Chapter 69 The Charm of Money Ability
"Then let's get started!" Susan nodded to Gus Van Sant beside her.

Although she is a producer representing the employer and sits at the judges' table, strictly speaking, there is no absolute relationship with this audition, even if it is Naomi Watts and Anne Hathaway. The performance was really bad, and it was not impossible to be replaced, so she decisively handed over the decision-making power to Gus Van Sant, a great director who was nominated for an Oscar, and she just became a quiet spectator.

Gus Van Sant had communicated with her a long time ago, so he didn't hesitate to pick up the script and clicked on the two most critical scenes of 'Evelyn'.

One is that after Evelin learned that 'Betty' had an amazing mathematical talent, she rushed over ecstatically and persuaded the protagonist, who was to be renamed 'Lawrence', to let her send 'Betty' to her for training.

Susan Sarandon needs to show a temperament that, although strong, will not arouse the backlash of 'Lawrence' who is prejudiced against her, but will make 'Lawrence' weigh it carefully and finally agree.

This scene is also a small test of the script written by Alan Ball.

After all, there will still be some differences when words on paper turn into spoken lines. Although famous screenwriters like Alan Ball should not make such stupid mistakes, it is better to test it now than to burn money when filming starts. Isn't it better to check on one side?
It’s not just the producer who needs to consider production funds, a qualified director must also take these into consideration.

Facts have proved that even if Alan Ball, the 'best screenwriter', is watery, it should not be too much. There is no problem with the script and it is actually very exciting.

Also great is Susan Sarandon's performance.

In this scene, she showed a very high level and grasped the mentality and character of the character 'Evelin' very well.

At this time, 'Evelin' actually didn't think she was wrong.

In her opinion, if you have talent, you should make good use of it. There is nothing wrong with her wanting to train her daughter to become a world-famous mathematician, but her daughter is too ignorant and insists on going against her.

As a result, she gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock, became impoverished, and later contracted an incurable disease and died early. In her opinion, she even felt that she was being punished for her disobedience.

So she is actually proud in her heart.

But she is not a fool and can achieve good results in business. Her IQ, emotional intelligence and ability to communicate with others are certainly not bad.

When she treated her daughter like that before, she felt that as a mother, she didn't need to care too much about her daughter's emotions. She could be more direct when speaking and doing things, as long as she knew she was doing it for her daughter.

But at this time, she had understood a little bit, not to mention that 'Lawrence' had stopped treating her as a mother, so she changed her communication method and persuaded 'Lawrence' like a cunning businessman.

At this moment, 'Evelyn' played by Susan Sarandon not only showed the arrogance of her mother, the purity of the scholar, but also perfectly integrated the temperament of the businessman, making Gus Van Sant unable to help himself. He opened his mouth to praise.

After watching it, Susan felt even more amazed and happy.

"It seems that Wayne has a very good eye for picking people. His image and acting skills are just like the real Evelyn."

Susan couldn't help but secretly think about it, and at the same time she also began to appreciate the charm of Qian's ability.

After all, who else but Wayne would really invest more than 1000 million US dollars in such an independent film and assemble such luxurious stars as Gus Van Sant, Alan Ball, and Susan Sarandon? combination?If she were to make this movie, she would probably only hire less famous actors and control the production budget to between 100 million and 150 million.

After all, reducing production costs, reducing the risk of failure, and pursuing higher returns are what a normal producer does, right?

Gus Van Sant then arranged a second audition for Susan Sarandon. The content of this audition was that after "Evelyn" heard the court's ruling that "Betty"'s custody rights belong to "Lawrence" , that look of shock and collapse, and then when 'Lawrence' and 'Betty' took the initiative to find her and reached a reconciliation with her, that reaction of despair and hope again.

This scene is not difficult to say, but it is not easy to perform well.

Newcomers like Megan and Liu Tianxian will definitely not be able to perform. Anne has many years of experience in campus stage plays, but she cannot perform in this state.

Even a 'veteran actor' like Naomi Watts, who has been in Hollywood for many years, would have improved her acting skills if it hadn't been for the last "Mulholland Drive" under the guidance of the great director David Lynch. Even if he breaks through, he probably won’t be able to play such a role.

But for an Oscar-winning actress like Susan Sarandon, it can’t be said that it’s not difficult at all. I can only say that it’s really not that difficult.

"Lawrence, you guys"

A few simple words, combined with the sudden action of 'Evelin' who was slumped on the chair and raised her head, as well as the surprise, disbelief, and secretly hopeful look in her eyes, directly made her... Alan Ball, who played opposite her, was stunned.

"Haha, it seems that our best screenwriter has evaluated this audition with his true reaction." Gus Van Sant laughed upon seeing this and terminated Sarandon's audition.

Then he turned to look at Susan questioningly.

Although Susan has given him the decision-making power for this casting, he will not really ignore Susan's opinion, but no one with some emotional intelligence will do this.

However, Susan herself is a bit of a Sarandon fan, and she is very satisfied with Sarandon's performance just now, so naturally she will not raise any objections.

"That's it for today's audition. All the preliminary work of the crew has been prepared, so if Miss Sarandon joins the cast tomorrow, there should be no problem in terms of time, right?"

"Of course there is no problem." Sarandon nodded and said with a humble smile on his face.

It's just a matter of adjusting her schedule. Anyway, as long as the money is in place, anything can be said. Even if she is an Oscar-winning actress, she can't resist the charm of money.

Susan then personally escorted Sarandon out of the audition room, then escorted her to the elevator before returning.

At this time, Naomi Watts, who was auditioning for the second time, had also walked into the audition room and began to prepare for the audition.

"This is the actor chosen by Mr. Wayne. He just played one of the heroines in the two-heroine thriller and suspense movie "Mulholland Drive" directed by David Lynch some time ago."

(End of this chapter)

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