'Bourne' to escape.

Without wasting a second, 'Bourne' immediately turned around and walked towards the stairs. At the same time, he dismantled the pistol in his hand into parts and threw it generously to the ground.

In the camera lens, the back of 'Bourne' at this moment is particularly chic.

Although the supervisor and the two guards in the same room wanted to chase him, they were blocked by the frightened crowd and could only watch as 'Bourne' walked up the stairs and quickly disappeared around the corner of the stairs.


"very good!"


Doug Liman's voice came from behind the monitor.Of course, such a long scene cannot be shot to the end. In fact, such a short 5-minute scene was divided into more than a dozen scenes, and it took a full day of filming to complete.

But this speed is already very fast.

You must know that Doug Liman's original shooting plan stated that this scene would take two to three days to shoot.

"Thank you for your hard work, Wayne. The action you just performed was so cool! It's even cooler than what the action director could have done! Oh my god, how long have you been training for this film?"

Doug Liman didn't know whether it was a real sigh or a compliment, he couldn't help coming over and patting Wayne on the shoulder.

"Actually, I haven't trained for long. The main reason is that I usually like fighting and shooting, and I have learned this aspect."

Wayne explained with a smile, then changed the topic without any trace and chatted with him about the subsequent scenes.

It is worth mentioning that Wayne originally planned to hand over the role of the staff member who quarreled with Mary, played by Jessica, to Annie. After all, it only had two scenes and a few lines, which was considered a good one. A supporting role.

However, since there is already the fourth female lead in "Girl Genius", Anne naturally does not like such a small supporting role.

Without Wayne having to say anything, she had already turned down this small role on the grounds that she was concentrating on preparing for "Girl Genius."

So out of cost considerations, Mia suggested just finding a local actor. The film and television industry in Switzerland is not developed, but there are a lot of French actors next door.

Wayne didn't have any objections to this, but the actor he was looking for was obviously different from the actor Mia was looking for.

He originally wanted to find Sophie Marceau to make a guest appearance. The famous French goddess is very famous in Europe and China, but her reputation in Hollywood is average. The price is not expensive at all. For such a supporting role, it can only cost 20 at most. That’s it, it’s extremely cost-effective no matter how you look at it.

But after he inquired about it, he learned that Sophie Marceau was still filming "Phantom of the Louvre" and had no schedule at all, so Wayne could only helplessly select the candidate with Mia's teasing smile on her face. The work was left to her.

But he never expected that Mia would be so picky.

There were so many actors in France who didn't choose, but they actually chose Eva Green, who later became more famous in Hollywood than Sophie Marceau, but is now just a drama student about to graduate from the St. Paul Theater School in Paris.

"How did you choose her?"

When he saw Eva Green on the set in the morning, Wayne couldn't help but pulled Mia over and asked curiously.

Mia's answer also left Wayne speechless for a while.

"Don't you think she looks like a bad woman with a bad temper at first glance? It would be more reasonable for such a woman to argue impatiently with Jesse? Of course, the most important thing is that her salary is only 1000 US dollars."


Poor Eva Green, I am afraid that in this world she will start her career as a badass woman earlier than in the parallel world.

(End of this chapter)

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