Chapter 72
Some actors were quite spiritual in acting when they had never learned acting. However, after learning acting, they lost this spirituality due to formulas and routines, thus losing their most outstanding characteristics, which was not worth the gain.

Wayne didn't want to lose this spirituality just because Liu Tianxian debuted in Hollywood early. What if Wang Yuyan, Xiao Longnu and most importantly, sister Ling'er disappeared?
Without the blessing of these halos, Liu Tianxian's charm will be greatly weakened!
"Okay, I understand what you mean. I will tell Mike and ask him to warn Liu Qianqian."

"Well, that's good. If nothing happens, I'll hang up. I'll start filming right away."


After hanging up the phone, Wayne continued to discuss the next filming work with Doug Liman and Mia.

His main role today was to use the terrain and panicked crowds inside the consulate to escape from the pursuit of the guards armed with guns and nuclear bombs who came later.

Most of the scenes are relatively simple. As long as the extras don't make mistakes, there will basically be no problems on Wayne's part.

Mainly the last part, when 'Bourne' almost fell from the rusty iron window sill, and how to shoot the scene of climbing along the outer wall of the building at a height of five floors, Doug Liman gave Three different options were proposed.

The first is live shooting, using stuntmen.The second is an indoor set, which Wayne himself did.

Each of these two shooting options has its own advantages and disadvantages. The former can make the whole process look more real, but it needs to minimize the exposure of Wayne's face.

Although the latter is safer, there is still a certain difference between the scenery and the real effect, and more time is spent on preparation.

Of course, it is also possible to combine the two methods.

Some of the shots were shot with stuntmen in view mirrors to create a sense of realism, while the remaining shots were shot on indoor sets, mainly for close-ups of Wayne's face.

The original "The Bourne Supremacy" used this method.

Although it looks more realistic and the effect is good, if compared with Tom Cruise's "Mission: Impossible", to be honest, it is a bit far behind.

Wayne didn't want to compare himself with Tom Cruise. He came to enjoy life and enjoy the wonderful life of cheating, and he didn't want to be a desperate guy like Tom Cruise.

But what if there is no difficulty or risk at all?
To be honest, with his current physique, as long as he didn't completely lose his balance and lose control of his body, he would probably not suffer any fractures to his face if he jumped from the height of the fifth floor. At most, it would be just a contusion.

And with his strength and body control, it was very easy for him to move with just his hands, not to mention climbing on the window edge with his hands and feet.

After all, while he has strength that exceeds that of Hercules, he is not so heavy and bloated with muscle burden.

So he decisively proposed the idea of ​​filming in real locations and going into battle in person, but Doug Liman and Mia were also unexpectedly firmly opposed.

Doug Liman was worried that if he was injured, it would affect his subsequent shooting schedule. Mia also had this consideration, but she was more concerned about his physical safety, so no matter how Wayne guaranteed it, she would still He didn't agree, so in the end Wayne simply got started and walked aside to demonstrate his free climbing ability.

Seeing that Wayne climbed to the fifth floor in just ten seconds without any protective measures, and his body was more flexible and strong than a monkey, Mia was a little angry, but finally agreed with him. proposal.Now Doug Liman had no objection.

However, the necessary protection work still needs to be done. While the prop master was preparing outside, several people also returned indoors and began to shoot the indoor scenes.

It is worth mentioning that Eva Green, who originally only had the scene yesterday and was planning to leave today, has temporarily stayed on.

She didn't expect that Wayne would be able to add drama to her after just having an in-depth exchange. She stayed because she simply wanted to have more in-depth exchanges with Wayne.

After all, this kind of thing is not only liked by men, but also by women. Even though Eva Green is just 20 years old now and has not yet reached the age of being like a wolf and a tiger, who makes Wayne himself so good-looking?

However, Wayne generously asked Doug Liman to add a scene for her. When the lobby manager was backed up by Wayne at gunpoint, the staff member played by Eva Green behind the counter secretly pressed the button. The alarm went off.

Although there are no lines in this scene, there is only one shot, and the time is only a few seconds.

But this is a single scene in a commercial blockbuster with a production cost of more than 5000 million. In Hollywood, it is enough to make [-]% of unknown actresses volunteer for their lives.

For Eva Green, what she values ​​more is that her efforts in Wayne will be rewarded. This is a rare and precious quality no matter where in the entertainment industry.

So after finishing her role that day, Eva Green resisted the urge to go back to the hotel and fall asleep. She first went to some kind of underwear store and toy store to buy some things for fun.

It was a great pleasure when Wayne came to her for in-depth communication at night.

"Eva, I think you shouldn't waste your time staying in France. France is said to be the center of the European art world, but in fact the stage is still too small. You should go to Hollywood as soon as possible."

Under the dreamlike orange light, Wayne held Eva Green in his arms, caressing her skin as smooth as suet jade with his palms, and said seriously.

France's film and television culture is quite developed, and the Cannes Film Festival's international status is indeed pretty good.

But the focus there is mainly on art films, and there are also competitors such as Germany, Italy, and England. The level of commercial films is really average.

Eva Green comes from an elite family. Her father is a well-paid dentist, and her mother is an actress and children's novelist. She also earns a considerable income, so she does not have to worry about expenses and can still afford a good education.

But like in my previous life, I didn't star in an art film for the first time until 03, and didn't go to Hollywood until 04. It's still a bit of a waste of time.

"But my family doesn't have many connections in Hollywood." Eva Green said truthfully.

She usually looks like a big woman, but when she puts on smoky makeup, she looks like a queen. At this moment, she clings to Wayne like a clingy kitten.

(End of this chapter)

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