Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 86 Immeasurable merit? (5 more updates coming! Please subscribe!)

Chapter 86 Immeasurable merit? (Fifth update coming! Please subscribe!)

"Hey Wayne, didn't bother you?"

"No," Wayne stopped subconsciously and asked with a smile: "You called me at this time, are you going to tell me that the post-production of "Girl Genius" has been completed, right?"

Susan on the other end of the phone couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she heard this, and said speechlessly: "How could it be so fast! But the first look version has been cut, and the internal viewing session has just ended, so I called Seth. La, Ball, Sarandon and Naomi attended this screening, and they all spoke very well of the film."

"What about you? What do you think of this first version?" Wayne asked again after listening.

"Me?" Susan was stunned for a moment when she heard this, and then said: "I am the producer of this movie. My evaluation will definitely have a supervisory emotion, and it is difficult to give a fair evaluation."

"Then put aside your identity as a producer for the time being and act purely as an audience and see if this movie can attract you~"

Susan was silent for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "I know, I will try to do as you say, but are you really not going to take a look? I can ask the assistant to bring the copied disc. The film will be sent to you by plane."

Wayne touched his chin after hearing this.

If he doesn't have to bother himself with flying back and forth, and it seems that there is plenty of time before the scheduled official viewing of the movie, then it's not impossible for him to watch it.

But just when he was about to speak, an exclamation suddenly came from Jessica not far away, which immediately made him frown.

"No, Susan, you have to believe in yourself, and I need you to become an independent producer as soon as possible! Not just me or Mia's executive producer, so come on!"

After saying that, Wayne hung up the phone without giving Susan a chance to speak again, and walked quickly towards Jessica and Hannah.

Jessica was seen holding her Chanel limited edition handbag in shock, while Hannah next to her, together with two bodyguards, directly pushed a black couple to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Wayne asked with a frown, ignoring the pair of black curses.

"These two guys are two thieves. They wanted to steal Jessica's handbag, but I found out!" Hannah said, while letting go of the black one under his hand, and holding down the black one. The job was handed over to another bodyguard, his tone full of disgust.

After hearing this, Wayne also showed a disgusted expression.

He encountered robberies and thefts twice during his two trips, and it happened to them the second time, which made his impression of Heihei and the city of Paris plummet.

And what was even more unexpected to him was yet to come.

The security guards of the Louvre came after hearing the news, and after understanding the situation, they were taken directly to the security room along with the two Heihei.

There was surveillance, so there was nothing to argue about the criminal facts of the two Hei Hei, but the two security guards actually used the excuse that the two Hei Hei were injured by the bodyguards to help the two Hei Hei ask for three thousand US dollars in compensation. , which simply pissed Wayne off.

"A den of snakes and rats, right? Are you being unreasonable to me?" Wayne was secretly angry.

Being kind to others has long been thrown aside by him.

He would definitely not give the money, but he didn't want to go through the trouble of finding a lawyer, so he just asked the bodyguard from the local PMC company to settle the matter.

The other party readily agreed to such a small matter, and it was only a phone call away, and it was done in less than 10 minutes.But is this the end?not at all!
Wayne, who was still angry, directly offered [-] US dollars and asked the PMC company to give the four guys a hospital gift package for one and a half years.

Faced with such a generous employer, these guys who were usually bodyguards but were more vicious than terrorists in private naturally agreed happily.

After all, with such a large sum of money, they could usually be hired to kill a small gang leader with 30 or [-] people.

So when Wayne returned to the hotel that night, he saw several photos of four people blindfolded and tied down in an alley full of garbage and rats. Among them was an unlucky guy with all the bones in his calf exposed. Come on, it is estimated that even after the connection is completed, there will definitely be permanent sequelae.

Now Wayne was finally happy.

However, his impression of the city of Paris was extremely poor. After all, it was the Louvre!

The quality of black people in the United States is also generally very low, but at least in the Metropolitan Museum, there won't be such a situation like a nest of snakes and rats, right?Even if he showed up, he wouldn't attack him so blindly, would he?
"Honey, what if those guys have gang backgrounds and want to take revenge on us?" Mia came back and asked with some worry after learning about the incident.

Although she grew up in a single-parent family, she had been well protected by Sera since she was a child. She had not had much exposure to the dark side of society, so it was normal for her to be worried.

Wayne smiled and pulled her into his arms, first kissed her on the cheek, and then comforted her softly: "If that's the case, I will let them experience the power of banknotes. Even if the local PMC is unreliable, we And there’s Old Hart, right? I believe Old Hart is still happy to take over this business.”

As one of the specially hired action directors of the crew, Mia of course knew Old Hart, a former CIA agent, and immediately felt relieved after hearing this.

Seeing this, Wayne also changed the topic and continued: "Speaking of which, I also want to thank them."

"Thank them?" Mia and the other three looked at him in confusion.

"Yes, thanks to them, I have already thought about what to shoot in the next movie, but I don't want to come to this damn ghost place like Paris anymore, so I'd better leave the leading role to others~" Wayne explained with a smile road.

Obviously, the movie he was thinking of was "Taken" starring Oscar winner Liam Neeson, who completely destroyed Paris.

It is worth mentioning that the screenwriter Luc Besson and director Pierre Morel of this movie are both French, so it is the most ruthless to use one's own people to take advantage of one's own people!

In this life, Wayne plans to put this action blockbuster, which has received both word-of-mouth and box office success, on the screen in advance, just to let the world know earlier that Paris is no longer a romantic city, but a place of outright crime.

It is no exaggeration to say that he can definitely save many innocent girls by doing this, which is definitely a meritorious deed.

In addition, the cautious Wayne also moved some scenes that were originally scheduled to be shot in Paris but could also be shot elsewhere to Germany.

For no other reason than to contribute less tax revenue to the inactive government.

And that would have eliminated some of the local black actors originally slated to be hired.

Anyway, in his future movies, except for Hei Hei like Morgan Freeman and Will Smith, who he finds quite pleasing to the eye, don't even think about Hei Hei being able to play any positive roles.

 The fifth update will be sent, please subscribe~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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