Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 85 Is there an unspoken rule? (4 updates! Please subscribe)

Chapter 85 Is there an unspoken rule? (Fourth update! Please subscribe)
To be honest, to him, Julia Roberts is similar to Kate Winslet before. Apart from the star halo that attracts him, she is very average in terms of appearance, figure and temperament.

It's like a person who is used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas. It's fine if you let him eat a simple meal once in a while to change his taste. But if you let him eat two or three meals in a row, it will be a bit miserable.

It's just that Julia Roberts is much more proactive than Kate Winslet, but it would be too offending if he refused.

Thinking about Tony Stark in the movie, most of his crises come from being the meanest and offending people. Wayne feels that before he is strengthened into Superman, he should try his best to be kind to others.

So he could only experience the style of this popular Hollywood A-list actress for two more nights, and it wasn't until Julia Roberts' scene ended that he was finally 'liberated'.

It is worth mentioning that although Julia Roberts had about 5 minutes of scenes opposite him, the filming was completed in only two days because they were all shot together and the shooting was very smooth.

Julia Roberts, who has a taste for food and drink, didn't want to leave so soon. Unfortunately, she still had to prepare for her film "Never Compromise" to win the Oscar. Some public relations could only be handled by her personally, so she had no choice but to do so. Reluctantly, I took the plane back to America.

"Haha, dear, how have you been these days?"

When Wayne returned to the room, he rolled his eyes angrily when faced with the teasing of Hannah and the other three, and then an inexplicable thought came to his mind.

".I feel like I'm being tampered with."

"Unspoken rules?"

Wayne shook his head, without explaining, and picked up Jessica who was covering her mouth and snickering next to her, and was ready to enjoy the beauty of delicacies from the mountains and seas again.

However, he soon learned a piece of news that made him extremely depressed, that is, Jessica and Hannah's relatives were here.

"How can it be so coincidental?"

"No way, it's just such a coincidence~"

Wayne stared at the two of them suspiciously for a few seconds, then turned to look at Mia.

Mia smiled and said: "Sorry, dear, although my relatives are not here, but don't forget, I am still busy with equipment transfer today."

Wayne originally wanted to say that it would be nice if others kept an eye on this kind of thing, but when he thought that Mia was also a career-minded type, he sighed helplessly and didn't force it anymore.

"Okay, dear, have you forgotten that you still have a lover here in Paris?" Mia reminded.

Of course, Wayne has not forgotten Eva Green, a French beauty who may not be exquisite in appearance, but has a very charming figure and temperament.

He just thought that after hanging out for three days, he should go back and take care of the emotions of his decent girlfriends.

"Well, since we don't have to film today, how about we go out for a walk? We only visited for one day last time, and there are still many scenic spots that we haven't visited yet." Wayne thought for a while and said.


"That's a good idea!"

Hannah and Jessica's eyes lit up, and they agreed almost without hesitation.

So now it was Mia's turn to be depressed. "Okay, dear, I wish you and these two Bichi have a happy holiday~!" Mia glanced at the three of them, then turned around and left.

Seeing this, the three Waynes couldn't help but smile, and then happily discussed which attractions they should visit today.

Well, if it is a slightly remote attraction, you must bring a bodyguard.

Completely opposite to their leisurely lifestyle, Susan and Gus practically lived in the editing room of Hemera Pictures, busy with the post-production work of "Girl Genius".

Gus was originally unwilling to do this. After all, he was a big-name director and needed to have vacations and human rights. But for the sake of money, he reluctantly agreed.

After all, his salary is not paid all at once like Wayne, but is paid in several parts.

After Mia said that as long as the production could be completed as soon as possible and the copyright was sold, he could get all the remaining salary directly without waiting for the film to be released in North America. Gus suddenly became full of enthusiasm. Come to think of it, after all, that part of the salary is a full 100 million US dollars. Getting it now is obviously different from getting it a few months or even half a year later.

Under the temptation of such benefits, on the day when Wayne took Hannah and Jessica to play, that is, December 12, the first cut version of "Girl Genius" was cut.

Susan resisted the urge to call Wayne and only called Serra and screenwriter Ball, as well as the starring Naomi and Sarandon to participate in the internal viewing meeting.

"What do you think?"

Three hours passed in a blink of an eye. As the picture on the curtain disappeared and the lights in the projection room came back on, Susan nervously asked everyone for their opinions.

"Bauer, what do you think?" Seeing that no one seemed to be the first to speak, Susan directly started to name names.

"I think it's good. There's nothing to modify." After thinking about it carefully, Bauer said seriously.

The script he wrote is of a very high level, but Gus's skill as a director is not bad at all. Although there are a few places that are inconsistent with his description in the script, it is not bad when presented in the movie screen, so he really I don't think there is anything that needs to be modified.

"What about Sarandon?" Susan looked at the experienced Oscar-winning actress again.

"From the perspective of an ordinary viewer, I think such a movie is definitely worth the price of admission." Sarandon thought for a while, and did not evaluate it from the perspective of a professional actor, but from the perspective of an ordinary viewer. Perspective says what one feels.

Of course, how to attract audiences into cinemas is a matter for the distribution company.

Susan then looked at Naomi. Seeing that she also thought the movie was great and had nothing to comment on, she finally turned to look at Sierra.

"As a mother, I think this movie has a good appeal to me. Even the first cut version is enough for me to watch it intently without feeling bored, and it even brings me some feelings and reflections, so... Let's make the official release version as soon as possible, I can't wait to sell this movie at a good price~" Serra said with a smile.

At this time, Susan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her slightly tired and haggard face.

"Gus and I will try our best to complete the final version within three days, so today's film screening will end here. You can do your own thing. I will call Wayne to report first."

So 5 minutes later, Wayne, who was playing in the Louvre, received a call from Susan.

(End of this chapter)

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