Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 68 How to ensure that you pass the audition?

Chapter 68 How to ensure that you pass the audition?
Megan couldn't help but raise her chin as she spoke, looking very proud.

Liu Tianxian couldn't help but stare, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After all, from the perspective of fame, status and commercial value, an Oscar winner is indeed far superior to an Oscar winner, which can be reflected in the salary.

"In addition, in my opinion, the fame and status of Hollywood's A-list actresses are higher than those of Oscar-winning actresses," Meghan continued.

"For example, Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet, and Nicole Kidman, who I worked with in "The Bourne Supremacy" that Wayne is filming, I think Wayne must be like this too. I think so, otherwise he wouldn't have hired these three people to star in "The Bourne Supremacy" with a production budget of over 1 million."


Liu Tianxian was immediately speechless.

She was just young and not stupid, so how could she still not hear that Meghan was just showing off?

But what she didn't know was that this was actually Megan's true thoughts, and it was also the path she was prepared to take.

Oscar is the highest honor for an actor, but she wants to be a star!

The kind of big star who is sought after by countless people under the spotlight and lives a luxurious life in private!

Although Liu Tianxian is about the same age as Meghan, he has thought about this issue because he grew up in a different environment and has not been exposed to Hollywood for a long time.

However, in this world, she entered Hollywood ahead of schedule, so thinking and making this choice is not too far away. To be an actor or a star, or to be both, the difficulty and price she has to face will be completely different.

"Okay~" Liu Tianxian also followed Meghan's example, shrugged, and then asked with some confusion: "But do even Oscar-winning actresses like Susan Sarandon have to audition? I mean, she You should have already signed a contract, right? Do Hollywood movie queens also want to audition?"

Although Liu Tianxian didn’t explain clearly, Meghan understood what she meant.

"Didn't I just say that? It's not a big deal for Oscar-winning actresses, and they are not omnipotent. Maybe it's an image problem, maybe it's something else. Anyway, Oscar-winning actresses will still have roles that they don't perform well or are not suitable for."

After a pause, Megan lowered her voice by a dozen decibels and whispered: "These main roles, including the roles played by you and me, were actually decided by Wayne alone."

"However, Wayne is not a tyrant or dictator. On the contrary, he respects the director's opinions, so the audition process is also the final test."

"If the director, screenwriter, and producer feel that the person is not suitable, and Wayne doesn't necessarily need this person, then he will still replace the person even if he signs the contract."

"So the next audition is actually very important to us!"

Liu Tianxian, who had just relaxed a little, suddenly became nervous again when he heard this.

"Ah? Is that so? I thought this audition was just a process."

Megan couldn't help but roll her eyes and gave her an expression of 'You're overthinking', which immediately made Liu Tianxian even more nervous.

"Then how can we ensure that we pass the audition?" Liu Tianxian couldn't help but ask.

When Megan heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched and she sneered, thinking about how to ensure that she passed the audition.

But then she thought of something, a smirk flashed in her eyes, and she said seriously: "Want to ensure that you pass the audition? It's very simple~"

"Very simple?" Liu Tianxian blinked a little cutely, and asked anxiously: "Then what should we do?"

Meghan smiled slightly and said: "It's really simple, just become Wayne's girlfriend, just like Jessica and Charlize Theron. And that Naomi Watts and Anne Heather Wei probably got such an important role because she climbed into Wayne's bed." After hearing this, Liu Tianxian was dumbfounded.

But within seconds, she had Meghan showing the same expression.

"But didn't Wayne go to Europe? Even if I wanted to sleep with him, it would be too late!"


Meghan looked at her dumbfounded, and three big greetings seemed to pop up in her head.

"Don't they say that Chinese people are more conservative in that regard? How come this guy in front of me can say this so frankly?"

"Um, are you really Chinese?" Meghan couldn't help but ask.

Liu Tianxian obviously didn't understand why she suddenly asked this question, but she still nodded and said, "Yes, I am Chinese, but after following my mother to study here, I switched to American nationality."

"How many years have you been studying here?" Megan asked again.

"Not a few years, maybe less than three years!"


Megan was completely speechless because she knew very well that three years is enough for the campus culture here in Millikin to completely change a person's personality.

But then she thought that Liu Tianxian was about the same age as her, and even if he wanted to take the initiative to embrace him, he would definitely be rejected by Wayne, which made her feel much better.

After all, if this is the case, then someone can feel the pain of sharing the same style as her.

When a woman sees a handsome guy who is attracted to her but cannot communicate in depth, it feels just as aggrieved and depressed as when a man sees a beautiful woman who is attracted to him but can only look at him.

Liu Tianxian on the side didn't know her 'insidious' thoughts.

Since she couldn't rely on off-site power at this time, she could only reopen the script and start reading it seriously.

To be honest, she is still a bit arrogant and ambitious. She wants both acting skills and fame.

Auditions officially began soon.

Although Meghan looks down on Susan Sarandon a little, she is an Oscar-winning actress after all and is currently the biggest actor in this movie. So in order not to waste her time and respect her status, Su Shan Sarandon was of course ranked first.

"Hi, Miss Sarandon, long time no see!"

In the audition room, Susan, Gus Van Sant, and Alan Ball behind the judges' table saw Sarandon coming in. They all stood up and greeted her. After all, in terms of qualifications, Su Shan Sarandon is indeed much taller than them.

Of course, they will not be merciful to Susan Sarandon's audition performance, but will have higher requirements for Susan Sarandon.

However, there are still two reasons why Susan Sarandon was able to win the Oscar statuette for her acting skills.

Moreover, she came prepared this time and did not take it lightly. The fashionable, simple and luxurious outfit she wore was designed by a professional stylist, which fit the image of Evelin in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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