Chapter 71
It is not that there are no child stars in Hollywood. Although there are not many with good acting skills, they are not without them. They may reach the level of Dakota Fanning. With the same exquisite, cute and spiritual appearance, it is a bit exaggerated to say that they are unique, but Gus is careful. After thinking about it, it seems that there is really no better five- or six-year-old actor than Dakota Fanning.

"Where did Mr. Wayne choose this Dakota Fanning? Her vision is really amazing!"

This time Susan was no longer the only one who thought so, even Gus couldn't help but sigh at Wayne's vicious eyes.

In addition, he also admired Wayne's "boldness".

With a real investment of more than 1000 million, the first and second female roles were given to two actors with no reputation at all. If it were replaced by him, he would never be able to do it.

As a result, Wayne, who was having in-depth exchanges with Eva Green in Zurich, once again received a wave of praise.

"Down there is Miss Anne Hathaway!"

When Dakota Fanning left the audition room with an excited smile, it was finally Annie's turn to audition next.

Perhaps it was because of the failure of such an important audition before. The moment Annie stood up from her seat, she felt uncontrollably nervous again.

My heart was pounding, almost jumping out of my chest.

Annie, who sensed something was wrong, quickly tried to adjust her emotions and relax.But how could she possibly adjust in just a dozen steps to the audition room?
".I'm Anne Hathaway, I starred in "Happy Death Day."

Clever Annie thought of stalling for time by introducing herself, which finally eased her nervousness.

It's just that at this time, her acting skills are really average. Even though she has received special training from her acting teacher, she can only barely meet the minimum standards of Gus, a great director.

In addition, compared to Sarandon, Naomi and Dakota Fanning who were in front of Pearl, Annie suddenly stretched her hips so much, so Gus looked expressionless throughout the whole process. Needless to say, even Susan only had a formulaic polite smile on her face.

This made Anne, who had also been paying attention to their reactions, feel her heart pounding.

After I finally learned that I had passed the audition, I breathed a sigh of relief as if I had escaped from a disaster, and I couldn't help but feel lucky to be chosen by Wayne.

"Meghan, look, what happened to the one named Hathaway? Why did he look like he was about to collapse after he came out? Is this audition really so difficult and scary?"

Not far away, Liu Tianxian had been observing everyone who came out of the audition room. This is what most people present would do.

But unlike the previous encouragement brought to her by Naomi and Dakota Fanning, Annie's appearance really frightened her a little.

"The audition shouldn't be difficult," Meghan thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's because Anne Hathaway is not good enough, so even with Wayne's recommendation, she will definitely be nervous."

Although Megan's words were about Anne, in Liu Tianxian's ears, there was always a feeling that they were talking about herself.

"What about me? Can I really meet the standards of directors and screenwriters and pass this audition?" Poor Liu Tianxian couldn't help but become nervous again. Moreover, he was still young and it was his first time. When she participated in the audition, her adjustment ability was not as good as Anne's.

Until she got up and walked into the audition room and stood in front of the three Gus, the tension did not get better at all. Instead, it reached its peak at this moment.

But to paraphrase fantasy novels, Liu Tianxian is extremely lucky because the role Wayne prepared for her is that of a cold female academic.

The cold and cold female academic leader is contrasted with the lively and lovely 'Betty' to highlight the important role that 'Lawrence' plays in the growth of 'Betty'.

What would become of 'Betty' if she really lived with 'Evelyn' for a long time.

Due to cultural differences, most people here in Millikin would not want their children to become nerds, even if they have good grades.

At this time, Liu Tianxian was too nervous, so although her body movements were a bit stiff and her lines were stumbling, her expressionless look, combined with her own temperament, was really in line with the setting of a cold academic master. .

"She is the girl that Wayne just took a fancy to a few days ago. She has not studied acting and has not had time to do surprise training. However, there should be time for her to improve before the official filming starts."

Perhaps thinking of Wayne's vicious vision in the previous castings, although Susan was a little dissatisfied with Liu Tianxian, after hesitating for a while, she still whispered a few explanations to Gus beside her.

This also made Gus, who originally planned to kill Liu Tianxian, decisively change his mind.

It's just a supporting role with only three or four scenes at most and less than 30 seconds of play. It's not the protagonist. Why would he offend the investor Wayne for such a small role?
"I understand." Mr. Gus nodded slightly to Susan, then looked at Liu Tianxian again, with a polite smile on his face, and said: "Congratulations, Miss Liu, you passed this audition. But I hope you can find an acting teacher to learn your acting skills before the filming of your scene officially starts, at least you won’t be as nervous as you are now during filming.”

"Thank you, director! I understand! I will definitely find a teacher to learn my acting skills when I go back. I won't be as nervous as I am now."

Relieved and ecstatic.

At this time, Liu Tianxian hurriedly thanked Gus, but at the same time he somewhat understood Annie's previous feelings.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Susan, who had finished all the auditions, immediately called Wayne and reported the list of people to him.

"Well, did Liu Qianqian pass the audition too?"

"Yes, but she was a little nervous during the audition, so the situation was not good. I plan to ask Mike to help her contact an acting teacher so that she can improve her skills before the filming of her scenes begins." Susan did not Be polite and tell the truth.

However, after hearing this, Wayne thought for a moment and shook his head and said: "Don't find an acting teacher for her. She is just fine in her natural, unmodified state. As for the issue of filming tension, we will find a way to make her less nervous." Just be nervous~”

Susan was stunned for a moment, but she had graduated from a major and had been working as a producer for so many years, so she immediately understood what Wayne meant.

 Please recommend, please ask for a monthly ticket~~~嘤嘤咒~~~
(End of this chapter)

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