Chapter 76 Too Generous
Do you want to open more painting galleries?It's very simple. Find Cheng Long and Jet Li as the protagonists. Although these two people are not as famous in Hollywood as they are in China, they are not small at all.

Because Jet Li came late and had fewer works, his fame and salary are slightly lower, but now he can still get a salary of 600 million US dollars for one movie.It is relatively high among second-tier male stars.

And Cheng Long, who broke into Hollywood early, successfully promoted himself to Hollywood's first-line star with the help of the huge sales of the two movies "Red Zone" and "Rush Hour 1". If he is filming the sequel of "Rush Hour", he can definitely get it. Remuneration of more than 1000 million yuan.

If "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was starred by these two people, and with the blessing of their fame, Sony Classics, which bought the copyright, would never only give it a pitiful number of openings of 16, or at least 1500 starting points.

If it is a modern action movie starring Cheng Long, it can even get more than 2000 openings.

But the protagonist of this movie is Zhou Runfa. In China, Fa Ge's reputation is not much inferior to Cheng Long and Jet Li, but in Hollywood, Fa Ge is much worse than the two.

In addition, apart from the fact that the lead actor is not well-known, the previous box office performance of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was very average, which was also an important factor affecting Sony's decision.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was first screened at the Cannes Film Festival in May this year. Now it has been released in China, Singapore, Malaysia, Bangzi, Thailand, and other countries and regions. It has been almost three or four months.

But the cumulative 'global' box office is only 1000 million US dollars.The box office in mainland China was a pitiful less than 200 million US dollars.

However, his production cost was as high as 1500 million US dollars, which is definitely a loss based on the current box office.

In this case, unless a time traveler like Wayne knows that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" will inexplicably hit the aesthetics of North American audiences, grossing 1.28 million at the box office in North America, and due to various Oscar nominations, The global box office has also skyrocketed. Otherwise, who would invest so much money to expand the number of theaters for "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"?

"Jingle Bell--"

At this moment, the landline phone in the room suddenly rang, breaking the dull atmosphere.

A young man who looked like an apprentice by the phone quickly picked up the phone. After a few words of um, he said to Master Ba: "Master Ba, he is your agent in Hollywood. He said he is La Film would like to ask you to be the action director of a movie.”

"Hemera Films? Doesn't this name sound familiar?" Someone next to him murmured, stroking his stubble-covered chin.

"Hemera Pictures is the production company of the currently popular movie "Happy Death Day"." someone explained.

Immediately afterwards, someone exclaimed: "Is this the production company that sold "Happy Death Day" with a global box office of over 2.3 million for less than 4000 million?"

"The production cost is only 1200 million US dollars!"

Someone curled his lips and said, which immediately made that person speechless.

At this time, the apprentice who answered the phone continued: "Your agent said that the other party is very sincere, and the salary was directly raised to 100 million US dollars per unit!"


Before he finished speaking, there was another sound of vigorous breathing in the room.

A salary of US$100 million is certainly incomparable to big-name celebrities like Cheng Long and Jet Li, but compared to other people sitting here, that is Dad.

The most important thing is that this salary is just for serving as an action director.

"The other party must have other requirements, right?" Master Ba asked very calmly.Because he knows very well that Hollywood is full of people who can't afford to be early, and even after the success of "The Matrix 1", his salary was only about 70 US dollars.

If the other party is willing to offer such a high price, there will definitely be other additional conditions.

"Yes, the other party not only offered a salary of 100 million for each film, but also when filming the sequel, for each additional film, the salary will be increased by 10% compared to the previous one——"

"Huo! That's so generous!" someone muttered.

"-But the condition is that I will sign a contract with you for seven movies at a time. According to the agent, Hemera Pictures has great ambitions. It is likely that they plan to make a series of movies, at least five to seven movies."

After a pause, the apprentice continued: "Your agent wants to agree as soon as possible. He said that there is no other person in Hollywood who can give an action director such a salary."

"Master Ba, what do you think?"

Ba Ye flicked the ashes of his cigarette coolly and said with a smile: "What do I think? Of course I sign it~ This guy went up to the pole to give me money, why don't I sign it? At this price, I can take all seven movies. You can retire directly~"

"Then I will reply to your agent?"

"Well, reply!" Ba Ye raised his hand and said.

At this time, someone asked doubtfully: "Master Ba, aren't you going to bargain with the other party on the price? What if there is a conflict with the schedule or something?"

Ba Ye glanced at the man lightly. He didn't want to explain at first, but when he thought that the other person was also his junior, he still opened his mouth and gave instructions: "Hollywood is different from ours. In Hollywood, all the jobs you mentioned can be left to you. Your agent will handle it, and you can absolutely trust your agent.”

"They will find ways to coordinate schedule conflicts, and they will do their best to fight for you in terms of interests."

"When agents are so eager to facilitate this matter, it only means that the price offered by the other party is too high, and there is no room for raising the price. If you go to talk to them at this time, you will only get nothing. Losing face and hurting feelings.”

After hearing this, the man quickly bowed his hands respectfully, showing an expression of being taught. At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart. It would be great if the country could be so worry-free.

But in most cases in China, most brokerage companies and production companies are integrated.

"Then Master Ba, why don't you ask what movie it is?" Zhang Ziyi, who was sitting next to Li An, couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Master Ba glanced at her with a half-smile and said, "Hollywood production companies will come to me. It's just some action scenes or action designs in science fiction films. After signing the contract and getting the script, it will be natural Just know it.”

Thinking of Zhang Ziyi's talent, strength and ambition displayed during the filming of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Ba Ye hesitated for a moment and decided to sell her a favor.

"Xiao Zhang, if you are interested, I can tell you after I sign the contract. If the other party needs action actors, I can also recommend them to you."

"But if you really want to develop in Hollywood, it's best to find an agent here first. The recommendation from an agency is much more useful than a martial arts instructor like me."

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Ba!" Zhang Ziyi quickly stood up and thanked her.

(End of this chapter)

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