Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 84 The Tangled Julia (3 updates! Please subscribe)

Chapter 84 The Tangled Julia (Third update! Please subscribe)
"Although we lost one, ah no, eight small targets, it is still good news."

In a happy mood, Wayne suddenly felt that Kate Winslet, who ran over to greet him as soon as he checked into the hotel, seemed to have become more beautiful.

"Kate, I heard that the night view in Paris is also very beautiful. How about we go for a walk together?" Wayne said proactively.

To be honest, he didn't think the Kate Winslet in front of him was very beautiful. At least from his aesthetic point of view, Kate was much worse than Jessica and Anne in terms of appearance and temperament, and compared with Charlize Beauties like Theron and Nicole Kidman are even more incomparable.

However, Lucy's aura still made him very willing to have an in-depth communication with Kate.

Kate, perhaps because of Wayne's handsome appearance, or perhaps because of Wayne's status and energy, obviously also had the idea of ​​getting close to Wayne. After hearing this, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing an elegant and charming smile. , agreed without hesitation.

Of course, although Paris today is not almost completely occupied by African black uncles as it was 20 years later, there are still many areas that have become very chaotic because of the existence of these people.

When he took Jessica and the three of them to play during the day, he even saw two black uncles on motorcycles robbing passers-by's wallets on famous attractions such as Alexander III Bridge. This made his sense of Paris plummet. In addition, Hannah was specifically asked to help contact the PMC company here, and several more security personnel were added to the crew.

It was not convenient to bring a bodyguard when going out alone with Kate, so he just walked with Kate on the bustling Champs Elysées, looked at the Arc de Triomphe, and returned to the hotel after shopping for less than an hour.

Next, when I sent Kate back to her room, I was naturally invited into the room to have a cup of coffee, and then naturally I had an in-depth exchange with her.

But what surprised him was that Kate's fighting ability was not as high as he thought, and she screamed "I'm sorry" after just over an hour.

Seeing this, Wayne did not stay in her room for the night. Instead, he took a shower and returned to his room.

Even in the next few days, he did not take the initiative to go to Kate for in-depth communication. This made Hannah and the three of them look like they had seen a ghost and thought he was sick.

As a last resort, Wayne could only spend a few hours to prove with practical actions that there was no problem with his ability in that area. He did not go to Kate again. Kate, who had just exhausted the halo of Ruth, was already used to eating delicacies from all over the world. For him, it's just not attractive at all.

"Weird aesthetics!" Hannah couldn't help complaining again, and then Wayne slapped her on the butt without mercy, leaving a red mark.

The angry Hannah immediately got up, ready to give Wayne a look, but in just 5 minutes, the little energy she had just recovered was exhausted again, and then she flipped up and down, and was taught a good lesson by Wayne.

Although Wayne doesn't like Kate's figure and appearance, he still approves of her acting skills and attitude towards acting.

The role she played didn't have many roles, and there wasn't much room for development. However, when she suddenly learned that a killer was hunting down 'Bourne' and 'Mary', and that it would also affect her, her husband, and children, The man was pale, holding his child tightly, patting the child's back gently and saying, 'It's okay', while looking at 'Bourne' and 'Mary' with eyes that were a mixture of nervousness, fear, complaint and many other emotions. 's superb acting skills, but Wayne almost didn't catch it.

"Sure enough, to be able to win an Oscar and not be called the 'Water Queen' yet, even if you borrow the power from outside, you are still very accomplished," Wayne couldn't help but secretly sigh.

On the day of Kate's last scene, Julia Roberts, who plays the No. 2 killer, also arrived on the set.

Wayne didn't know the reason, but he could feel that Julia Roberts was obviously much more enthusiastic towards him this time.He just tested it a little bit and asked Julia Roberts if she wanted to have a drink with her tonight. Julia Roberts agreed so readily, which made him put his guard up, thinking that Julia Roberts should Don't you have any trouble and want to ask him for help?

After hesitating for a moment, Wayne still asked curiously: "Julia, have you encountered anything troublesome recently? I think you don't look very good."

"Really?" Julia Roberts subconsciously touched her face first, and then realized what Wayne was up to.

"It's not an annoying thing," Julia Roberts explained with a wry smile: "Danny is my new boyfriend. He proposed to me, but I was still hesitant to agree. After all, we just met. It took several months.”

It dawned on Wayne.

He thought it was something, but it turned out to be this!
However, he understands Julia Roberts's distress very well. After all, indulgence before marriage is completely different from indulgence after marriage.

According to the customs here in Millikin, it doesn't matter how indulgent you are before marriage, but because people here attach great importance to family, if you continue to indulge after marriage, once you are caught by the paparazzi and exposed, it will definitely arouse the resentment of many movie fans. and boycott.

But even at her level, in order to obtain certain high-quality resources, sometimes she has to pay a certain price.

Once you get married, it will be somewhat inconvenient.

At the same time, Wayne also roughly guessed why she became so proactive.

According to the historical trajectory of her previous life, Julia Roberts successfully won the statuette at the Oscars ceremony in January next year. After her popularity and status are further improved, it should not be too long before she agrees to her boyfriend's proposal, and in 02 When she got married to her boyfriend.

He is so proactive and enthusiastic about Wayne now, probably because he wants to have as much fun as possible before getting married.

Knowing that this was not a trap or a trap, Wayne felt relieved and gave Julia Roberts a warm response.

However, after this in-depth exchange that lasted for more than two hours, the exhausted Julia Roberts lay in Wayne's arms, but her heart was even more tangled.

It's a bit of a loss to give up the entire forest outside just for a crooked neck tree!

Perhaps with the idea of ​​having fun once and for all, Julia Roberts became more active in the next two days.

I was busy filming during the day, and as soon as I finished work, I immediately took Wayne to have dinner and have an in-depth exchange of ideas. I simply refused to waste a minute of my time.

This made Wayne very helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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