Chapter 66 No threat?

Although Eva Green's acting skills are definitely excellent among female stars of the same age. She has also played positive roles in "Paris" and "007: Casino Royale" and gave dazzling performances. .

But what really made her famous and become a Hollywood A-list actress were the badass women roles she played.

"Hello, Miss Green, may I have the honor to buy you a drink? Your performance today is better than many Hollywood female stars who have been in the industry for many years."

Wayne made no secret of it, approached Eva Green and expressed his interest in her.

The French beauty was a little surprised at first. She glanced at Mia and Jessica who were not far away and obviously had a special relationship with Wayne. Seeing that they looked normal, she happily agreed.

The two identities of French beauty and Hollywood female star already explain a lot of things.

That night, amidst the feasting and feasting, Wayne and Eva Green had an in-depth communication for a long time and experienced the style of this French rose.

At the same time, the audition work for "Girl Genius" also started as scheduled.

"Hi! Annie, you're so early!"

"Hey, Naomi, aren't you here so early?"

Naomi Watts, who arrived at the company at 8:[-] in the morning, saw Annie in the crowd, walked up to her with a smile, and greeted her.After all, the two of them had even had that kind of intimate communication at Wayne's request a few days ago, and they were considered acquaintances with each other.

"I can't help it. The audition list arranged by Susan ranked me second, right behind Susan Sarandon, so I had no choice but to come earlier." Naomi shrugged and said helplessly.

What she said was obviously true. After all, she was the heroine. If her fame and status were not so far behind that of an Oscar-winning actress like Susan Sarandon, she would have actually been the first to audition.

Many times, the small audition sequence also represents a lot of things.

Of course, because they have all signed contracts in advance, this audition is actually just a process for the director, screenwriter and Susan, the producer, to see the results of their special acting training these days.

If the director is satisfied, that's all. If they are not satisfied, although they cannot be replaced, they can still be allowed to continue taking acting classes, or even double their coursework.

So this audition is also very important to them.

It's just that Naomi's words were a bit harsh in Anne's ears. After all, in Anne's view, Naomi's protagonist should originally belong to her.

She is obviously younger and prettier than Naomi (in her own opinion), and has known Wayne earlier, but she was snatched away from the leading role by Naomi.

Although Naomi's acting skills are indeed better than hers, she has only been acting for how many years, and how many years has Naomi been acting?She believes that if she were the same age as Naomi and had been acting for the same number of years, her acting skills would be better than Naomi's!

It's a pity that no one can say what will happen in the future. Now her acting skills are just not as good as Naomi Watts.

"Have you ever seen the little girl who plays Mary, oh no, Betty now?"

Naomi seemed to notice that something was not right about Annie's expression, and guessed what she was thinking, and took the initiative to change the topic without leaving any trace. "I saw it, that's the one~"

Annie, who had learned from this before, didn't want this incident to affect her audition status anymore. She cooperated and turned slightly sideways, pointing with her chin at Dakota Fanning, who was staying with her mother and agent not far away.

"Wow! She's so cute!" Naomi couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice after looking up and down at Dakota Fanning.

"It is said that she was also personally appointed by Wayne, right?"

"That's right," Annie nodded, "It is said that she started out as a child star. Although she is only six years old now, she has already filmed several commercials and played supporting roles with lines in three TV series."

Speaking of this, Annie didn't have much emotion, but Naomi was somewhat envious.

After all, although she looks young, she is actually 32 years old. Compared with Dakota Fanning, who can play the leading role in an independent film with a production cost of tens of millions of dollars at the age of 6, her career is just starting this year. When she started, the gap was somewhat big.

Fortunately, she has been very happy recently.

Not to mention the previous movie "Mulholland Drive", David Lynch, a great director who has not yet won an Oscar, but his reputation and status are no worse than the Oscar for Best Director, directed a film that is used to The second female lead in a new film that was competing for prizes would hit the head of an unknown person like her. It was like winning a big prize in a lottery ticket.

And now this "Girls" has a million-dollar production, Oscar-winning actress, Oscar-winning screenwriter, and Gus Van Sant, who narrowly lost to Cameron. This combination is simply a guarantee of success.

Of course, what made her happiest was fawning over Wayne and hugging his lap.And with her unremitting efforts, she could feel that Wayne's attitude towards her had finally changed.

Whether it was through inquiries from others or her own intuitive feelings from contact with Wayne, she could feel that Wayne was a principled and nostalgic person.

Such a person is actually not suitable for an environment like Hollywood, which is a hundred times darker and filthier than mudflats and smelly ditches, but for a young actor like her, it is the greatest luck.

"By the way, those two were also appointed by Wayne to audition." Annie didn't know whether she had seen her thoughts or something, and pointed at Liu Tianxian and Mei Mei who were sitting together not far away and were communicating quietly. Root Fox.

They are both clients of Mike, and they are about the same age. The most important thing is that there is no competitive relationship between the two, and they both came to audition with the help of Wayne's relationship, so the two naturally got together.

Well, maybe the aesthetics are different.

Anyway, in Megan's eyes, Liu Tianxian looked just like that, much worse than her own, and as for her figure, it was even more incomparable, so in Megan's eyes, Liu Tianxian was no threat at all.

On the other side, Liu Tianxian thought the same way.

Comparing appearance?In her eyes, she is much more beautiful than Megan. Although her figure is not as plump as Megan, she is more slender and more graceful. In addition, her temperament cultivated through dancing is much better than that of Megan, so she does not realize that this and Megan are different. What kind of threat would other girls with no characteristics like big American girls pose to me?

As a result, by chance, the two got along very harmoniously.

"Is it just an audition?" Naomi whispered first, and then asked curiously: "Do you know what role they were auditioning for?"

 Please recommend, please ask for a monthly ticket~~~嘤嘤咒~~~
(End of this chapter)

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