Chapter 77 Come to sign a contract
Today's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" has not yet become a box office hit in North America, and Zhang Ziyi is just a new second-tier star in China Entertainment who is somewhat famous for her status as a "girl hunter".

So she attaches great importance to any small opportunity to climb up.

Especially in Hollywood, she can be said to have no foundation at all. Ba Ye is willing to give her a personal favor to support her, which really makes her very grateful and excited.

In this day and age, the highest-paid Asian female star is probably Yang Ziqiong next to her. She can probably get about 150 million to 200 million US dollars in salary for a movie.

Hong Kong entertainment superstars like Liu Tianwang and Zhou Xingxing only receive about 120 to 150 million US dollars in salary.

As for mainland superstars, male stars only earn 600 to [-] million soft girl coins, and female stars are much lower.

As for her, a newly minted second-tier star, her salary for starring in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was only 13 yuan, which was less than [-] US dollars according to the exchange rate at that time.

Compare Cheng Long's 1000 million U.S. dollars and Jet Li's 600 million U.S. dollars, and you will know why everyone is thinking about going to Hollywood.

"By the way, I heard that the boss of Hemera Pictures is the recently popular star Wayne Anderson, and his agency is WMA. In addition, Jessica Alba, the heroine of "Happy Death Day" , also recently switched jobs from CAA to WMA. If Xiao Zhang is really interested in this project, he might as well go to WMA and ask when looking for an agent."

Li An on the side also spoke at this time.

Like Master Ba, he is also very optimistic about Zhang Ziyi's potential, otherwise he would not have asked her to star in his movie.

After hearing this, Zhang Ziyi quickly thanked her again, and at the same time secretly kept this matter in her heart.

Whether it's for fame or profit, she is very ambitious and wants to make a career in Hollywood.But compared to running around here like a headless fly without any foundation at all, it is obvious that projects with the participation of senior Ba Ye have a greater chance.

The status and voice of the action director in the crew may not be high, but it is not low at all.

Coupled with Ba Ye's past achievements and the importance shown by the high salary offered by Hemera Pictures to Ba Ye, if Ba Ye is really willing to help her, he can at least help her get a job in the movie. Small characters who can show their faces.

This is a much higher starting point than the [-]% of young actors with no background.

So that night, Zhang Ziyi asked her personal assistant to find out how to get to WMA. Early the next morning, she put on exquisite makeup, put on fashionable and decent clothes, and took a taxi to WMA.

"Hello, I'm Zhang Ziyi. Is Mr. Wayne Anderson's agent here?"

The service lady at the front desk looked Zhang Ziyi up and down and noticed that she was dressed in expensive clothes. She glanced at the personal assistant next to her and showed a polite and friendly smile.

"Hello, Miss Zhang, do you have an appointment with Mr. Jones?"

Zhang Ziyi, who had long expected that this situation might happen, kept her expression unchanged, took out the business cards of Li Min and Yuan Baye that had been prepared, and said: "I am an actor from China, and I plan to come to Hollywood to develop in the near future. , so Director Li Min and Mr. Woo Ping Yuen recommended me to come to WMA. Director Li Min is the Chinese director who won the Best Foreign Language Film at the 67th Academy Awards for "Eat Drink, Man, Woman", Mr. Yuen He is the action director of "The Matrix". If you ask Mr. Jones, you should know that Mr. Wayne Anderson's Hemera Pictures is preparing to collaborate with Mr. Yuan on a series of commercial blockbusters."

The lady at the front desk opposite looked at the two business cards handed over and frowned slightly.

If she were just an ordinary Chinese actor, she wouldn't take it seriously at all. Like most white Americans, she still has a bit of contempt for people of color.

But if it was recommended by a director who won a fairly important award like the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, she would have to take it seriously.

As for the cooperation between Yuan Baye and Hemera Pictures, she had not heard about it.Zhang Ziyi didn't know that Hemera Pictures, or Wayne, often skipped the WMA when selecting people, and chose whoever came to mind.

Not to mention the front desk, even Mike, the agent, may not know it, so it would be difficult for her to tell Yuan Baye's name at this time.

But at this time, the receptionist thought of Liu Xiaoli and Liu Tianxian who had been brought into the small building by Mike himself a few days ago, so after hesitating for a moment, she said wait a moment, then picked up the phone and dialed Mike's office. Internal number.

"Sorry to bother you, Mr. Jones, there is a Miss Zhang Ziyi at the front desk who wants to see you. She said she was recommended by Director Li Min and Woo Ping Yuen. She is a Chinese who has just arrived in Hollywood and wants to develop here. Chinese actor."

Mike on the other end of the phone turned on the speakerphone and it didn't affect the work at hand, so he listened very patiently.

"Director Li Min? I seem to have heard of this name."

"It is said that he is a Chinese director who once won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film."

"Then bring her to my office."

"Okay, sir."

Although Mike is currently in a state of great success and has made a comeback, his status in the WMA is no longer the same as before, but he has not yet become complacent.

And he knew very well why he was valued by Wayne, and his status as a director who won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film was not low, so he still planned to take a break from work and take some time to meet Zhang Ziyi.

A few minutes later, there was a gentle knock on the translucent glass door of the office.

"Please come in!"

Mike said as he stopped what he was doing and stood up on his own initiative.

I don’t know if Zhang Ziyi is very in line with Western aesthetics. When the door was pushed open and Zhang Ziyi walked in with her assistant, Mike was obviously stunned for a moment, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

In his eyes, Zhang Ziyi is much more beautiful than Liu Tianxian, so...
Is this person also Wayne's woman?

Thinking of this, the smile on Mike's face instantly became more friendly. At the same time, his heart felt calm and he completely eliminated all distracting thoughts.

"Hello Miss Zhang, I'm Mike Jones. Please sit down. Do you need anything to drink?"

After the two parties sat down, Zhang Ziyi directly stated her purpose of coming. This was also the experience she gained from Michelle Yeoh.

According to Michelle Yeoh's teachings, finding an agent here and finding an agent in China are completely different concepts. Just state all your conditions directly, including your connections, background, and capital. , hiding and tucking will actually lower the other party's evaluation of you.

In addition, don't try to lie and exaggerate. Hollywood agencies are more powerful in intelligence gathering than private detectives. If you lie and exaggerate at this time, it will only reduce your credibility.

So Zhang Ziyi directly shared her past acting experience, some of her personal connections, and some of her talents and abilities, and she said straightforwardly that she wanted to find Mike as her agent because she wanted to get into the "Resident Evil" world. crew.

(End of this chapter)

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