Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 67: Just an Oscar-winning actress

Chapter 67: Just an Oscar-winning actress
"The plump girl auditioned for your colleague—"

"Colleague?" Naomi was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Annie was talking about her tyw colleague in this movie.

She glanced at Annie casually, and she didn't know whether Annie was just joking or saying it on purpose, but she didn't really care.

Everyone is just laughing at fifty steps.

"-As for the Asian person who auditioned, it was Betty's tutor - another student of the university professor. It seems to be because she is Chinese. It is said that Chinese Americans are very smart, especially their academic performance is very good? "

Naomi shrugged and said she was not sure about this. After all, she had been a bad student since she was a child and had dropped out of school to pursue a career in the film and television industry when she was a teenager.

Anne noticed her expression and immediately felt a sense of pride that she was superior to her.Although she had always attended a church school, at least she had gone to college.

"I think I've seen it in newspapers before. It's said that Chinese children are very smart. Many middle school students have achieved very good results in international mathematics and physics competitions."

After a pause, Annie continued: "In addition, they are all clients of Mike, Wayne's agent, and the Chinese girl was introduced by Wayne."

This time Naomi couldn't help but show a surprised expression, and at the same time she couldn't help but have the idea of ​​transferring her agency contract to Mike.

In this way, her relationship with Wayne will undoubtedly become closer. Even if Wayne sometimes has too many women and misses her, there is still an agent who can help remind him.

In fact, Annie was also thinking about this issue. The reason why she spoke out was to see what Naomi would do, and she wanted Naomi to help her explore the way.

Although she is a little short-sighted and petty, she is not stupid.

Both her and Naomi's agencies are CAA, and their agents' situations are similar.

Usually she is ignored without much attention, but occasionally she gets some good opportunities due to CAA's packaging services, such as her audition opportunity for "The Princess Diaries" and Naomi's audition opportunity for "Mulholland Drive".

Therefore, she is greedy and a little reluctant to part with the resources here, and she has always been a little undecided.

On the other hand, Naomi was much more decisive than she expected. She just thought about it for a moment and made the decision. After the audition, she planned to go to Mike to ask about the situation on his side.

With rich experience, she knows very well that there is a difference between opportunity and chance. Although the number of opportunities on Wayne's side is unknown, they are obviously better.

The good thing is not how brilliant the characters are or how high the production cost of the movies they star in is, but how easy it is to obtain them.

Obviously, her thoughts are similar to Charlize Theron's. She obviously has a bright road but she has to take a rugged and steep mountain path that is prone to falling?Isn’t this a disease?

Of course, she also knows that in addition to opportunities, her own strength is also very important, otherwise she will be like Anne, who is obviously no worse in appearance and temperament than her, and who met Wayne earlier than her, and is younger, but yet Lost to her in competition for the role.

Also during the casting process for "Mulholland Drive", although her agent provided her with an audition opportunity, she did not provide her with a channel to smoothen the relationship.

Even if she wanted to have in-depth communication with the director and producer, she wouldn't have the chance.

Being able to pass the audition was entirely due to her own image, temperament and acting skills. She was the most outstanding among several auditioners and met the requirements the most.So in addition to switching jobs to work for Mike, she also plans to continue attending acting training classes to improve her acting skills.

Although she entered the entertainment industry very early, because she was always short of money, her performances were all figured out by herself, which was just wild.

This method cannot be said to be bad, but if she can improve it through professional training, wouldn't it make her better?

After chatting for a while, the two quietly adjusted their status and prepared for the audition that was waiting for them.

Not far away, Liu Tianxian and Megan were in a completely different state.

Perhaps because she had played the same role in "Admission", Megan felt no pressure at all about the upcoming audition. She took the initiative to chat with Liu Tianxian about her previous filming of "The Bourne Supremacy" and her relationship with Liu Tianxian. Wayne's 'close encounter', complimenting how great Wayne's body is.

Liu Tianxian, on the other hand, was extremely nervous because it was her first time to participate in such a 'formal' audition. Megan's 'bragging' could just help her disperse the pressure and reduce her nervousness.

At the same time, she could also learn from Megan and learn about what to do and how to do it during the next audition, so the two of them kept chatting.

Until a woman with dark brown curly hair, wearing a brown casual windbreaker, tall and looking full of aura, came to the backcourt area accompanied by her agent.

"Look! Look! Meghan, look! It's Susan Sarandon! It's really Susan Sarandon!"

Maybe he got some information in advance and did some homework. Liu Tianxian only took one look and recognized that this was Susan Sarandon. She looked like a star-chasing girl seeing her idol. He grabbed Megan’s arm hard, and his breathing became rapid with excitement.

In contrast, Meghan's reaction was much duller. She just glanced at Susan Sarandon not far away, then calmly withdrew her gaze and looked at Liu Tianxian with a look of disgust.

"It's just Susan Sarandon. What's all the fuss about?"


Liu Tianxian turned his head and looked at his new friend in shock, thinking that this guy might not have a serious problem with his head.

"Oh my God! Meghan, what are you talking about? That's Susan Sarandon! Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon! This is my first time to see Oscar-winning actress so close!" Liu Tianxian used He exclaimed softly in an exaggerated tone.

Although I don’t want to admit it, the Oscars of this period are recognized throughout the world as the highest award in the film industry, and the Oscar for Best Actress can also be regarded as the highest honor for an actress.

It is no exaggeration to say that the international recognition of an Oscar-winning actress is comparable to that of an actress winning Grand Slams at three major European film festivals!
Now it was the first time for her to see an Oscar-winning actress so close in real life. This was the first time!Could she not be excited?

But after listening to it, Meghan still looked disapproving.

"I'm just an Oscar winner. In my last movie, "Happy Death Day," which is currently in theaters and has exceeded 2.2 million in North American box office and [-] million in global box office, I also worked with Oscar winner Anthony Hopkins. Here~"

 Please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket~~~
  Ps. Anne's character is more self-righteous and feels good about herself, so what she thinks is just what she thinks.

(End of this chapter)

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