Chapter 87 Giants Gather
In the next few days, just as Wayne expected, no gangs came to cause trouble, and no police came to investigate. In short, everything was calm and the filming work continued as usual.

At the same time, the final version of "Girl Genius" was officially completed on the night of December 12th with Gus's overtime work.

"Phew, it's finally done!" Gus took a deep breath and turned the remaining half of the cigarette into a ball of scattered ash. He complained: "If the production time is still so tight next time, don't do it. They are looking for me, no amount of money will do.”

Susan just smiled when she heard this, but she disagreed in her heart. No amount of money would do it?Are you kidding me? Who in Hollywood has trouble with money?

"Okay, Gus, you need to eat something and rest first. I'll notify Sierra and ask her to come over and let's check it out together."

Gus muttered something vaguely again, probably something like 'overtime is too hard', 'no human rights', etc. Then he took the sumptuous dinner brought by Susan's assistant and gulped it down without any image. Start eating.

If you want a horse to run, you must feed it well.

So although Susan has been keeping Gus in the editing room and dubbing room these days, she has tried her best to meet Gus's requirements in other aspects.

Not just food, but even if Gus needed something like that, she would not hesitate to immediately order her assistant to spend $[-] to find two beautiful call girls from the San Fernando Valley to satisfy him.

Therefore, although Gus complained on his lips, he didn't have much resentment towards Susan or Hemera Pictures in his heart.

A few minutes later, Sierra, who was also working overtime to prepare for tomorrow's film screening, came to the editing room and checked it out with Susan.

I have to say that the official version is much better than the first cut version. After watching the official version, Sera’s worries have been relieved for the most part, and she has become more confident about tomorrow’s official screening. .

At 9 a.m. the next day, an energetic Sierra walked into the screening room with Susan and Gus.

At this time, the screening room, which was more than 100 square meters, was almost full of people.

All production companies, including the Big Seven, basically have one senior executive, plus two senior film purchasing experts present. Among them, the person from Warner is still Vice President Charlie Williams and Andrew Wiggin. Si and Steven Wilson, it seems that the last time they missed the blockbuster movie "Happy Death Day" has not affected their positions.

On the Miramax side, Harvey Weinstein personally came to the battle. As soon as he saw Serra, he walked up enthusiastically, lowered his posture and held Serra's hand.

"Haha, Ms. Hemera, the last time we met was at the celebration party of "Dawn Until Dawn", right? Four years have passed in the blink of an eye, and Ms. Hemera is still stunning! I heard that last time At the screening of "Happy Death Day", a guy said bad things about me? He said that Harvey Weinstein was a coward? Haha, to be honest, he was right, but if I encounter a movie as good as "Happy Death Day" again I will definitely buy the work even if it’s a piece of cake, and we can even change the way the transaction is done.”

Harvey, who had been talking nonsense for a long time, finally got to the point.

Of course, with so many people present now, he definitely couldn't elaborate. After all, this was his trump card in the competition due to lack of funds.

Although Serra noticed this, he remained calm and kept a polite smile. After a few simple greetings with him, he went to deal with people from other publishing companies.

It is worth mentioning that this time the representative of DreamWorks is none other than Steven Spielberg, one of the three giants of DreamWorks, who is as famous as Cameron.

To be honest, not only Serra, but everyone present couldn't help showing surprised expressions when they saw Steven Spielberg in person.

Naomi and Annie in the corner, Megan and Liu Tianxian who came with Mike, and Zhang Ziyi who had nothing to do with this movie and was just here to rub their eyes, all showed shocked expressions. .After Mike introduced them to the identities of the other guests one by one, they learned that the Big Seven had also sent a vice president.

"I never expected that the Seven Giants of Hollywood would attach so much importance to Hemera Pictures," Zhang Ziyi couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

Megan on the side could not help but nodded secretly.While I was shocked, I also had a better understanding of the influence of Hemera Pictures.

Yes, in terms of scale, Hemera Pictures can only be ranked in the middle and lower reaches of Hollywood's medium-sized production companies.

However, the successive sales of "Admission Notice" and "Happy Death Day" still attracted great attention, including the Big Seven.

Especially for the movie "Happy Death Day", DreamWorks can earn close to [-] million U.S. dollars in gross revenue from the box office alone. Counting disc sales and TV rights, such revenue really makes the Big Seven really excited. His eyes are red!
Therefore, this emphasis will continue until the movies produced by Hemera Pictures fail.

"By the way, Sister Ziyi, isn't the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" you starred in premiering today?"

"Yeah, but the premiere is in the afternoon. I'll go there after the screening is over," Zhang Ziyi replied absently.

Originally, she came here to take the opportunity to expand her network of contacts, but now this game is too high-end, and it would be counterproductive for her to rush to talk to someone.

With no choice, she could only continue to chat quietly with Liu Tianxian and Megan.

After half an hour, the movie viewing officially started.

As the lights in the screening room dimmed, everyone sat upright and looked at the big screen in front of them.

And film purchasing experts like Wilson, who came with a mission, had already picked up a pen and notebook and were ready to start evaluation.

"Hey Betty, it's time to wake up, I've got a special breakfast ready for you."

"Lawrence, I've already gotten up, okay! I'm wearing the new clothes you bought me. Damn, they are really ugly. I look like a cartoon character."

Much like the original, the movie opens with a conversation between Lawrence and Betty through the door.

The reason why Betty's face was full of reluctance was not because Lawrence asked her to get up, nor was it because the new clothes she bought didn't suit her taste. In fact, it was because she didn't want to go to school.

Because from a very young age, she realized that she was much smarter than the children around her of the same age, and she had already taught herself to the high school level in mathematics.

This would force her to go to school again and study 2+2 and 3+3 with a group of first-grade kids, which she would definitely be reluctant to do.

But Lawrence's words left her speechless.

 Ask for recommendations, ask for monthly tickets, 嘤嘤咒~~~
(End of this chapter)

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