Chapter 78 I doubt your aesthetics

"The project you are talking about should be "Resident Evil", right?"

After thinking for a moment, Mike said: "As far as I know, the official scripts for the first two installments of "Resident Evil" have not yet been released, and it will still be about two months before the official launch.

However, if you have the relationship with Wayne's personal action director, it shouldn't be difficult to play a supporting role with a few scenes.

If there is a suitable role after the script is released, maybe you can even get a role with lines. This is what I can get for you.

As for the roles with more scenes, they are basically all appointed by Wayne himself. In all the movies produced by Hemera Pictures, the main roles are basically appointed by him himself. "

"Then can I meet Mr. Anderson?" Zhang Ziyi couldn't help but ask.

Because of the operation of Wayne and Hemera Pictures, she inexplicably thought of China Entertainment.If that's the case, as long as Wayne is dealt with alone, he can get a good role.

Mike couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

"I'm sorry, I also wanted to take you to meet Wayne. Unfortunately, he is currently filming in Europe. It is also a series of blockbusters independently invested by Hemera Pictures with a production cost of 5500 million US dollars. It is expected to take two It won’t take more than a month to come back.”

After a pause, Mike showed an exaggerated expression and continued: "And most of the actresses in Hollywood today have heard about Wayne's generosity and commitment, and want to meet him, communicate with him in depth, and please him. Actresses can line up from here all the way to the beach in Santa Monica."

"As for you," Mike looked at Zhang Ziyi carefully again. After feeling that Zhang Ziyi was indeed very beautiful, he said, "If you sign a contract with me and become my client, the conditions I can give you are the same as just now, but I can give you the same conditions next time. Tell Wayne about your situation when you call him, and try to create an opportunity for you to meet him when he comes back."

"Just a chance to meet?" Zhang Ziyi frowned subconsciously, obviously unwilling to do so.

"Yes, it's just a chance to meet," Mike explained patiently with a smile: "Do you know where Wayne lives? A luxurious estate in Beverly Hills worth 1500 million U.S. dollars. Even the all-pervasive paparazzi in Hollywood, They all stay away from that place and can't get close. It's not as easy as you think to see him."

$1500 million?In 2000, the capital city could have bought dozens of courtyard houses, right?

There was a look of shock in Zhang Ziyi's eyes, and she also realized that this was America, and a capitalist's rights and status here were much higher than those in China.

In China, if you want to meet the boss of a production company, you can't just meet him, let alone here?
Of course, thanks to America's party culture, there is still a chance to meet if you really want to.

It's just that Wayne rarely attends those parties unless necessary. Therefore, many Hollywood female stars who have thoughts about Wayne gradually find that it is almost as difficult to meet Wayne as it is to meet the CEOs of the Big Seven. It's difficult.

After listening to Mike's explanation, Zhang Ziyi made the decision to sign a contract with Mike after just thinking about it for a moment.

Even if she can't see Wayne, just because Mike can fulfill the previous conditions, she will already be compensated. After all, she can't imagine that "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" can actually turn around at the box office when everyone is not optimistic about it. It was a big hit, and she went from being unknown in Hollywood to becoming a fourth-tier female star. She was spotted by Cheng Long and invited to star as a villain in "Rush Hour 2".

Of course, even then, a small supporting character with lines in "Resident Evil" is still a very good and high-quality resource for her.

But then she would have to consider schedule conflicts.


But for an ambitious and capable female star, schedule conflicts have never been a big problem.

If this happens, she is confident that she can handle it.

Then Mike first confirmed with Susan that Wayne had indeed appointed Yuan Baye as the action director of "Resident Evil", and after signing seven films in one signing, he completed the contract with Zhang Ziyi on the same day.

It is worth mentioning that without Wayne's butterfly wings, in this parallel world, Zhang Ziyi, who also wanted to have greater development in Hollywood, would have signed with WMA next year.

However, not every male star can become Cheng Long and Jet Li, and not every female star can reach the height of Michelle Yeoh.

Even with the WMA behind her and a certain Jewish tycoon, Zhang Ziyi's development in Hollywood was not smooth. Except for a slight splash in "Memoirs of a Geisha", there was no movement. In the end, she had to shift her development focus again. Back to China.

But now, the trajectory of her destiny has obviously changed dramatically.

After completing the signing, while sorting out the contract, Mike noticed that Zhang Ziyi was lingering, as if she didn't want to leave yet. After thinking about it for a moment, he understood what she was thinking.

So he said: "Miss Zhang, if you have any ideas in the future, you can tell me directly."

While picking up the phone, he looked at the time and called Wayne.

"Hi Mike!"

"Hi, Wayne, you should have finished your work over there, right? My calling you now shouldn't delay your good work, right?"

"Not yet, so you need to cut the story short and hurry up~"

"Well, it's the action director of "Resident Evil" that you designated. He introduced a client to me. Like Liu Qianqian last time, he is also a Chinese, and in my opinion, he is much prettier than Liu Qianqian. Why? Like, are you interested?"

"Fake, Mike, who do you think I am?" Wayne's voice pretending to be angry came from the other end of the phone.

Zhang Ziyi on the side had no idea that Mike would say such a thing so openly and directly, even in front of her as the client!

But this is Hollywood, this kind of thing is not called unspoken rules, it is an explicit rule.

"Okay, I doubt your aesthetics, so what's the name of your client?" Wayne changed his tone in a second and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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